Rhoen Theer's Slain Gods...who are they?

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Xalmat, Apr 21, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Urgol Guest

    Looks like 4 slain gods is a bit too little a number for r.t., taking into consideration the vasteness of the universe and the probable number of dieties in existance on different worlds. Where is the info coming from about the runes being aspects of his victims?
  2. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Urgol wrote:
    Good point. He is the avatar of the Nameless, the god who created existence itself. Who's to say there arn't other gods out there who aren't part of Norrath's pantheon?
    On the other hand, we have no way of knowing that he did. The gods of the Norrathian Pantheon may be all there is to the entire universe. There may be other planets out there, but maybe our gods look over them too, and just don't tell us or have any reason to tell us or connect us to them. If I remember correctly, the lore contained within the Omens of War expansion in EQlive says the dragonoid race that lives on the planet we travel to were created by Veeshan.
  3. ARCHIVED-Vaedaer Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Vesagran, which might as well be Veeshan, there was also a story of a dragon that died and his bones formed Kuua or part or something weird like that. It's been too long, but the Dragorn creator was Vesagran.

    I guess i could log on and try to get the book to drop again and check *shrugs*
  4. ARCHIVED-Erlandor Guest

    Gods and Demigods...
    You may consider half of the Pantheon "demigods" if you think about those who represend Elemental power...
    Fennin Ro, Tarew Marr...
    Both have children among the pantheon. Erollisi & Mithaniel, Solusek....
    I imagine having read about (in the text that describes the beginning of Lore fomr EQ2, the council where the gods decide to leave norrath) that Quellious herself talks about "even those oh us who sit on the greater planes of elemental power..."
    Which means there are separate "classes" of gods...
    Also the Lore about Roen Theer says that he has been in charge of keeping the Balance, until the gods became greedy and did'nt want him to interfere with their plans...
    So maybe it isn't the whole pantheon who is responsible for his banishing into the void..?
    Or they had a council and argued over it just like with the decision of leaving norrath...
    How ever they got rid of him ( though it seems to be not that hard for a bunch of gods, if we mere mortals could kill him...) - i guess it was just to be able tu influence norrath, gain more power and all this without the risk of the Sentinel as a showstopper...
  5. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Erlandor@Valor wrote:
    "Demigods" are very expressly stated as being mortals who were turned into gods. There's only about half a dozen mortals who actually became demi-gods compared to the two-dozen+ actual gods in the game.
  6. ARCHIVED-Thanriyon Arkhelt Guest

    Whenever I think of ther Theer story, I also got the impression that the gods that imprisoned him pretty much included the entire Norrathian pantheon - But not the Elemental Gods, after all, they created the majority of the pantheon, and for the most part pay it little heed (with some exceptions).
  7. ARCHIVED-Hawkmoons Guest

    The gods must have dissolved their pact, for the simple fact Marr is walking around doing things again and placing influence again.
    Also there is a lot of new lore in EQ1, if you go into the 2nd to last expansion Vesh is dead 500 years prior to eq1, she is dead in the cosmos, you can see the body.
    I also remember reading way back in eq1 lore that Mayong was a original creation and that he had a part in putting the sleeper to rest, in eq1 Darkhollow he was working on becoming full god by his own hand, so obviously achieved it, or is he truly a god?
    Also Sol Ro is the son of Fennin Ro, makes you wonder where he is as well as the some others?
  8. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    that pact was broken a LONG time ago...since EoF when the gods started to vome back to norrath.
    the death of Veeshan in EQ1 is in Seeds of Destruction, and is the result of Discord forces manipulating the timeline, which that whole expansion is about you preventing/fixing.
    Mayong helping with the sleeper as far as anyone knows seemed to be entirely fan fiction. however his godhood in EQ1 came from him basically using norrath's 'hero worship' of him as a catalyst, and even when you 'defeat' him, he turns all the energy used to do that into his ritual and zap, became a God of Blood, and took over ayonae ro's realm of Music...then attempted to invade Sol ro's realm...where mortals stopped him by helping sol ro...who was getting his rear kicked at the time.
    Anashti Sul says that the gods had to unite and face Theer as basically one force, adn they still lost some in the process of removing Theer's weapons from him. adn the reason why mortals can beat him is becuase Theer doesn't have the ability to simply zap mortals dead like he does with the Gods.
  9. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    exept Vesagran is refered to as male, and Veeshan is refered to as female. then again not sure gender really applyes to gods...
    that or nobody actualy bothered to check their atual gender... but then have to wonder how the hell WOULD you ask a dragon deity if you could check their gender....

    oh and Hawkmoon, about half of that is non cannon for EQ2
  10. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    The "Annihilation" of "Passion" "Would Be Possible" upon a "Plain Area."

    Thank you, Yotan.
  11. ARCHIVED-Iksar_God Guest

    Vaedaer@Blackburrow wrote:
    If I remember this correctly from a post I saw here actually, Vesagran *IS* Veeshan. She's referred to under a different name on Kuua, but it's the same god
  12. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    kelvmor wrote:
    Makes sense to me.
  13. ARCHIVED-Darth Stomper Guest

    Still leaves us the issue of what it means. Though the wheels in my head, they have started a-turnin' on this one. We'll have to see what else shakes out...
  14. ARCHIVED-thajoka Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    I know which one that is!

    ps. cool thread actually lol
  15. ARCHIVED-Maergoth Guest

    Edit, this:
    Maergoth wrote:
  16. ARCHIVED-ratbast Guest


    I looked at the runes like they were personal artifacts theer had obtained from killing them (stole their power) and stores. Attacking them unleashes the power back to theer.
  17. ARCHIVED-ratbast Guest

    INFO of The Fight Itself: my comments

    Zou Kunnen (dutch: to be possible/to be able) -NW- Front Left – symbol: blue waves -
    Blue tile effect = Crit bonus + Power drain.
    Theer buff: ManaBurn - Theer starts the fight with 0% power and will throughout the fight gain a little power over time. When he gets enough he will start to ManaBurn the raid, draining masive ammounts of power from your raid. When you see he has power use any and all power draining abilities you have to assist in dropping it back down. (looks like great candidate for previous god of magic before druzzil was made, and creator of naiad, behemoth... or possibly ocean lord, blue is also the color of valor and Mithaniel came later)
    Paixao (portuegese: passion) - NE - Rear Left – symbol: purple intertwined lines -
    Purple tile effect = Health to Power conversion.
    Theer buff: Balanced Judgement - This ability is the most difficult for Theer as it requires people in your raid to locate their polar opposite. The abilities are called Star-charged Soul and Void-charged Soul. The Charged Soul effect can be found easier by looking at your Detrimentals in your raid window and finding either 2 people with an incurable noxious or two people with an incurable elemental on them. The people who both have the incurable noxious have to find one another within 10 seconds and the same goes for the ones with the incurable elemental. If you do not succeed at this, BOTH people with those effects will die. (I like this deity for god of love before Erollisi was created, the translation and effect fits perfectly with that theme-gotta find your true love before time runs out) like starcrossed lovers romeo and juliet
    Pingyuan Diqu (chinese:plains/grassy area)-SE- Rear Right – symbol: green hills
    Green tile effect = Mitigation increase.
    Theer buff: Epic Add - Killing this rune will spawn a ghost-like copy of Theer. As a raid you can choose to kill this mob however for the sake of the way to kill 4 rune theer it is best to spawn this mob and just ignore it. Treat it like any other AOE. When the add gets to theer it will explode and hit your raid for 90% of their max hp. It will not kill anyone who is at max health. Which means just make sure everyone is at green just before it blows up. Killing this mob is really not an option and will only hurt your raid later if you intend on working on 4 rune theer. (I like this guy for alternate name of Xul'Varien and as father of xulous:green hills->pestilence, like dead hills, and it creates ghost add that runs in and aoe's. Imagine this ability built on city of dragon corpses, dragons would be terrified)
    Aniquilacion (spanish: annihilation)-SW - Front Right – symbol: orange crisscrossings -
    Orange tile effect = Potency and Crit bonus.
    Theer buff: Curse + Small Heroic Adds - Killing this rune will add a curse as well as 3-4 Heroic fire tornadoes? mobs to this event for every curse. The person with the curse must be atleast 30 meters away from the raid when it expires. If they are too close it will kill anyone nearby. The curse will not kill the player its on. Adds will spawn on the person who has the curse when the curse expires. (I like this diety for god of flame, before sol ro was made since sol ro wasnt around for the first or second of brell's pacts, and never made any races, could be father of efreeti)

    There are also shadowmen adds sometimes.

    Chess squares have temporary alternating runes of these deities, as well as 2 more squares, both with rotating circles with askew rays. I believe these are Order (rezz point) and Chaos (strips buffs).

    As someone stated earlier, 1 possible phrase from combining the translations: The "Annihilation" of "Passion" "Would Be Possible" upon a "Plain Area."

    If I was writing the story of the fallen gods, the age of scale includes brell, 4 dead gods, and veeshan making a pact on norrath while noone else knows about it, veeshan moves on to other worlds, 4 soon-to-be fallen gods declare genocide on abandoned dragons, theer wipes them out for breaking the pact, but leaves their races. Vacancies are created in pantheon. Bert seizes opportunity, wiping out xulous. brell looks for reinforcements against dragons resulting in 1st and 2nd council of the gods. Tarew marr, from water creates subgods of different element: steam. Pretty ballsy thing to do. Atleast Fennin creates in his own element. Later Theer is banished by gods' cooperation and can't enforce pact rules. Theer isnt around to deal with Anashti, so she gets banished by gods cooperation because she created something that threatens everyone's handiwork. Rodcet seizes opportunity. Zek runs around unimpeded while theer is gone, rallosian wars. Theer comes back, zek plays nice till theer is castrated.

    Tarew is a meddlesome busybody by elemental standards, followed closely by Fennin. Although in my fanfiction, Fennin lost BOTH of his subdieties to theer.
    Pictures of the runes
    Zou Kunnen
    Pingyuan Diqu
  18. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    ratbastard wrote:
    Ok, according to the creation mythos of EQ2 the Elemental gods were created by the Nameless. That is the first thing that happened. The dieties of influence were eitehr created by the elemental gods directly or arose afterward on their own. Brell is a God of Influence. Therefore, he is younger than all of the elemental dieties.
    Also, NONE OF THE ELEMENTAL DIETIES WERE APPROACHED BY BRELL TO OPPOSE VEESHAN. One of the dieties Brell did approach refused the first pact. That was Rallos Zek. He did take part in the 2nd pact. Innoruuk, who was around wasn't asked to take part and was might miffed over it. So angry he stole elves from Tunare and creaed his own race from them.
    For someone that wants to talk about lore, Ratbastard needs to do some reading. The origin story of EQ (and thus EQ2) isn't hard to find!
  19. ARCHIVED-ratbast Guest

    first of all, sorry if i offended you. not trying to annoy or whatever you are feeling.

    maybe you could help me understand how my communication broke down, cuz what you are saying is something i understand and am not challenging (elemental gods created first, then influence; and elemental gods never approached for pact). maybe you think the slain gods were gods of elements? i hadn't heard that, nor had i considered it.
    colors (AND symbols) work pretty good for that theory, assuming they were same elemental types as what we have now, orange fire, blue water,azure air,green hill earth.
  20. ARCHIVED-Orpheus666 Guest

    How many of the printed books (P&P and Novels) count as canon?