please don't make those of us with wings need flying mounts!

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-tortoisegirl, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-SOE-MOD-02 Guest

    Let's keep the posts constructive...
  2. ARCHIVED-Quicksilver74 Guest

    I want to fly as an ogre, without a mount. I want to take off, Super-Saiyan style, and fly around like Goku, Superman, and the Rocketeer. Fae and Arasai should be able to also.

    An easy way to do it would be to modify the swimming animation. I think that would work well for most races.
  3. ARCHIVED-Aelfan Guest

    Gungo@Crushbone wrote:
    I must say, I despise the current popularity of vampires in contemporary culture enough already without giving them an advantage like flying in this game. That *really* pissed me off! If SOE's devs want to steal fairies from western mythology, they really ought to accept that they have wings because they can fly. I mean, have NONE of them seen Peter Pan? ;-)
  4. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Aelfan wrote:
    They have wings because they can float and glide. They don't have any muscles or bone structure in their wings to obtain flight like a bird can.
  5. ARCHIVED-Aelfan Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Wow, you mean like butterflies? Then how do they migrate from Mexico to Canada?
    Did you know that no humanly understood law of aerodynamics can explain how a bumble bee flies?
  6. ARCHIVED-Quicksilver74 Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Then how does Tinkerbell fly? How to sprites fly? It's called Magic. It's all throughout Norrath. Wings have never been for just gliding. Wings are for flight.
  7. ARCHIVED-Aelfan Guest

    Crabbok@Unrest_old wrote:
    Exactly. I must say, it is rather absurd that a dark elf or anyone with the right cloak can fly as well as the winged races do. Wings = flying. Get over it.
    This really is a non-issue now that *everyone* can fly anyway. Find something else to whine about, you fairy-haters.
  8. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

  9. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Aelfan wrote:
    Butterflies don't weigh 100 pounds, do they? The Butterflies have wings far larger thant their body. Faes have far larger bodies than their wings.

    Besides, as already stated in this thread, the developers said they can't, and they can't.
  10. ARCHIVED-Rainy Guest

    tinkerbell flies becuase 1. she's tiny. look at her wings. they are almost the entire length of her body. and she excretes 'fairy dust' that if it touches you it allows YOU to fly, with or without wings. as pointed out in the movie, she's covered with it. Peter pan shakes it off her like she's a salt shaker to get the kids to fly.
    a butterfly flies..and if you notice it does so quite erradicly, becuase it's basically a worm with wings...and even then like Cusa said it's wings are MASSIVE compared to it's body. for the proportions to be similar on our fae...thier wings would have to be the size of ogres while keeping thier tiny little bodies.
    Dark elves, high elves, and Erudites can 'slow fall' though mental efforts. it's a 'innate' ability that I see as more of a 'training'. like teaching a child to talk, or use the silverwear. it's something every one of those races is taught to do.
    Fae can glide. thier wings can propel them forward...and can help them 'Fall with style' but they can't lift themselves off the ground. now technically, they DO fly, in thier Sylvan/Salie forms..and they are shrunk to butterfly proportions and if you watch the animation, just like a butterfly, they move all over the place while they do so.
    Just becuase Norrath has magic, does not mean that all races are prone to it, or that there aren't things even magic cannot do. we don't have 'levitation' though we have 'slow fall' basically we can slow down our descent, but cannot lift ourselves up. apparently our ability to defy or alter gravity is one of those magic powers that we've never regained since the age of turmoil. I mean we can slow it down, but can't stop it or reverse it.
    thus no free flying ogres or the like, and no fae that can do with magic what thier wings are physically incapable of.

    now with vampires...if you do the questline, it's basically polymorph. you turn into a bat..and the other bats 'teach' you how to fly. now if they wanted to attach a quest to your Salie/sylvan forms I wouldn't object to it. but lets be honest, you don't want that. you want your fae to fly. not to fly as a tiny bug sized creature that loots like I could kill it with a flyswatter. oh and lets make it to just like the vamps, so it's a quest you can't do till your 86. which seems to be another thing. everyone I see that talka bout flying fae wants flight at level 1 cuase it has wings.
    so if your willing to wait till 86, and only get flight as a speck of light with wings that 'flies' erradically in it's animation, I'll support you. but I'm not going to opt to see a fae flying around.
  11. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
  12. ARCHIVED-Aelfan Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    That dark elves can *learn* the same abilities as creatures with wings is nonsense. If you truly believe a creature with wings can glide, I invite you to jump off a building and try it.
    I do not recall that anyone on this string has said that we want our winged races to fly from level one, the simple fact is that we can now ALL fly. What we are asking for is that anyone with wings (born with them or otherwise acquired) can have an invisible gryphon. We have already had a dev say it CAN be done, and objections to it are just petty and, frankly, bloody silly.
  13. ARCHIVED-tortoisegirl Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    i've not seen the same degree of negative feedback toward the freeblood getting a non-mount flying ability. i'm sorry if the presence of fairies in the game offends some of you in some way, shape, or form, but to act like broken record players and act as though you cannot grasp why some of us think that allowing fae/arasai flight in a non-advantageous way, even if only as a cosmetic racial "hide flying mount" ability, could be a good idea, well -- it all seems to boils down to this quote. you don't want to see it, because you don't like it.
  14. ARCHIVED-Aelfan Guest

    And frankly, if fae can't fly, then neither can gryphons, sokokar, dragons, or even the absurdly large hawks. They all have too much body mass for their wing span, unless Norrath is the size of Earth's moon.
  15. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    Lunamoth@Oasis wrote:
    I've never had an issue with hiding flying mounts. I don't care if a gnome, or a halfling, or an ogre wants to run across the sky like superman. I draw issue from the idea of it being unique to only a few, or in this case, two races. If everyone can do it, I have no problem.
  16. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    Aelfan wrote:
  17. ARCHIVED-RoninSenshi Guest

    Maybe they should include a new back item, like a Pair of Wings so that any race can equip this said pair of wings and be able to take flight.
    Maybe the Fae and Arasai need this kind of reinforcement to be able to fly?
  18. ARCHIVED-Aelfan Guest

    Streppoch@Guk wrote:
    Damn. I hate it when people research what I have said!
  19. ARCHIVED-Quicksilver74 Guest

    Rainmare@Oasis wrote:
    Actually, all races ARE able to have magic, since in EQ2, the last time I checked every single race can roll a mage. Not only that but every race can gain magical items and particle effects. The world is surrounded by magic. There is no reason that a Fae's wings could not be "Enchanted" to give them flight. Thus there is no reason an Ogre can't get gnomish rocket boots that let me fly like Superman.

    And we already have items in game that defy gravity. I have these boots that let me jump crazy far. I also have cloaks that let me fall slow. There are also these magical disks in Odus, that lift players about. There are ridable clouds in the Kingdom of Sky. There is absolutely no lore-based reason that would prevent players from gaining mount-less flight at least in a graphical appearance sense.
  20. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Crabbok@Unrest_old wrote:
    Yes, but they can't do it only for fae. If they do it for any race they must do it for every race.