New Guild Depots - Feedback

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Niami DenMother, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Catin of Runnyeye Member

    Perhaps the Collectibles Depot could have a facility to enable players to check for items from their collection/quest journal in the same way they can check for them on the broker. Or perhaps show all items in the Depot from a particular collection when one item in the collection is clicked in the Journal.
  2. Leonitas of Potato Situational Awareness

    could more stuff be added to the main crafting depot? such as:

    t7 armor gems (tt gems that drop like crazy for Crafting class armor....gems for rygorr armor do work and theyre similar items, just different tier) , same for...
    veeshans peak gems

    maybe the gems could be looked at closer. i got a small guild with very few members, so i have everything in mine now...raws, rares, adorn mats, gems, dov mats, etc etc....and im at 400/1000. id love to be able to jam EVERYTHING that can be used as a crafting mat or for crafting quests in there.

    while im at it, what about dov harvested plants such as
    goahmari herb
    windswept frostflower
    spiceleaf herb

    that'd be excellent :D
  3. Mermut Well-Known Member

    These three are unlikely to be added since they're actually also house items..
  4. slippery Well-Known Member

    The VP gems aren't used for crafting
  5. Azregoth New Member

    Can't wait to get my hand on a few of those new depots. Great long as all your guildies are trustworthy.
  6. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    They're also incredibly easy to harvest. Let's not go overboard with all these requests.
  7. Mnoizr Member

    I am not certain if this has been suggested. I do not have time to read all these posts right now. But ... It would appear that the collections depot and all the others work basically like this.

    If you have access on the door to use it ... you can withdraw items from them.

    This makes Depots like the Collections Depot non-function for many guilds. This Depot (for instance) should work like this: (imho)

    If ( you have access to it on the door )
    If ( you need a shiny that is contains ) // Need defined as you have not put that shiny in a collection yet
    Make Shiny Available to Remove // Show in list of what is in the box

    Once you get a list of what YOU can see in the box ....

    If ( you remove shiny from depot }
    automatically add it to your collection

    If you are a trustee, you see everything and can withdraw anything ... OR ... Put two access levels on the amenity. One for use and the other for admin.

    Pijotre likes this.
  8. Mnoizr Member

    The Legend and Lore depots should work the same as the collection depots. ^^^^
  9. Mnoizr Member

    Adornments are a bit more tricky. While it would be nice to be able to put 91 Superior Adorns in a Deport ... at 100p a pop ... you might get a bit of abuse.

    More likely, each guild will have to ascertain what level of adornments they can afford to give away. Maybe that is (Lesser) maybe (Greater) ... whatever it is ...

    If you have access to use the depot, you can withdraw adornments (up to fixed limit per day)
    If you have access to administer the depot ... all bets are off.

    Finally ...

    I am seeing a pattern here. It would be nice if each depot had a use level and an admin level.

    I think it is time to allow us to add more Ranks ...

    I would like to be able to delegate administration of these things to different groups of officers, without having to trust all of them with everything.

    Logs for each new Depot would be nice too.


  10. Mermut Well-Known Member

    One of the other big issues, Mnoizr, is the change to how the harvesting depot works. Prior to the patching adding all the other depots, the access level set on the harvest depot was the level needed to craft out of it. Only trustees could withdraw from the depot.
    After the patch, the access level on the harvest depot is for crafting AND withdrawl. It's not just that they added something that didn't work in an ideal fashion.. they changed how an existing depot worked. This change is also a 'back up' on how the harvest depot works. When the harvest depot was orginally put in, it worked how it has been changed to work now.. and SoE fairly quickly changed it so only trustees could withdraw from the depot due to theft of materials and people cleaning out harvest depots. Now they've added back the same bug they KNOW will, and has, caused problems in the past. :(
    Sabaar likes this.
  11. Sabaar Member

    Well said, Mermut.
  12. Councellor Member

    I agree that adding access features to each supply box similar to the Guild Bank (which is based on withdrawals every 24 hours) would facilitate security on each supply depot. Guild Leaders could then set access to boxes that have totally different functions by ranks so lower level or newer members could only withdraw (i.e.; 2 items during a 24 hour period) a limited amount of items rather than a use/take all or nothing method that a Visitor / Friend / Trustee access would afford. I do understand that any sort of fix won't be pushed out until after the new year, and for those of us with larger guilds means we'll have to come up with a temporary solution. Thanks for the new boxes and the challenges that come with them. Guess we Guild Leaders get to put our thinking caps on and earn our stripes now. :)
    Bibbs, Sabaar and Cyliena like this.
  13. Aeudian New Member

    I apologize if this was already said because I do not feel like reading through 10 pages. I would like to see the drop down option have an option for "show items not subscribed" for collections and lore and legends. Way to many items to go through to see if you need something.
  14. Councellor Member

    Additionally, the Fuel Supply Depot box should have a check-box included on the Recipe Book window (like the current Harvest Supply Box) OR the crafting stations should be set to pull from a player's inventory bags BEFORE drawing from any supply box within the guild hall.
  15. slippery Well-Known Member

    All the new stuff we are allowed to add to the harvest depot should also work for the Personal Depot
  16. Juraviel Active Member

    Still no change to the depot access? Well that's it for me.. time to move on. What a way to ruin a game SOE.. all the nerfs and changes in the last expansion and then the depot access on top of it all.. our guild has all but quit playing due to all of these negative changes from the goblin nerf, loot changes and the unsecure access for the depots. What's next?
  17. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I was wondering if some of the tinkered items.. like the overclocked mana stones that are 'totem like' could be added to the poison/potion/totem depot.
  18. Councellor Member

    There was no mention of a fix to the current access problems all guilds are having for the Harvest Depot? It was our understanding that something would be done right after the first of the year, and I am certain there's a lot of us Guild Leaders out there who really were hoping the fix would have been included in this first update. Thanks for any update you can provide on this "game changing" issue/problem for us.
    Bibbs likes this.
  19. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    True...I only picked up the food/drink, ammo, and potion,poison depots and if we get slammed and someone loots everything and heads for the hills the items there will not seriously be a problem though would still suck....overall the access on the depots needs to reflect the same as guild bank.
  20. Pijotre Well-Known Member

    While I'm generally in favor of bashing SOE for their slowness and agree that they shouldn't have pushed this live just before a holiday I'd think that the reason why you have few people online in your guild and this issue not having been fixed has much more likely the holidays xmas-new year as a cause. Wait another week and your guildies as well as the devs who can fix the issue will be coming back.