Producer Letter: What's to come Sept to Nov!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Windstalker, Sep 8, 2014.

  1. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    AoM Collectors Edition

    --Free Aerakyn for those who upgrade to the 70$ collectors edition.
    --Vest, Short Jeans, and Sandals appearance armor pieces
    --Limited time Duck Mount! Explore the islands and the headquarters of the Far Seas Trading Company alongside your trusty war duck.
    --Special Portal painting that ports you on click to the AoM initial quest hub (No zone name, can't come up w/ one atm XD)
    --Free Betrayal Token, 200 Draconic Etyma, and 2 random purple adorns!

    Make it happen :p
    Alenna, Ahupu and SandsMans like this.
  2. balzor Active Member

    Lets be honest, the aom collectors edition could just have an appearance cloak and you people would still buy it.
  3. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't. Not for just a cloak.

    Don't doubt that some people would. If I pay an extra 50~ish for a game it better be a damn good bonus XD
  4. SandsMans Active Member

    Now that is a CE I would buy! :D

    (Considering I haven't purchased a CE since they had boxes.)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Faliz Member

    This would definitely be one of the best if not "THE" best CE version of the game for sure. Might as well throw another 280AA bauble in the mix as well...
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    It is! It's the original starter Isle as a prestige house. ;->

    who still wishes it'll be available in later years as a Loyalty or Marketplace item; there are very few MMOs that have lasted for 20 years, and it's only right, I think, that the kids joining us now can see what all the fuss was about (valuable history lesson! :D)...and if Mistmoore, which was available for free as a 7-Year-Vet reward, is now available on the Marketplace, why not? ;->
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    (Same here. ;->)

    who likes the physical "crunchy bits"... ;->
  8. Ocarinah Well-Known Member

    I hope the duck mount isnt limited time...I would always want to have it not have it go poof after a week :p.
    You forgot the prestige house! I vote for The Village of Shin.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I vote for one or more of the slain suburbs! At least one of each side. ;->

    who still wonders why, when they were taking down the zone walls within the cities, they didn't do the exact same thing for the suburbs...what would it have hurt? :(
  10. Kurei Hitaka Well-Known Member

    The suburbs were always nice :/ wish we could go back to them yeah. Might be a good weekly feature at some point.

    And I asked for limited Duck Mounts b/c we have to consider ttobey don't we? :p
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  11. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    The CE has to have a house to be worthwhile. It better be a section of Brokenskull Cove (or whatever it's called).
  12. Heruaye Bronzebeard New Member you can buy one and add it to your collection i did years ago as I didn't buy a collectors in 2004
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Gaiusofcamelot2 New Member

    I predict this time will be the opposite of previous releases...

    Instead of PreRelease discounts, loyal members will pay for over-priced version at release...
    Then a few months later when sales have trickled to nothing, prices will be dropped for those that could not afford the xPac initially...

    Of course I am one of those that will buy the xPac as soon as I can with little regard for the cost but I imagine many people will end up being angry at release because of the price and then angry again months later when they drop the price...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Ratza Well-Known Member

    In all much as I liked the Isle of Refugee back in the day it is not enough reason on it's own for me to pay the extra for the collector's edition.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Loredena Active Member

    It's not a CE item. It is the '11' year Veteran Reward (due out on the 10th anniversary ;)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Ratza Well-Known Member

    Then that's okay with me....:)

    10 or 11 yrs....apples or oranges...LOL...makes no difference to me....I've been here since game launch on various toons...:)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Feldon Well-Known Member

    If I had to guess why they are cutting out the Pre-Order this year...
    • The past few years, they've always had issues with some customers whose order didn't go through, or credit cards get rejected, or various other reasons, so they are now tying up Customer Service in tickets.
    • SOE has tried staggered expansions before. Sentinel's Fate had a different launch day depending on whether you bought the boxed version or digital version, unless you were in Europe. It was a mess and confusing for customers unless they were staying tuned to EQ2Wire.
    So maybe they are just trying to keep things simple this year?

    Still, I'd make Tears of Veeshan available right now for $10 or come up with some tie-in with Altar of Malice. Kids and college students are back in school and they'd like to come back to the game after summer, and they want to be able to get into ToV stuff without spending $40 now and $40 again in November.
    Alenna, Griffon Lady, Tylia and 4 others like this.
  18. Inaki New Member

    QFT. 2 accounts from launch, bought expansions through Sentinel's Fate, but have been away for over 3 years. Recently came back to EQ2, and I plan on buying 2 of the AoM xpacs. Since I get ToV for free in November I can't justify $80 now for it, but if there were a decent discount I'd buy ToV today in order to get caught up a little. I would also pay now for AoM in order to get the ToV content immediately.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    You are not getting the "numbered" Veteran Reward. You are getting the 10th Anniversary of EQ2 Veteran Reward. That award IS its name. Don't get confused by reading that the 10th is the 10th veteran reward. That is its name. The 10th Anniversary of EQ2 Veteran reward is the 11th official Veteran reward.

    Hence..."Nov. 9: Tenth Anniversary Veteran Reward: Isle of Refuge Prestige home

    Veteran rewards were never based on the anniversary of the games release. They are based on account age only.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  20. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    Nice plug. :)