Oligar of the Dead

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by slippery, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. Atan Well-Known Member

    Yeah, worked lastnight for us too. Our previous run in EM, once you killed one golem the rest despawned and never came back.

    Looks like its working correctly now.
  2. Spiker New Member

    Ran last night EM and it was rough as soon as we got second Golem down they both respawned and we'd have to deal with memwipe and Golem burn again giving us no time to get good burn on Main. We thought it was bugged but I guess this is intended?
  3. Chronus Active Member

    Yes, it's the dps check in the fight. In Hardmode there's less time between respawns and the tombstone as well as possibly a lower death limit and the Crackling laughter mechanic.
  4. Genghes Active Member

    Bruiser ability "Divide and conquer" was not working properly for this event during the memwipe. I have the required aa's to increase the effectiveness of this ability and Oligar still ignores me and goes after its target. Also, our Berzerker would use their ability "Cry of the Warrior" and Oligar would still go after its current target.
  5. Chronus Active Member

    I thought raid bosses ignored target locks for over a year now?
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    They have and always should. Just time Coercive Shout or other snaps at him, the longer I work with CoE the more I am glad SOE is holding ground on keeping mem-shuffles on some fights.
  7. slippery Well-Known Member

    The problems with it are the luck factor it can create, especially on certain encounters like Bastion. The fact that Crusaders have no way to deal with it, and it is usually combined with 100% AE auto that can one shot most people + a dumb death limit.
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

    Yep, as I said we are "dealing" with it. Doesn't mean I fully support it for all fights but for SOME encounters it actually is an interesting hurdle. Bastion though... yeah he is annoying with it just like Drinal. The Crusader AA thread actually has a bit addressed towards giving Crusaders another multi-positional snap if they spec for it could very much help mitigate such wiping encounters vs Crusaders.
  9. Silzin Active Member

    as of 1/25/2013 Target Locks are not working reliably on Oligar of the Dead HM.

    My guild has killed it once, but i think it was a fluke. I think this mob still needs to have its Memshufle looked into.
  10. Estred Well-Known Member

    Most raid bosses ignore target locks. This is going to sound dumb but have you tried using Illusory Allies prior to a mem-shuffle?
  11. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    We're tackling the upper names before Drinal, the Oligar fight was a pain. I'm the Coercer in the raid and he'd shrug off Thought Snap and Coersive Shout some times, they'd totally stick the other. I had to lay them on as soon as I saw that notify of Oligar chuckling in my chat, which I did, but even with that cue it's not a guarantee of them landing.

    Estred: I'll suggest the Illusory Allies to the Illy and the raid leader. That makes sense...IA brings instant hate and threat to the Illy from what my husband has told me, and the tanks would have a definite target to pull Oligar off of..if I'm correctly understanding what you meant with IA being used.
  12. Estred Well-Known Member

    Actually Illusory Allies is a Mem-Shuffle in and of itself. It almost forces the tanks to the bottom of the hatelist. Thus when the real Mem-Shuffle occurs the chance of the tanks being in the middle of the list are higher. Most shuffles knock the top to the lower-mid/bottom from my experience.

    We (Kharma) kill Oligar-HM with 3 tanks. It takes coordination but it is doable even with out trying to use IA. It's just a pain though frankly I like the challenge and wish more fights had unique challenges (not annoying ones being all mem-shuffs) but just more interesting aspects. Take the Fear Feaster... his adds are avoidable but really, they don't do that much if you have decent dps. They aren't "fail adds" they are "stack till you fail" adds lol.
  13. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Just take 3 or possibly 4 decent tanks, and the shuffle really shouldn't be a problem unless you get really unlucky. Either way, there is plenty of things you can do, Equillibrium on the memwipe etc, death prevents.

    Is the shuffle annoying and a stupid mechanic? Yes
    Is it stopping people killing the named? No.

    I think the mob as it stands is pretty good. DPS check on the Golems, requires people to move of suffer penalties, and tanks have to co-ordinate etc.
  14. valdoras Member

    we (deviation) aren't exactly that amazing of a guild on a ww progression level, but killed oligar hm with nothing but 2 crusaders for fighters. if the right golem dies quick enough it's manageable

    edit: kill time was 10min
  15. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    Our main is an SK, with a Pally and Bruiser as the others. They coordinate rather well, but the mem wipe will inevitably trip them up a few times. That's where I try to help with Thought Snap and Shout, which can work but not all the time. Then again, if it did, it'd not be as chaotically interesting. :)
  16. slippery Well-Known Member

    It's a god awful mechanic, and putting the tanks at the bottom doesn't give them any better chance of them being on the top. HM Bastion today we had the Main Tank stay in the top position 3 mem shuffles in a row. It's a luck mechanic, and it's ******. We've breezed through it with 2 tanks, and others had trouble with those 2 tanks plus another tank because they repeatedly get put last. It's dumb.
  17. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    We had/have a monk in front, which can bind the mob pretty save an acurate to him, we just have to take down the red fast enough in HM, so that the timer expire and he can use it with next round of golems. (The tombstones do more harm then oligar, if some peeps are a bit sleepy ^^)
    EM, i didn´t saw any new, yesterday, just burnd the mid golem and spanked oligar till he drops chest, as everytime before.
    I do hate mem shuffel, but if you put out, the fight is pretty easy.
  18. Estred Well-Known Member

    I agree slippery it IS a bs mechanic. That is just how we forcibly get around it if Coercive Shout is down.
  19. Owli Member

    every 1 deagro at same time 1 2 3 go
  20. Estred Well-Known Member

    Just don't have the tanks deaggro!