Scout Evades/Fear Cloak/Mage Instant cast.

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Elwin, Mar 23, 2013.

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  1. acoloss Active Member

    exactly.. a brig/swash/ranger/assassin can kill someone in the time it takes for evade to wear off.. and if it's about too wear off, they can just cheapshot you just in case.. then use EM, just in case as well.
  2. Davngr Well-Known Member


    so you want to turn the "fear cloak" quest into the next epic quest?

    i'll HAVE to do this quest if i want to stay relevant in pvp?

    further more you can't even begin to compare this moronic fear cloak with using a shield since using a shield does not completely STOP all hostile action and leaves you defenselessness for any amount of time. since all the immunity procs are gone THIS FEAR CLOAK NEEDS TO GO TOO.
  3. acoloss Active Member

    no.. you don't have to do it.. it's a choice.. do you want more dps, or do you want more cc? .. it's your choice.

    didn't you have to do a quest for your epic weapon?
  4. Davngr Well-Known Member

    sure but that's an iconic game event that everyone did not some crappy cloak that helps scrubs win at pvp. because if you use this cloak, make no mistake about it, you're bad at pressing buttons.
  5. acoloss Active Member

    come on.. everyone who reads these forums read you argue with Xeos and he made yourself look very new.
    especially not knowing how to spec your own class.
  6. Davngr Well-Known Member

    new? not knowing how to spec my class?

    i guess that's why i own every single assassin that enters bg with me?

    yes, i chose not to spec for broken carnage but that was my choice. i choose not to use scrub procs and choose to be the best player i can be with out exploiting bad player abilities/items but that doesn't mean that bad players should be allowed to do it.


    oh and i never saw xeows in any bg's game and still never see him.. so what does that tell you? nerfs come down and scrubs run for the hills.
  7. acoloss Active Member

    you didn't even know about the spec.. that's why you didn't choose it.. after xeos explained it to you, you did it, then realized it was powerful.. you see.. i always have evidence to back things up that i say.. do you want me to link the thread?

    wow.. ok, yes, of course you are the best assassin in the game.

    p.s. not defending fear proc.. just saying .. it's another dumbing down due to LS (loser syndrome will be now be LS from now on)..
    while we are at it.. lets nerf all UD procs, ST Tank Charm, and i will list all the other items we don't have, that these other groups do have.. and which are much harder to get.
  8. Davngr Well-Known Member

    i was in beta.. how exactly could i not know about the spec?
    i just chose better control over my damage rather than a proc and i parsed just as high as xeows ever did and still do so your point is?

    yes, nerf ALL the PVE procs in pvp since that's what devs set out to do. go ahead and list them all and some dev can get it done. add in new pvp procs if they want but sorry i don't feel bad over some scrubs losing their bad player procs.

    oh and your "loser syndrome" could just as easily be applied to the cry babies here who don't want to lose their scurb proc, so your point is?

    evade is fine the way it is or it could be changed to "taunt immunity"
    mage insta-cast is frankly fine the way it is as well since you have to build to that level and when you die it's gone and you have to build to it again. if anything i guess the duration of the buff could be shortened in pvp.
  9. rruken Active Member

    acolas you are a great player and a cool guy but you lack common sense... no damn way a melee group has any advantage over a mage group you are insane... takes alot more skill, timeing, and coordination to spike a whole group down using melees. with that said its not that hard to do against your average mage group. but you take equally skilled players and go melee group v mage group the mage group has a huge advantage but its still not impossible for the melee group to win with skills and good timing. i dont think mages need to be nerfed but maybe add some self taunt immune onto evade or something. a good warlock group doesnt even have to target or assist as they kill any 2 healer setup in 5 seconds or less with ther burn... and its the whole group dieing at the same time so it doesnt even matter who ther targeting really it takes alot less skills with the easymode mage group setup. you put a good tank against the melee setup makes a huge difference where mage groups dont even matter cuz they blow up tanks as well. this is why youll never see the fisherman run with a melee group!

    as far as the fear cloak goes its an unbreakable fear... if it had a chance to break when you take damage its not nearly as game changing imo. stifle shoulders a proccable 6 second stifle being the longest stifle in the game is a complete joke on an assasin with frontload. all these cc proccing items can go! make people use ther class cc to win fights instead of winning based on a lucky proc or 2.

    mage insta cast seems to be the killer vs any setup tho... warlocks hit 3 insta cast spells and kill the entire group through wards before they even hit the ground from the rift plus throw in a fear proc on both the healers at the same time the fight is over. procs shouldnt be a deciding factor and it doesnt matter if both melee and mages can use that cloak becasue the proc rate isnt even close.

    with that said my melee group will keep practicing and keep trying to beat that stacked easy mode setup most of you run with!
  10. rruken Active Member

    not trying to get any classes nerfed would like to see fear cloak and stifle shoulders removed from pvp as these items are game changers and fight winners
  11. acoloss Active Member

    @5min40seconds .. watch this fight.. a scout with fear cloak and stun poison procs.. no idea how this proc makes mages more OP when we use it than when a melee group uses it... procs 3 times i believe.. together with stun procs

    and stun poisons
    5minutes in... check the stun procs... so.. a melee group + fear cloak + stun procs, = less powerful than mages with just fear cloak?.. i think not.

    p.s. how do you like dirge DPS in 1 v 1?

    Fear cloak procs for melee, 1 in 3 range autoattacks i'd guess.. stun proc seems to proc from every range autoattack.

    all i'm saying is.. LS = Excuses all day.. but the funny thing is.. these excuses are not the reason why these guys lose.. it's because they are just not very good @ pressing buttons, choosing gear, and working as a team.

    If they think they lose because they don't have fear cloaks, then spend 1 hour and get them, and still lose.... alternatively.. dumb down the game some more, and still lose.

    either way.. i really like these discussions.
  12. acoloss Active Member

    Dryken.. (another member of this team).. you are completely wrong.. make a mage group and show us/// you have only just come back to the game.. a mage group is NOTHING like it used to be.. a warlock can no longer destroy a group.. especially when people now time aoe immune s correctly... and a warlock group can kill a good healer without targeting him?? lol.. you are way out of date.
    A Swashy does INSANE aoe dps.. you said yourself how you do 20k dps in group pvp.
    Your melee group should win a mage group every time..

    and dryken.. you are the number 1 for excuses when you lose in this entire game. and you know it, no hard feelings <3

    edit: what was the excuse against the chaotica group with a conj that won u in CL 2 days ago?
  13. Belo New Member


    See your not getting the point Acoloss is trying to make. Can't all melee groups throw the entire group up in the air, fear them while in the air, and get off instant cast dps casts? According to Acoloss they should be able to do this, if not, your just lacking skill imho
  14. rruken Active Member

    lol warlocks cant blow up a whole group at the same time? your groups done it to my group a few times and that is not a skill factor... i dont wanna see mages nerfed but i do wanna see the proc gear nerfed for all classes..

    nobody said you guys win because of fear cloaks. your group is very solid and your not winning just off the group setup nut what im saying is your mage setup takes 500% less skill to group pvp with.

    and about me parsing 20k... thats in aoe spec at a warfield i parsed 26k against an x2 in 5 minutes... i bring that spec to a 6v6 im doing more like 13k of splash dps that doesnt kill anyone.. you already know i dropped the aoe spec my parses in 6v6 is doown to around 10k give or take a little bit.

    like i said before it doesnt stop our melee setup from trying to improve. and we still ask to 6v6 any easymode setup you run with every chance we get... and no im not wasting building an easymode mage group like everyone else does thatd be way to ACO of me <3
  15. acoloss Active Member

    where are these darkhand players that were good that you were talking about? still waiting for their names.

    lol.. Rift.. assuming not aoe immune... now you are picking at class abilities.. imagine rift is a stun interrupt.. the throwing in the air is a graphical effect.
    Dashing Swathe, or whatever it calls does the same or MORE dmg that rift, and stuns/knockbacks.. and together with ae autoattack and other aoes, they can be feared if they wore a cloak.. second.. you can cast CAs faster than 99% of nukes.
    please just stop unless you actually know what you are talking about, as i will just embarrass you further.

    they way you talk is like me saying...
    Templar make their group immune to CC effects for xx seconds.. this is OP
    A Shaman casts wards, so it means the players have xxx more HP so are harder to spike
    A Brigand can reduce your mit so much that the next CAs are gunna destroy you.
    A Ranger can stay far out and hook shot you, as well as doing assassin DPS.
    A Cleric can DA
    A Crusader can be perma immune to fear
    A Zerker can do insane DPS
    An Enchanter can lock you down so you can do nothing.

    you want me to go on?
  16. acoloss Active Member

    dryken.. yestarday, when we fought 40 times on my dirge and you won 4 matches.. i screen shotted everytime you died.. i have 36 excuses, each one different..
    you suffer from LS more than anyone in eq2 nagafen.

    a melee group and mage group are balanced.. you just don't have the skil or players or leadership to win.

    and.. p.s. i didn't make a dirge for a mage group.. as I said.. i'm really looking forward to the near future.. just be patient before you break the game.

    edit: what was your excuse 1.5years ago, when we owned your melee groups when autoattack 1 shotted? as melee groups with aoe cloak, were clearly OP compared to mage groups..
  17. rruken Active Member

  18. rruken Active Member

    i fed that last post up read the bottom!
  19. rruken Active Member

    gotto bring up 1v1s now cuz your upset lol ill admit losing to you 1v1 you want a cookie? you can kill a swash on a bard doesnt make you special! also fought your troub ill tell everyone now your troub killed me 6 fights to 1 death right after. this thread isnt about friendly 1v1s we were having dont take it personal its not my fault your stupid
  20. rruken Active Member

    1.5 years ago when you defensivly specced your group but couldnt kill anyone and spammed immacualte revival all day?
    i remember killing each of your group members 10x each fighting for an hour but never could finish you guys. your a great bard and a great leader in 6v6s but this thread isnt about you its about pvp balance so go post your ****** videos elsewhere. go ahead throw me on your vids like anyone gives a ****
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