New Guild Depots - Feedback

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Niami DenMother, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Alenna Well-Known Member

    add battle warped wood to harvest depot and wantia bag please
  2. Guiscard Active Member

    I think 5 Million status points is way too high for these -- I would say 1 milions would be fairer or else combine more things in them like put collectible and L&L in the same deport.

    Such high statues points seems to say that you just want to suck up status points from large guilds and make it hard for small guilds to get these.
    Cloudrat and GrouchyMouse like this.
  3. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    Good gods, 5 mil status per?

    My own small family guild is fortunate to have enough status amongst the leaders to get these depots. We three have raiding toons in another guild and put our status into Spear's escrow. But not all small guilds will have this. Sure, it can be seen as something to strive for, but I agree with Guiscard, maybe lower it to 2.5 mil halfway point?
  4. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I don't see anything wrong with having to make choices over which depot to get (if any). 5 mill seems fair, as that's what you already pay for the harvest depot. I have my own personal guild and I don't feel like I should get that kind of storage for cheap. Don't forget there are still house versions of these on the way.
  5. Cyliena Well-Known Member

    Thanks for looking into it.. even an "eventually" is great, because more choices is always good. ;)
  6. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    I forgot that was the price of the depot, it's been awhile since I bought it, back when the guild halls were released and we had one the first day.
  7. Moiya New Member

    First off I'd like to give a very big THANKYOU to everyone at SoE for all their hard work and their patience with our demands lol, now in saying that i have to agree with wat a few here have said while I dont mind purchasing bankers, brokers etc for our gh's, i do believe that the GH Beacon and Mailbox should be included in the gh when purchased. My main reasons for these 2 to be excluded from purchase is the fact that we receive mail not only from our friends but also from SoE at certain times thru out the yr letting us know wats going on in the wonderful world of Norrath, special events etc and as for the gh beacon well we cant call back to the gh till we click it for the first time and then once we have it we nvr use it again unless of course we get new members etc, which still basically renders it useless after awhile. Now while I wish we could have the call to home portal free as well, thats more a case of me being forgetful with going back to my house to pay rent lol.

    So plz consider making those 2 specific items free for gh's takling into account my reasons why and once again TYVM for all your hard work and consideration in wat your player base asks for.
  8. Guiscard Active Member

    You are one of the biggest kill-joys I know in this game. You want everyone to play the game the way you do. Not everyone wants to spend 24/7 in this game just to have something. you whined till you got the goblin nerfed and now you want everyone to grind status for something that should be not so expensive. Not everyone wants to grind status - some of us want to have fun and do things that don't always give status.

    They are way too cheap in this game in finding things to give status -= I think every quest you do should give status.
  9. Senya Well-Known Member

    I'm perfectly ok with the new depots going by access level that's set via the guild door. I think that will work out fine. As far as the original harvesting depot is concerned I liked that the fact that by setting my access level on the guild door to friend all guild ranks granted friend access and people I added as friend could craft in my hall using materials from the depot, but they couldn't just pull out stacks. All members could craft until there hearts content, but someone couldn't take 5,000 coffee beans (city festival anyone?) to sell on the broker at 3g each. Can withdrawals from the harvesting depot work like it did before, but the new depots work by access levels set on the door?
  10. Eshaac Active Member

    The problem is not what access lvl you set the depot boxes to, it is "who" gets what lvl of access. And that is why we need at least "one" more option. We want recruits to have access to the depot boxes, but we may not want them to have access to all the depot boxes and because of that, with the way it stands now we'd only have the choice to set the other depot box(s) to trustee and the rest of the guild members to the trustee lvl as well so that they could have access to those we are trying to keep from the recruits. And I don't believe that "every" guild out there wants to set a lvl of access for all members minus recruits to trustee.

    There just simply needs to be at least (1) other option. (Visitor, Friend(Recruits), Members, Trustee)

  11. Senya Well-Known Member

    One more rank would be nice, that's true. But I still prefer the original harvest depot to function exactly like it currently does on live. Friends (or whatever rank I set it to) can craft from it, but only trustees can withdraw stacks from it regardless of the rank set by the door. All the depots don't necessarily need to be that way (except the fuel depot perhaps), but the harvest depot (in my opinion) does.
  12. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    I agree with Senya, the harvest depot should NOT have been changed as far as the item withdrawls only being allowed by trustees. Crafting and using the deposited harvests worked very nicely. Allowing anyone with access to craft, also allowing access to simply remove items, isnt right.

    If this goes live in its current beta state with anyone with permission to craft from depot can also remove items from the depot, there will be an uproar.

    I would rather you keep the depot "as is" with permissions and use, in its current state as on LIVE.
    Just patch the increased size next patch which will make so many happy.

    THEN continue the work on the other depots to refine how they can be put in game in the future, with a more comprehensive system to set permissions / use for each depot, perhaps like you have for each bank tab, rather than trying to work-a-round the current Trustee / Friend / Visitor currently in for amenities on the GH door.

    I believe patching "a work in progress" and adding all the depots at once, before there is a well-tested use of them, is a huge mistake and will be a headache for the whole team at SoE from Q&A, CS (imagine the petitions of stolen / lost depot items from harvest depots if permissions not kept "as is" on live, let alone from the new depots)

    This rush to give all this "holiday cheer" before the end of the year, will turn out to be a nightmare, if not implemented with care. What you have done thus far and whats currently beeing worked on, is absolutely wonderful! Its been needed for some time and so many are happy with how its progressing!
    Mononic likes this.
  13. Eshaac Active Member

    You all keep hoping on the old "Harvest Depot" box and that is not where the problem lies. We're talking about the "New" Depot boxes, ie.. Collections, L&L, etc.... This is where the Problem lies. If they stay as only Trustees can withdraw from them, then those that have Trustee access will be getting /tells left and right from guildies wanting this that and the other thing. And if the access lvl is dropped to friend then you can bet someone is going to create a new toon, join a guild and steal it blind. It is the "New" Depot Boxes we're talking about.

    Cyliena likes this.
  14. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Now that the Potion / Poisons depot is allowing totems, could the quantity be increased from 200 to say 400?
    Cyliena likes this.
  15. Leucippus Member

    Concerning the "deposit all" functionality.

    Could we have bags marked as "Contents are not for sale" excluded from the "deposit all" functionality.

    Kuulei, Aeriel and Cyliena like this.
  16. Leucippus Member

    Could we get the harvest depot to be game-wide instead of guild-hall wide?

    That way, one could craft without being in the guild hall.

    Having the guild's harvest depot not work in player housing would be fine. The idea is one could craft anywhere in Norrath and still use the harvest depot. As it is now, with withdrawls essentially being forbidden, crafters are "chained" to the guild if using the supplies in the harvest depot.

  17. Aeriel Active Member

    First may I say a very big thank you to the devs for coming up with the new guild storage depot boxes. Although I probably will not use them I know that many will and I really hope that we will see them in the form of house boxes very very soon (which I will definitely use :))

    I agree with you Eshaac that the problem lies with making access on the new depot boxes so that Friends can withdraw items rather than having to either ask Trustees to do the withdrawing and put in the guild bank (or whatever) or making all those you wish to be able to withdraw Trustees. Neither solution is satisfactory - we really do need a fourth level of access.

    However I am in complete agreement with those who have posted above wishing to have the access facilities for the existing harvest depot box to be set back to how it was - i.e. friends can use the contents of the harvest depot box to craft whilst in the guild hall but cannot withdraw stacks of raws (for the reasons explained above). I would prefer to wait a little longer for the new depot boxes with a better solution for withdrawals than to go live with the present solution on Test which significantly impacts on the existing harvest depot box.

    Eshaac likes this.
  18. Nebula Member

    Access to these boxes should be controlled by GUILD RANK not by guild hall access settings.
    Having said that, I'd rather have them sooner than later. I'd much prefer to have the boxes in any working condition than not have them at all.
    I've been waiting a loooong time for these things and I want them ASAP.
  19. Eshaac Active Member

    Don't get me wrong, as I do agree that the harvest depot and actually the fuel depot too needs to be set to withdraw trustee only, but usable by whom ever we want when they are crafting, but we do need another option for the others is all I'm saying.

    And now it comes down to, which is more work. To add more code like the banks system has for the depots, or to add another option in the guild management ui and choice of the new option on the guild door for the new depot boxes. It's all in the Dev's hands now..

  20. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Yes, that would be nice, as I seemed to have deposited all my ammo on characters that use ammo, which might be an 'omg' moment when that huge giant is incoming and you realize you have no ammo!