Request: Flying Broom Mounts!

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Mynce, Jun 19, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-BaronJuJu Guest

    Love the idea. Can we see something like this added during the Nights of the Dead events this year?
  2. ARCHIVED-Mynce Guest

    This is about what I was thinking for ways to ride!
  3. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    As long as its female only.
  4. ARCHIVED-Mynce Guest

    There's nothing wrong with it being for both genders. Especially the surfing one.
  5. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Nope. Choice is good. Restrictions are bad.
  6. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Kikiriki@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    As long as I can kill any male I see riding it
  7. ARCHIVED-Mynce Guest

    Oh, you can be as closeminded as you want. So long as you're not forcing it on others who want to have fun. :)
  8. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Kikiriki@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    You can always ask /sitchair to make it do the sit thing, and traditional riding it like you did before.

    Then make it if your in the air for awile you randomly do the surfing.

    I'm very closeminded :(
  9. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    There's a word for people like you. Usually has -phobic on the end of it. But there's also other words. Like "narrowminded".
    Also "boring" and "not fun".
  10. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Streppoch@Guk wrote:
    I suppose.
  11. ARCHIVED-Mynce Guest

    Streppoch@Guk wrote:
    I didn't really want to say it but yeah, I was thinking that too.
  12. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    Kikiriki@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Well, I'm usually pretty easygoing--except for stuff like that. THAT I don't let slide, so if it needs to be said, I say it. But hey, I'm a bruiser, so I'm used to getting in people's faces.
  13. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

  14. ARCHIVED-Mynce Guest

    Derail over!

    I'm hoping they can leave a little vapor trail, maybe stars like the Staff of the Observers! I loved the effect on that.
    And I'm not sure if you saw it on my drawing but I like the idea of little charms and amulets and feathers hanging off the end of the broomstick. I was always of the mind that brooms had to be enchanted some way!
  15. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    Kikiriki@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Yes. And they have to have the little "wispy" curl ends to the broom, like you drew. I don't know how many bruises I sustained as a kid trying to get my mom's broom to fly. I determined that the problem wasn't that I didn't know what I was doing, it was that I didn't have the proper-looking broom!
  16. ARCHIVED-Mynce Guest


    I totally did that all the time when I was little. We had a Shaker broom. I used to careen down the hill as fast as I could, then jumped and tucked my legs! Got some nice bruises that way!
  17. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    I love your drawings and ideas. LOL
  18. ARCHIVED-Katz Guest

    Kikiriki@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    I love these! Plus I love the "have it as part of NOTD".
  19. ARCHIVED-Mynce Guest

    Thanks, and I COMPLETELY agree, it'd be so cool to have that as a reward for an NOTD questline. <hint hint> <grin>
  20. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Someone brought it up at fan faire and the devs who where there seemed to like the Idea as well.