Phantom Sea Signature Broken

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Tipperton, Jul 13, 2015.

  1. Valzen Well-Known Member

    I got them to update just after servers came back up on Tuesday.... Halls of Fate.
    One of my toons had been stuck on Finze and another toon on the Allu'Thoa. I got them both past and beyond finally.
    DoomDrake likes this.
  2. Guurzak Active Member

    This quest is broken a step earlier now - the high shaman isn't spawning at all. Multiple people on AB spent a long time in the lizard village today with zero shaman pops.
    Ahlana likes this.
  3. Ahlana Active Member

    This is real broken :( been looking for days
  4. santargria Well-Known Member

    There is a guy/pygmy (can't remember his name) that spawns near the the tar pits that has to be spoken to before the shaman spawns - I found this by accident a few weeks ago - not sure if it relates to everyone's issue but I thought the quest was broken also till I saw that little guy.
  5. Ahlana Active Member

    Is this true?? I don't see anything in any walk thrus about this, or the quest itself.

    If it is I may kiss you :p
  6. Guurzak Active Member

    Tar pits back in Tranquil Sea, or Sulfur Pools next to the allu`thoa village where the shaman is supposed to spawn? There isn't anyone who obviously wants to talk to me at either location.
  7. santargria Well-Known Member

    This is the guy I was referring to:
    Nuwat Pickletrade at -1026, 99, -173

    He is in 2 spots that I've seen and if you don't get him in the one spot, the shaman doesn't spawn
  8. Guurzak Active Member

    I think you're thinking of a different quest. Nuwat is needed for several quests in Tranquil Sea. The quest we're talking about, "Allu'Thoa Abduction", is part of the Phantom Sea timeline quite a few steps later in the signature line.