SC appearance gear that we want

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-alabama, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-DeemonEQ Guest

    when might this new armor see the light of day pray tell? my warden would buy black n white stripey stockings in a heart beat
  2. ARCHIVED-Canis_Lupus_Argentum Guest

    Tekadeo wrote:
    +1 for the armor.
    Please don't let the mention of nunchuks below the photo cause anybody to completely overlook the armor cuz we all know how long nunchuks have been asked for/demanded and haven't happened.
  3. ARCHIVED-agentsix Guest

    To be honest, non-Gi appearance armor for Monks is pretty lacking.
    Maybe something like this:
  4. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    I'll contribute something else: Player illusions, preferably of NPC races. Think sort of like the petamorph wands, but with an auto-consume option and unlimited charges. Here's some NPC race illusions I'd like to see:

    Eq1-style Erudite
    Ry'Gorr orc (See my sig. IMO, the Ry'Gorr get up in my sig is probably one of the better Ry'Gorr appearances; the rest look funny, particularly the armor.)
    Crushbone orc
    Emperor Fyst
    Thullosian ogre
    Najenaar/fire ogre
    Avazek, from Drunder
    And maybe a goblin illusion, like the ones from Runnyeye. Yeah, there's a Santa Glug illusion you can get, but I'd rather have one without the Frostfell get up. And maybe those illusions that have the basic human or ogre animation skeleton could have the player emote animations, too.
  5. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    Novusod wrote:
    My characters wouldn't be caught dead prancing around in a little outfit like that.
  6. ARCHIVED-agentsix Guest

    Malevolencexx@Nagafen wrote:
    Is it the outfit or the prancing? Cuz I'd like to seem 'em prancing in some Mara clothes :D
  7. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    Oh, two more. Armored Rujarkian orc (First picture) or old school orc (second picture). Always need more orcs!

