Parses! Named ones only! - fun bragging

Discussion in 'Assassin' started by ARCHIVED-Dragonsviperz, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Griffonage Guest

    Miksar's 7 buttons:
    Everyone, lets guess

    My guess

    1. Malignant Mark
    3. Finishing Blow
    3. Decapitate
    4. Killing Blade
    5. Masked Attack
    6. Cloaked Assault
    7. Eviscerate

    I'm pretty sure 1-6 are on everyones list of most effective spells
    7 could be Exacting in combo with FB, or mayde Deathly Wound or Crippling or Puncture Blade

    Not sure why he'd limit it to 7...Is Autoattack really better than the utilizing the other options? (I know its not with my Legendary weapons)
  2. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    I think he was being sarcastic.
  3. ARCHIVED-Skratttt Guest

    BTW your number 6 is not the t7 version :p......slaughter assault is a waste of dps/power if there is less than 3 mobs
  4. ARCHIVED-Griffonage Guest

    Wrongo Skratttttttttt
    It is the correct name of the level 70 upgrade to level 56 Murder's Assault. Slaugherstault lvl 61 s the upgrade to lvl 47 Massacre.
    But thanks for trying to keep the forums correct anyway
  5. ARCHIVED-MystaSkratch Guest

    Miksar quit a while ago, that's Killua :smileyhappy:
    (and he was kidding!)
  6. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    *hits self with keyboard again* Gotta drop my IQ to relate to some of these people :p
  7. ARCHIVED-Henladar Bloodheart ~ Guest

    Message Edited by Henladar Bloodheart ~ on 08-26-2006 09:58 PM
  8. ARCHIVED-Homeskillet Guest

    Jugular, especially at Master 1, is highly underrated and appreciate for the damage it does.
  9. ARCHIVED-Jblaze2 Guest

    I just go through all of my DoT frontal attacks ect....then i hit concealment and use all my backstabs. Puts me at the top of the parser every time. Not that hard really....*shrug*
  10. ARCHIVED-Griffonage Guest

    The big downside to jugular in a raid sitution is the Power it uses. Due to its stifle effect, the power consumption is disproportionate to its ling raid fights where power needs to be conserved, Jugular needs to be avoided since the stilfe doesn't work.
  11. ARCHIVED-Graton Guest

    i'm hard pressed to think of many fights that exceed 3 minutes. there are a few, but even in a 5 minute fight if i combine necro hearts or conjuror shards , a clarity potion, manastone and the vessel, power is not an issue. i do everything i can to avoid having to use mental breach but there's always that option also.
  12. ARCHIVED-Griffonage Guest

    I hear ya, just stating it for those who've raided in less than ideal setups...such as only one or no summoner...or in a group without a mana battery...some ppl don't think to loot at damage vs power ratio

    personally, I'd cut back on spells like Jugular before switching to mental breach...
  13. ARCHIVED-Graton Guest

    speaking of consumption vs damage i had charted that all out on a spreadsheet somewhere. i'll see if i can find that later on.
  14. ARCHIVED-LoreLady Guest

    This what ur looking for?
  15. ARCHIVED-whytakemine Guest

    I'm about where you are, although I typically parse just a bit higher I also have all 50 AA's. I have about the same # of masters. I also save decapitate for the nameds, not sure if you're including that in your parses or not.
    Places where I know my dps could improve:
    Stats: I'm usually able to cap my str using a potion, but my int is low 100's IIRC. In resist gear you don't even want to know.
    Poison: If I don't have a bard/illusionist in group, I end up using mental breach and lose out on dps from poison. I also tend to use common poisons rather than rare because I'm poor. :)
    Haste/DPS: I almost never am in a group where either my haste or dps is capped.
    Aggro control: I've never been in a raid with a coercer and a dirge. It's usually a dirge and either me or a swashie in the MT group adding aggro. I end up using elude whenever it's up, and occasionally toss out surveilance too. Surveillance especially takes a while to cast when I could be doing damage instead.
    Weapons: My best weapon is grizzfazzle's dirk. 'nuff said.
    Other gear: Potions, proc gear, etc. Don't have any of it. :)
    I'm also not sure how much other people are debuffing the mob. I know on several mobs we're struggling to keep the tank up, so I'd guess the priests are too busy to cast debuffs other than those that decrease the mobs damage output.
    I'm hoping as I get better gear and our raidforce fills out I'll be able to approach the likes of Skratch, Tig, Snark, et al. If not I guess it's the player.
  16. ARCHIVED-Graton Guest

    well obviously getting 9 more aa will help you quite a bit. if you are maximizing raid dps you should go str 4-4-4-8-8 and int 4-4-4-8, the last point doesn't much matter. ( i used mine to up my base intelligence ). you also should have chosen malignant mark as your master 2.

    after that, the most important thing you can do to up dmg is master spells. you mentioned you have 16, are those all non-replaced masters? sounds like you're well along if so. weapons are important too but if you're raiding labs, lyceum & hos those will come soon. shoot for a grinning dirk of horror and do your wurmslayer quest. dirk of negativity is also a great weapon if it drops.

    group setup will affect you greatly. the best priests for dps groups are inquisitors & fury's. being grouped with a troubador does a stunning amount for you as an assassin. there's plenty of threads on dps groups on the combat board you could reference. capping haste as an assassin isn't as easy as capping dps. if you're grouped with just an inquisitor you should come very close on dps.
  17. ARCHIVED-Mastire Guest

    When you guys get nerfed, remember posts like this. :D
  18. ARCHIVED-judged_one Guest

    Nah, I feel the nerf bat is on zerker and summoner, then we will be next.
    So I will start worrying after they screw these 2 classes up first.
    Or maybe they will just raise Wizard, Warlock and Ranger dps and call it a day.
  19. ARCHIVED-rickfrey29726 Guest

    I know it isn't wasn't a named fight, but it suprised me how high my dps went~

    Can't get it any bigger :(
  20. ARCHIVED-oldie25 Guest

    well, technically it's I think 9 buttons. and your buttons are wrong anyways. Keep trying though!

    (Boo at Skratch for releasing my SECRET identity)