Pre order for Shadow Odyssey w/ bear mounts and pets???

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Elquinjena, Aug 29, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-shadowgate Guest

    My questions is why can't you do in-store pickup from Gamestop's site? You can do it for other games but not Everquest II Shadow Odyssey for some reason.
  2. ARCHIVED-Hugh Guest

    I think Gamestop/EB Games no longer carry Everquest II in their stores. In the past I did see an extra EQ2 collectors box in some stores and still in CompUSA (before they closed down and re-emerged later)
  3. ARCHIVED-ZexisStryfe Guest

    They aren't just bears... they are Dire bears. one of the new mounts for the expansion.
    The other mounts are unicorns
  4. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    shadowgate wrote:
    My guess is that SoE is not buying shelf space, so EBgames/Gamestop can't be certain they will have any copies in stock in thier stores, on launchday.
  5. ARCHIVED-Darq Guest

    Vulkoor@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    you've got to be kidding
    dire bears to big boys and unicorns for big girls
    i'm getting a headache
  6. ARCHIVED-Feyannwn Guest

    Ok, when I was 6 I wanted a Unicorn, however if I have to choose I want the bear.
  7. ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000 Guest

    Errolflynn@Befallen wrote:
    i still remember the rok debacle at amazon uk, they took preorders for several weeks, but failed to obtain the necessary amount of copies to deliver them so people waited weeks for it.
    gamestop? game? hmv? they all reduced the pc games shelf size by atleast 50% over the last year, does anyone seriously think they will even consider stocking eq2? no way and preorders dont work with them either as especially game comes up with some stupid excuse to hold it back until friday.
    I have to agree, digital download will most likely be the most reliable way.
  8. ARCHIVED-Gojirax Guest

    I hate this game of "Which ordering method/vendor will screw you over"...

    I would LOVE to have a Dire Bear Mount! I'm a Shaman! (But if I couldn't have my Dog fight with me while the bear was fighting I'd go with another character I suppose...)

    Can we get any sort of confirmation from Sony what the retail pre-orders are getting versus the digital downloads?
  9. ARCHIVED-dawy Guest

    Killerbee3000 wrote:
    I too got stung by the amazon uk rok debacle,not doing that again me thinks.
  10. ARCHIVED-iksee Guest

    Why a bear I miss the drogmer.
  11. ARCHIVED-Mendou Guest

    I found a screenie!!
  12. ARCHIVED-ScrapperX Guest

    Is that a bear? Looks like a sabretooth tiger, which is cooler imo.
  13. ARCHIVED-Mendou Guest

    I sort of had the same initial thought, but the more I looked at it it seems like they went with more of a... polar bear sort of body. Not really a big, chunky grizzly bear.
  14. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Mezzmyrelda@Unrest wrote:
    Looks like a running Warg with some new armor to me.
  15. ARCHIVED-Miss_Jackie Guest

    Elquinjena wrote:
    Is it one per character or just one per account?
  16. ARCHIVED-Hugh Guest

    I'm leaning towards once per account..sadly.
    Hoping it would work for the entire account on a positive note. :D
  17. ARCHIVED-Voozoo Guest

    OkOk but when can i order it from sony? i don't want to buy it from a 3rd party site.. i want the DD from SONY...
    So when?
  18. ARCHIVED-Earar Guest

    kela wrote:
    it's not a warg neither a bear. Bears would be like the rhino, very massive. And we've seen enough wargs to see it's not one. it's teeth are too big. And it's not the same legs. But it's not cat's claws either. more bear claws to me.
    it's a strange mix of different animals lol.
  19. ARCHIVED-ravenkitty Guest

    might be just me. but it looks alot more like a Pachycrocuta (see below latin name.also think it means cave hyena). Wich is a prehistory hyena. heh. just the front fangs a bit longer. going by the sizes of the bones found, it would have been about the size of a lion, and possibly larger.

  20. ARCHIVED-Voozoo Guest

    the head and mouth say bear. The claws say bear again. The body says hyena. The fangs say sabertooth.
    perhaps it is a cocktail... a bear, a hyena and a saber meet at a bar... they got drunk.. the hyena was a little bit skanky and they had a trio... And we got our new mount :D
    Again anyone know when SOE will make the preorders available?