Next playable race added--good alignment/neutral -please??? D:

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Shrell, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Lightstrider Guest

    How about some soret of insectoid race? That might be cool. I don't think any fantasy game has something like that at the moment, but I could be wrong.
    I still think a water-based race would be cool, mer-folk or something, but with the lack of water dungeons etc. it would be hard to work into the rest of the game. Mer-folk wandering BBM? Too weird.
    By the way, Luclin is not the last big landmass remaining. Odus is probably the most obvious missing piece, but there are some other bits which have been hinted at as well out there somewhere.
  2. ARCHIVED-Shrell Guest

    The Othmir is a easy choice for sony to develop. The skin is close enough to the Ratonga that the time spent making them should be minimal.
    Where sony went wrong with the Sarnak heads and the inability to make helmets appear, they could make them work with Othmir.
    Some races work better than others. For a playable race, they generally have to be bi-pedal, have enough meat on their bones to support a variety of emoticons and moves.
    Some people have also suggested the Coldain Dwarves from Vellious, but honestly they are too close to normal dwarves and it wouldn't be anything truly "new".
    I suppose in reverse of the Sarnak that sony could bring back the Drakkin as a good/neutral good playable race to counter them. Though they look more human than dragon, it could be a start. Just please sony, don't make them look like a white version of Prince this time :p

    While on the subject of races, could we please see a revamp of the Erudite race? Honestly speaking they look horrible. They would be fine as another race, but Erudite they aren't.
    I mean, you can make a black halfling or half elf or human, but not an Erudite? This was one of the things that made me kind of sad when eq2 came out. I always loved the Erudite but i just can't get past the alien look with the perma blood shot eyes.

    Also, human female eyes. These really need some attention. It seems impossible to make them look like they aren't permanently stoned.
  3. ARCHIVED-alexisxo Guest

    *Prays for a wolf race.*
  4. ARCHIVED-Wyrmypops Guest

    I'd be more intrigued by a race that isn't similar but subtly different to something we already have. And, if I'm honest, I'm a little weirded out by Furry Fandom. Not a hating, I just don't get it, and slowly back away from the type.
    Rather than a dog, wolf, otter, or whatever furry form. Think I'd rather something less of an anthroporphic animal. Rather a creature that stands out on its own merit, rather than just being a furry creature stretched upright. Like some kind of insectoid (ravasect/vespid or something), or an elemental/golem construct, or even an Aviak. I know, feathers, not much different to fur, but at least it's different to what we already have eh.
    Then again, there's plenty of room to bring some diversity into the base race of humans. Post skeletal revamp (if it ever happens) we could get options and such slider bar activity to make humans of different cultures, such as Mara-esque far eastern types, or Majdul/Ro south European types, etc.
  5. ARCHIVED-Phantos_Hopeslayer Guest

    I still want Icepaw Gnolls as a playable race! They look awesome from those fan art pics.

    I mean everyone says we have too many animal people in game, yet what about all the variations of humans? We got normal humans, barbarians, and half elves are half human. We got three (and a half) different types of elves which seems redundant. We got two big ugly races, trolls and ogres. Three short humanish races: gnomes, halflings, and dwarves. Two types of fairy which seem almost the same except for one being evil and one being good.

    That is eleven races that are not animal people. In fact we only have Kerra and Ratonga for 'furry' races. Frogloks, Iksar, and Sarnak cover the amphibious and scaled races quite well though.

    I don't see why a playable wolf / fox type race would be so far fetched in the next expansion, as it would only bring playable furred races up to three. I think the goodies deserve a good aligned furry race. Evil people get Ratonga, so goodies need one to balance things.
  6. ARCHIVED-Shrell Guest

    Those fox like creatures from vanguard were pretty fun to play. I would be for sony swiping them over to eq2.
  7. ARCHIVED-Xandare Guest

    The ONLY new race that should be added is "Meat Beast!"
    I want my Necro Cow!
    he could have a Scarecrow pet..
    anf the ability to summon beef...
  8. ARCHIVED-Gutwrench Guest

    Just add more gnomes! MORE GNOME GRAPHICS > NEW RACES!
  9. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Then we'd have to rename Everquest II to "Gnome Mans Land" ...Oh wait there is already a book by that title. I think Baba Yaga found out about plastic surgeons and changed her name to Bambi Yaga in that one.
  10. ARCHIVED-Dragowulf2 Guest

    i vote a wolf race. after seeing all those cool pictures (^^^^) i want one.

  11. ARCHIVED-Mike8 Guest

    i totally agree ever since i first saw a gnoll yes (Nathon Ironforge) i wanted to be one there are plenty of ways to add the gnolls to be a good race which is what they have to be ;)

    an outside force forces the gnolls and qeynos to get along like maybe the orcs finally got organized.

    or they forgot what they were fighting about i think it started when the prince ran off with the gnoll chieftans daughter

    any ways soe if they were to make gnolls a player races they would have to come up with a way to change yourt races
  12. ARCHIVED-Chulanowa Guest

    Mirander_1 wrote:
    If you're talking about that big chunk of rock you can see from the blackshield area on Chykori, I think that's the remains of the Combine Spires near where Faydedar used to roam in EQ1's TImorous Deep
  13. ARCHIVED-Suraklin Guest

    I saw screw adding a new race. I say fix the broken classes we still have like Bards, Brawlers, Shadowknight and Enchanters and when that's done add Beastlord as a new playable class.
  14. ARCHIVED-Shrell Guest

    Suraklin wrote:
    Please, if you cannot stay on topic then reconsider hitting the reply key. Thanks.
  15. ARCHIVED-Kelticdragon Guest

    Jovie@Guk wrote:
    OMG Yes I would so make one of those and play it and exspand beyond my strictly ratonga play style hehe
    Devs This is the best new player race idea I have seen yet.
  16. ARCHIVED-Sphiriah Guest

    I think if the next expansion was Velious, Icepaw Gnolls would be a great idea as a playable race.

    (But whatever it is, don't screw up every animation like you did with the sarnak. Thanks.)
  17. ARCHIVED-Shrell Guest

    Which is worse, eq2 sarnak or eq1 Drakkin?
  18. ARCHIVED-Sphiriah Guest

    Jovie@Guk wrote:

    Drakkin were okay.
  19. ARCHIVED-Wildmage Guest

    Sphiriah wrote:
    Drakkin. I don't see enough visual difference in them and humans to bother having added the lil mutants.
  20. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    Hmmm will Icepaw gnoll females have breast or not, most gnolls have little if any sexual differentiation, however for a player race that may or may not change.

    They are mammals and are living in a colder environment then other gnoll tribes so are likely to have smaller litters and need to feed them more and longer so they could have the normal sentient two as opposed to the alluded two many that soon vanish when no longer needed, on the current NPCs.

    Note to self, do up a picture on that...