Raid Progression Halted due to HP Increase

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Xeryn, Sep 3, 2016.

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  1. Poofe Active Member

    I haven't raided with them since early EOF, so I don't know if things have changed with player quality. Onra, Shssah, Exill, Ishamael, Evilnikki, Apok, Licent, Seifer, Loudness (when focused), Laliya, Shadmock, Monotone (when not busy with officer things)

    I'm sure I'm missing people and others I would add have left the game. All of these players have shown abilities beyond just DPS or healing.
  2. Poofe Active Member

    Grundlestix also, great Illy!
  3. Irvin Active Member

    This thread is now very far off topic.
  4. Irvin Active Member

    Of course you disagree. Poofe listing how good he thinks his old guild mates are and you listing how long it took guilds to kill mobs 10 years ago has nothing at all to do with the 40% increase in HP buff that was placed on the T2 and T3 raid mobs last week.
  5. Poofe Active Member

    That was off topic, but I was directly asked by someone regarding a statement made which affects progression.

    I would not have listed player performance had I not noticed a difference in guilds I've been in before or since I left Disturbance. There were and are good players in many of those guilds, some that are on par or may even be better. Player quality alone isn't enough for progression, however.

    What I stated is way more important than mythicals are.
  6. Monotone Active Member

    Topic started off as the 40% HP increase (even though it is really abut 36.9%). It has taken turns in responses from multiple skill levels in regards to how hard it made the content. Right, wrong or indifferent there are unanswered questions. Feel free to add more these just what come to mind now.

    1) Was the 36.9% HP buff meant to affect raid mobs the original complaints was about solo encounters?
    2) Are we going to see actual gear progression that will make those mobs easier over time to kill them faster/easier as we gear up?
    3) Why was mob mitigation suddenly nerfed into oblivion with no announcement?
    4) Is mob mitigation going to be put back in place or somewhere inbetween where it was vs is now?
    Irvin likes this.
  7. agosborne Member


    Speaking to Necromancer here --- the mythical doesn't outweigh this 1Her from Protector's Realm by very much:

    For RW damage from ACT:
    • Dot damage increased on average by 15% from myth when they can fully tick...have three dots that total 9% of necro damage with myth. Adds 1.3%ish total rw damage.
    • Pet does about 10% of total RW damage with the 20% crit proc included. Adds <1% rw total damage.
    • Myth poison proc dot damage is .0036% of my rw damage.
    Being generous here, the myth increases necro total damage by 2.5% from the equipped effects while still using scout pet because mythic pet is worthless.
    Yes, the necro myth is bottom of the barrel, and when you average the +total damage with the good mythicals (like the wizard one which adds about 20% total rw damage), the raid wide added damage from mythicals probably looks something more like +12-15% total damage added vs. non mythical. That is without a doubt better, but it's not 35-40% better like I'm seeing people make them out to be. I'm not trying to be harsh, I'm just showing the numbers and holding up the mirror here. It is what it is--- nothing more and nothing less.
  8. Irvin Active Member

    Nice post, I would settle for a dev just posting an telling us what the reasoning is for why they make changes in the first place. What is it that drives their decisions? What in a general sense are the restrictions for why they can't do what seems like easy requests from the player base? At least we would all know where we stood then.
  9. Xakrein Well-Known Member

    You know, that post could easily be made for the normal servers, too.
  10. Haskar Active Member

    going off-topic again ... sorry
    meh, no it does not.

    there is a difference in "progression" and "progression at all cost"
    See, imho if you make an entire guild go anon and lock them in a dungeon until everyone of them hits lvl 80, that's "progression at all cost", but if you guys like it that way, so be it.

    But don't come crawling to the forums when you are done with this expansion begging people to vote for the next.
  11. Poofe Active Member

    I think you're talking about Disturbance again. Nobody wants content balanced around them (not even them). They are statistical outliers compared to the rest of the server at this point in time.

    Success for the next tier of raiding guilds has to come from organization and execution since gear is not there to make up the gap.

    Last vote was shared by the majority of progressing raiding guilds. A good chunk of the population went to RTT to play even though the expansion was not clear. Those remaining did not have gear progression or discipline to get through EH or ToNT. Most just wanted a change and to get their guilds back. RoK accomplished both.

    If the EoF sets were better or other itemization existed and allowed for upper tier progression (Avatar of Growth), my guess would be that Disturbance would have preferred to complete the expansion before moving on.
  12. Grundlestixittoya Member

    we could take the mythicals off next time and let you know how it goes
  13. Grundlestixittoya Member

    :cool: Thanks
  14. Shssah New Member

    I wanna helm and charm from Tangrin, so let kill him in next raid day.
  15. Monotone Active Member

    So a none issue on Nexona is being changed. From the way it looks in update notes specimens will heal for 5% vs 15%. Except specimens healed for much more than 15% so I imagine 5% is going to be much higher due to potency buffs. Still in the end this changes next to nothing, and answers nothing we have been asking to get answered for days now in some cases, and in other cases weeks or months.

    I understand in the past the team has been larger and this time of year the next expansion is always the focus. So a smaller team means less time, but taking a few minutes to answer questions, and maybe even provide easier fixes is much better than alienating your player base. With that said one of the biggest issues we have seen and all mostly agreed on was itemization which should of been fixed months ago prior to the "full expansion mode" mindset we are seeing now. We even had very knowledge players offer to volunteer their time to put stats to items in a spreadsheet if a format could of been provided that could then be used to fix the poor itemization choices we have today as we progress through raid zones.

    Unless you are talking about your Ratonga, animation, or something about the next expansion it seems it is getting no feedback from anyone other than other players with the same frustrations.
  16. Blaupunkt Active Member

    You would think with such a small Dev team and such limited time the premium pay only server that is TLE would get more time spent on it than messing about with battle grounds.
  17. kitleez Member

    I know of quite a few people about to throw in the towel. I cannot think of any other business that would allow money to be lost in such a way that is 100% preventable.
  18. Poofe Active Member

    Someone mentioned it somewhere else, but I agree. This is all happening for RTT. They need the objective to be met and the talent over there needs help.
  19. Satyr Well-Known Member

    Dread Army is trying to make clears with an x 3. Synergy is just woeful and simply won't clear VP, and I'm saying that as someone in the guild. That guild is close to going completely inactive anyway, people are starting to just delete their toons. The content would have to be nerfed significantly to finish that event server. In the process DBG would have destroyed raiding on TLE in the game's two best expansions - KoS and RoK. Even then though, if they wanted RTT to make clears, MAYBE FIXING THE LOOT would help.
  20. Satyr Well-Known Member

    They don't have a consistent x 4 :(
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