Please clarify this particular patch note

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Sennen, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Conifur Well-Known Member

    Probably, they don't test anything it seems. Something will come along to make some spell crazy and they will nerf it. That seems to be the MO. Also, I have given up hope they will ever be responsible to their customers. A good company would at least explain why it is the best for the customer they change something; not so good just say trust us - it is needed. Kind of like the "trust us, we're from the government."
    Whiomaju and Meneltel like this.
  2. Dzir Member

    Nerf clear reuse and swarm - raid mobs kills
    add extreme frizz in raid zone - raid mobs kiils
    what the next step?
    Ykysh likes this.
  3. Xsarinx Member

    Sennen - someone responding on my thread suggested two things... 1) condense this information down into one concise and post it at in the section for EQII, and 2) consider going out to the EQII Discord to speak/write directly with a developer.
  4. Montag Well-Known Member

    Well i have a hammer and also have all the runes on most of my 16 100s and i can tell you for a fact that the reset rune increased my ranger, assasin, beastlord and troubs DPS all a lot more than it increased my warlock, conjy, necro, illy or coercer.
    duckster likes this.
  5. wazul Active Member

    - a big impact in wiz dps
    - not related, but another fact : big impact for fun. all is slow, boring. flat. frustating. because anticipate and play with reset is an second way to play, more rich gameplay. seriously, now i can dps and look tv same time...

    when tov lauched player can buy rune from dov. i not understand why we cannot have a npc selling rune from tot.

    i not understand why you decide to break an item 2 year after. rules need more stability. if raid to easy, patch script. (more work?) . long time i not see a script in raid like siren grotto HM, or cruor.

    i not understand why in this game its impossible to communicate beetween players and dev. why some class was broken since 2 years without one move.

    i not understand how wear a rune reset ability already up during reset.

    if you want we can return to 2006 gameplay. but i am afraid in 2017 all players quit, because it's like movie, a good movie in 1970 is often boring in 2017, we need a nervus game not a flating game.
  6. Beee Well-Known Member

    100% agree

    Without a working hammer reset EQ2 lost for me a lot of the motivation.
    Most spells are on cooldown.
    You killed MY WAY TO PLAY
    VGScastaway and Ashandra like this.
  7. duckster Active Member

    Lucky to have hammer but even without alot of CAs/Spells are on cooldown now for predators at least. They should consider making big hits 1minute reuse . A scout that wont be named has a number of hard hitter on a 1minute base cooldown:confused:.

    That is of course if they dont just make epic 2.0 hammer effect and remove the global cooldown as an effect ,in which case...its gonna be a long 8 weeks of endurance !
  8. wazul Active Member

    we talking about impact ?

    before nerf with combat mitig+ diety point farming + epic quest + currency useless+ 6h timer in heroic zone : very HArD to find group and do something....

    so like other diety farming. and epic quest. but why farm diety ? why not a nerf in 1 year.... epic quest ? find something somewhere without any idea for pre requis.

    with this nerf : become more and more hard. a pug group in my server killed one first named zone in 15 minutes... yes sometime no etheralist in grp.

    i log this day. and servers like desert land.
  9. Stach Well-Known Member

    Welcome to people who did not have time/luck for the ethereal event, and tried to play this expansion. We have been complaining since the start that names were taking 10-15 mins to kill. But were poo-pooed away. This just proves the point that the Ethereals were game breaking.

  10. wazul Active Member

    etheralist shadow assasin : yes (do more and more dmg If we look this ability vs reset rune, and reset rune never reset ascension ability)

    but reset rune : no. that because we have combat mitig.
    but for peeps not present at summer event : new xpac must offer (craft or current currency) this rune. like tov. like coe. etc.
  11. Ashandra Well-Known Member

    For me If I was a boss , I would have just chucked the runes on the currency merchant like the majority of players were asking and balanced content around every one having them they have been a part of the game now for years. Classes have been balanced around them and to be honest its quiet boring to play with out them now.
  12. Redlight Well-Known Member

    Simply add the Ethereal coins to KA daily/weeklys and be done with it, seriously its a no brainer then roll back the ridiculous 2 minute cool down, this will stop people whinging they have no runes because they didn't bother to take part over Summer and its guaranteed to get groups happening so if you can put this in the next patch all will be well.
  13. Malleria Well-Known Member

    If reuse times need to be adjusted that's something the devs can look at. But keeping the runes in as the fix isn't the answer.
    Ixian and -Soteria- like this.
  14. Nkito Well-Known Member

    As much as I dislike any nerf to my dps I do prefer playing without the frequent resets.
  15. Conifur Well-Known Member

    It is not all about "people who are whining and did not take part in the event this summer". Part of their marketing for the expansion was a level 100 character boost. If a new or returning player saw that and used that to push them to buy the expansion they had no opportunity to partake in the summer event.
  16. Ykysh New Member

    Well, hammer was ninjanerfed again and dont reset utility\antyspyke skills anymore. After both nerfs my sustained dps droped by 30%, raiddps(we have like 12 hammers\staffs) droped by 15%.

    This nerf didnt affect my ability to tank all KA heroic instances with bard class, i still can kill any x2 in kralet contested duo with any healer, i can kill nameds in KA instances and take all collections or invite healer and dps class and make 3 man slr group for new heroics. In raids we killing all t1-3 mobs same as before nerf. This not cause i have one imba item, but from understanding how to play and gear my character,

    Nerf only affected my fun to play, this mechanic only keeps me to play scout class after autoattack nerf. Gameplay becomes easer and boring without seting priorities on my dps skills and timing maintained buffs.

    I hope dev's will read all feedback in this topic and unnerf resets. Only thing you nerfed is part of fun of EQ2.
    Better reduce all our damage abilities by 30% or adjust mobs hp\combat miti by this ammount but give us reset back and make it easer to obtain for new comers and casual players.
    Whiomaju, Beee and Darly like this.
  17. kluxor Well-Known Member

    I'll admit, dps'ing was a lot more fun with the reset rune. Now half the time my decent abilities are down. Only thing that's keeping me effective on the parse is etherelist shadow assassin which wont be around much longer once it gets nerfed into oblivion. Once that nerf comes along you're going to see guilds struggling to kill the t2 and t3 mobs they were killing a week ago
  18. Vokan Well-Known Member

    The reset rune made it timing and coordination more fun. Now I just click my abilities and wait for them to come off of cd. DPSing took more skill with the rune than without. While I paid a ton for my rune, I wish they would just keep the summer event going full time or make an alternative, but reasonable method of obtaining them for those that were without.

    I have the sneaking suspicion that they will nerf more, and that the Epic 2.0 will basically be the combination of all three runes for our archtype.
  19. VGScastaway Member

    Taking items away from people who spent a ton of time and effort (luck notwithstanding, because it still required a lot of time and effort), just to quiet people who didn't (or couldn't) put in the time and effort is the worst possible solution.

    It's a slap in the face to all those who spent the span of AoM summer ethereal event to KA launch to get those runes (or original weapons). Grinding KP contested and zek key quests endlessly, or choosing to play live during this summer event instead of playing on RTT, or having any other kind of a life out of game; all to obtain items that wouldn't have a lifespan more than a couple months. We all made choices.Your choice to yank the rug our from underneath all the players who put time in, rather than developing a way for people who missed those events to catch up, is lazy and a terrible business model.

    If I choose not to do all the BS involved to get my epic 2.0, and I cry later about how that is a gamebreakingly OP weapon, and it's not fair that I don't have one - would you nerf it? You know... based on this precedent you've set here. Even though, there are still ways in game to get these items, they take sooooo long. There really isn't much difference. Players could still get the runes, players could still get hammers - and judging from prerequisite quest lines and 1000 other time-wasting components to the epic 2 questlines, they could likely get all 3 runes in the time it takes to finish the epic.
    Whiomaju likes this.
  20. VGScastaway Member

    Then play the game your way and choose not to use them.