Player Studio items I've created

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Rawl, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Wizzam Well-Known Member

    <3 <3 <3 Just take my money now! <3 <3 <3
    Faeonara, chattie, Mystyrys and 9 others like this.
  2. kianne Well-Known Member

    these are pretty i just hope they dont cost the earth :(
  3. Rawl Well-Known Member

    There was a request for garden gnomes, well, this might not make it into the game because the tri count is too high for a small item, but this is the progress I've made on this gnome statue I've been working on. I Still need to work on the arms. At present the tri count is 560 over the 2k allowed amount.

  4. Merriel Well-Known Member

    Oh wow! Those look absolutely awesome, Jerry. Even if they don't make it in, I am thankful to you for at least attempting to make them. I hope you are able to figure out a way to reduce the tri-count so they don't end up exceeding the limit, but if you can't, I completely understand. :)
  5. Rawl Well-Known Member

    I typically charge 350 per item I make, except of a few items, I charge less due to their simplicity, etc.
  6. Wizzam Well-Known Member

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Shadowplay Well-Known Member

  8. Mystyrys Well-Known Member

    Ooooh myyyyy! Is that an entire house?
  9. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    ????????!!!!!!!!!!?????? O M G . . . Is THAT what we THINK it IS????????????????????
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Or does it come in separate pieces, so we can mix/match/combine? :)

    Mystyrys and Merriel like this.
  11. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    I want it THAT way!!
    Mystyrys, chattie, Merriel and 2 others like this.
  12. Merriel Well-Known Member

    Knowing how Shadowplay does things, I'm sure that is in pieces and that is just one way in which we could combine those pieces to make a really lovely villa. :)
  13. Rawl Well-Known Member

    ...and now for something a whole lot less impressive,, I'm starting to make furniture for little people, (Gnomes, Halflings, Dwarfs and Fae.) Probably be different styles to suite the characters of those races too. This is the Little Chair.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Cool! With the ability to re-size furniture, though, yeah, giving them a bit of style difference per race would probably help "sell" the idea to the Powers. ;)

    Good luck! :)

    Ocarinah, Mystyrys and Merriel like this.
  15. Mystyrys Well-Known Member

    OooOOoooh I love the little chairs! Styles appropriate to each race would be awesome. I love that basketweave. Will they come in a variety of colors? Like when you want to use it, but... oh I like that chair, but it only comes in yellow, that won't go with my color theme, kind of thing?

    And am I doing it wrong or when you shrink a chair for a smaller race setting, the chair isn't usable to sit in. Or you have to place it so far away from a table that it doesn't look realistic anymore? The perimeter around chairs and tables is sometimes confusing.
  16. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    Use a house actor and have them /chairsit (or whatever the emote is) and then align the chair up with them. Or. . . /chairsit yourself near the table and then bring the chair in under you.
  17. Mystyrys Well-Known Member

    Oooh, excellent tip! Albeit, I don't have/can't gather yet/can't afford etherwood lumber, so house actors aren't an option atm. The ones I do have were bought in a bundle off the MP during the sale and I am down to 8 DBC so... But I can sit so that works. :p

    I will have to experiment. If I pull the chair in under me to get it placed near the table, won't that block a visitor from being able to use it to sit? I'm trying to make most, if not all the chairs in my houses usable for RP but still looks like that chair goes with that table, instead of it being so far away to be sittable (I made up that word *copyright 2017) that it looks forlorn and alone somewhere off to the side.

    The combined collision perimeter around some tables and chairs is very large. Like try and pull a stool up to one of the casino tables and sit in it. Nope. It has to be a looong ways off or your butt is hanging in the air somewhere above or in front of the stool. So it's often a trade-off. Pulled up close or under and no sit, or pulled out and sittable.

    Sorry, didn't mean go off on a long tangent. Back on topic, as you were.
  18. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    /sitchair is the command IIRC.
  19. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    You do have to make sure you don't get yourself "stuck", yes I have many time gotten myself stuck between a chair and a hard place and had to move the chair just so I could get out. It does take a little patience and . . yes you do have to give a wide enough berth to be able to get in and out but I think in the end it all works itself out.
  20. Rawl Well-Known Member

    The player characters exist within a bubble, so that is why sometimes you can't squeeze through a space it looks like your character could fit through. The reason the default doors are so wide (actually wider than real life doors,) is because that is how much room it takes for them to comfortably pass between objects which have collision activated on them. (collision makes stuff solid so you can't walk through it.)

    Some of the stairways I've made for Player Studio have the railings without collision, so your character's body can pass through the railing as though it isn't there. There are other things like that in game too. This is also why when you sit in a chair, you typically are actually not sitting in the chair but sort of floating over it in a sitting position.