Resolve is still terrible and getting worse.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Montag, Aug 30, 2016.

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  1. Ratitz Active Member

    Inflation isn't killing gameplay. If X ability does 100 damage, and the mob has 10,000 hp, that's literally the exact same ratio as if an ability did 100,000,000 damage, and the mob has 10,000,000,000 hp. The ONLY issue inflation had on content was that the prior content wasn't effectively balanced around the stats that were introduced after said content was released (but doing so would have created more problems than it would have solved, and the developers have NEVER done this because of gear introduced afterwards). But the inflation WAS balanced (or something close to it, depending on the mob you want to bring to the table) in the new content that was released with the gear (i.e., Fabled zones, zek raid zone.) Inflation is not killing the game, you just don't like to see big numbers, which is a personal issue, not a community issue.

    Resolve, while being a terrible idea of a stat, isn't killing gameplay either. The resolve checks so far are easily obtainable if you have a competent and full raidforce. If you don't have a competent and full raidforce, and you refuse to make the changes to obtain one, then its a personal problem, not a stat problem/community problem/developer problem. As far as cascade wiping goes, you guys are telling me that you can't revive people within 2-3 seconds of them dying, and then maybe casting a temp buff/death prevent to make up for the resolve buff? Sounds like you need better healers/dirges/tanks.

    Complaining about an issue without being prepared to do what is necessary to solve it is called useless whining, and its a waste of everyone's time.
    Errrorr likes this.
  2. Montag Well-Known Member

    Zeddicious likes this.
  3. Justbecause Active Member

    Sovin Nai? *Head to Keyboard*. I love how all of the 24+ man raid forces come to comment about how it affects shorthand raiding. And when classes can solo T3 Heroics and Contested zones you try again to prove how inflation isn't killing game play. Why did we need bleed through? I am sure your shaman can tell you. They are making adjustments off of the top guilds. Makes sense right.........because like you said we must all get players for every class. Because you have a speadsheet and a 4-5 day a week schedule lets base everything in the game around that including nerfs. Resolve isn't a problem for you its a problem for everyone not in the top 30 out of 124 guilds. The world is a big place you know.
  4. Montag Well-Known Member

    We're top 20 and it's a problem for us. To the point where if it stays this come the expac I'm really concerned I'll be able to keep the guild together. Gear checks are fine. Population checks are suicidal.
    Wirewhisker and Justbecause like this.
  5. Entropy Well-Known Member

    Uh, I'm 95% sure that resolve buffs persist while dead. They emanate from your corpse as well. What they won't do is exceed the buff range (100m?)

    Someone guildhall test this with an exothermic stone and a friend pls.
  6. Montag Well-Known Member

    We went in to set a timer and were over 100 resolve low so the trash was all 100% immune to damage. I dont think it caps at fifty.
  7. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    The resolve type mechanic was in the game before and was removed it's just a bad idea that's been recycled I don't know why you would have it in game other then to try stop 1 grp ogre bot teams. It has hamstrung the Australian raiding we can clear content easy enough but get hammered for resolve on short handed then on recruits who wants to play with one hand tied behind your back simply because of resolve.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  8. Ratitz Active Member

    Entropy finding new ways to tell people to go kill themselves since 2010.
    Entropy likes this.
  9. Ratitz Active Member

    Right, but if you think that the devs are going to balance content around people with 17 man raid forces that try to go in to x4 content with heroic gear on, you are delusional.
  10. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    Stuff should never balanced so much off resolve if you are a few short but can still meet the dps or other checks then good on you , not call a raid because a few of the raiders are away with real life issues you end up losing more ppl and it's an on going cycle.
    Montag likes this.
  11. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Unless you're riding right at the limit of your raid's ability, 'a few' won't prevent you from succeeding, if it's just a body-count. But I get the feeling most people mean 6-12 when they say 'a few' in this thread...
    Ratitz likes this.
  12. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    No if you are missing one or 2 and have a few lower geared recruits a fight that's not hard with 402 resolve in turn becomes pretty hard . Where if it didn't have the resolve on it would be cake walk for the same raid.
  13. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    I have to agree with Ratitz here. For a long time I have said there are too many raid guilds endlessly running into brick walls because they refuse to consider alternatives like forming alliances, merges etc. In the end what usually happens is a guild or 2 will get to the stage they disband, and fill up the other guilds around them fixing all the other guilds again.

    The main problem with Resolve really is it was implemented just before summer, where population dropped. Wait for things to pick back up again and it wont be such an issue. (I mean, it's happened for the past 10 years over summer).

    If you have a x3 raid, you shouldn't realistically be able to make much progress on a challenge mode x4 mob. If you could, there would be no real challenge for a x4 raid.
  14. duckster Active Member

    Resolve is bad currently due to the timing. I can safely say that had it been done in the expansion, there wouldnt have been as much issues with it.

    Previously they would have beta tested these sort of mechanic changes prior to them being implemented.As it stands I wouldnt consider live servers to be the best testing environment. and definitely not during a transition period of the calendar year(As you stated above, summer is when population declines).

    This expansion they have made some pretty whacky 'on the fly' changes - RNG being the major sticking point after resolve. Loot itemisation has been terrible because of it in most cases and the stat inflation is pretty silly also(side tracking slightly but most agree with the potency items from recent zek throwing everything up in the air).

    I do hope they learn from their mistakes in adopting the constant moving the goal posts throughout expansion and actually take on feedback in beta.

    PS One of the few things from this expansion they have done right is the merchant being added. In the future content i am optimistic they have one of these in early and potentially the re-introduction of gear sets(armour particularly).

    Went slightly offtopic but sure...
    Meneltel likes this.
  15. Fletch Active Member

    First, I assume you mean ToT heroics which are no longer current content. GU 100 zones became the new current content and ToT zones became trivial because that is how it works. New content has better gear than old content so people have a reason to run the new zones ad nauseam. So yes, when one has mostly BiS gear or when content is old, people are able to solo heroics. This is not new, it has been this way since launch.
    Second, inflation isn't the only thing at play here. If you make content doable by below average players, it stands to reason that it will be trivial to exceptional players.
    Yeah, this was due to stat inflation but only because max health did not increase at the same rate as heal amounts. If the ratio of heal amount to max health was where is was a few years ago bleed through would not exist regardless of stat inflation.
  16. Ratitz Active Member

    You may not play this way, but if someone is away for an extended period of time due to real life issues, REPLACE THEM.
    Recruit the open spot. That way, you have extra people when they get back. And don't give the "woe is me, i can't recruit because theres no one playing this game". There are people. God forbid you actually work hard to get them. Even if it means doing what the CRA Brigade does on Maj'Dul and saying to people "hey, you can come raid with use, but you don't have to leave your friends and family guild" and start forming a raid force that way. There are options. Refusing to do them because of your own morals about how a guild should be run just means you have no useful contribution to the thread.

    It might help.
    Errrorr likes this.
  17. Kojacke Active Member

    Well I hate to bust your bubble, but even the CRA is having trouble. It is a population issue. We started with 12 full 24 man raid teams with people still asking to get in. We are down to 6 or 7 (if brig 3 recovers) semi-full teams that struggle with current content because of not having enough people to make a resolve check. I think the only team still doing really well is Brigade 8.
    and if you're wondering why I know all of this even with my raid guild tags, see below.
    Kojacke - CRA Brigade 3 Social Leader
  18. Justbecause Active Member

    There is something that you clearly don't understand. That would be life challenges. In Rawr, Rev, Unreal, whoever is in top 10-15 you guys have a free schedule. This means that you raid 4+ days a week. You will recruit players who can dedicate that much time to the game. Some of us have kids, and other commitments. So saying that we should build the game around a schedule that makes up 15% of the pop and I am the delusional one? Some players want to keep everything in guild, and guess what that is a choice. I personally have done the alliance multiple times and it has failed every single time. It might be morals it also may be that we are fu***** tired of attempting with a horrible success rate. You say we need better players well if we can kill mobs shorthanded that wouldn't mean that our players need replaced would it. You clear all of the content in the first couple weeks so I am still trying to figure out how this directly affects you and why you give a ****.
  19. Ratitz Active Member

    First of all, you are assuming things that are not true. The majority of the people that raid in these guilds have a life outside the game. I, for instance, am a full time college student who is taking 17 credit hours of classes. So you can tell how I spend my time. I can name about 30 players in the 3 guilds that I have raided with in the past year WHO NEVER LOG IN OUTSIDE OF RAID (granted these guilds are ranked 1, 5, was 4 (guild has since died), and 9 WW, so my experience may differ from someone who is in a guild that can't kill Crohp the Mighty).
    Also: the top guilds don't raid 4 days a week anymore, we raid closer to two, maybe even one, because that all the time it takes to clear all the content that is relevant.

    Secondly, this effects us because we play the same game that you play. In 2 months, we will be having the same issues that you do right now when content is released. The only difference is that we are able and willing to make the improvements, in a timely manner so that we don't have to down the road, which you clearly are having trouble with.
  20. Ratitz Active Member

    It's good to have updated info. I haven't been around much, because my real life schedule prevents me from logging in.
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