New Expansion - Odus in February

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Anestacia, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-sheila717 Guest

    Well, im perfectly fine with the late release, im hoping its SOE trying to make a better quality expansion / game, although I hope the next GUs have more content than the last three, OR come more often, because if SoE continues making GUs with a weeks content at most, and spacing them out for months, its not gonna be enough to keep me interested in the game.. :(
  2. ARCHIVED-Fortai Guest

    So many people are acting like they are re-releasing Odus from EQ1 exactly. I don't get it, isn't EQ2 a different game?
  3. ARCHIVED-sheila717 Guest

    Rorigon wrote:
    Yup, SoE screwed that up, if they were gonna use that lore to lead up to Odus (/Halas?), they should have waitied until Odus (/Halas?!) was announced..
  4. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Fortai@Oasis wrote:
    Exactly. You didn't hear this kind of whining about the Enchanted Lands, Feerrott, Steamfont Mountains, Lesser Faydark, Everfrost, or Moors of Ykesha (Innothule Swamp) when those zones were put into the game. They all used to be newbie zones, but now they're significantly high level. People just can't seem to put that connection together.
  5. ARCHIVED-Deadeyes Guest

    Hell Yes. Thank you SoE.

    If you miss Velious so dang much go back and play your guys there.
  6. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    I'm thoroughly amazed at how out of touch SOE is...and I've been playing SOE games for 10 years, so that says alot.
  7. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    Ukae@Befallen wrote:
    Uhh, how did introducing a new questline from this new force called the Order of Rime screwing up anything? The expansion isn't until over half a year away. What makes you think they had to make this actually related to the next expansion? There's plenty of time for a proper lead-in.
  8. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    Ukae@Befallen wrote:
    Yep, imo it was done as an inside joke to make people think one thing then throw a curveball. I for one didnt find it funny. Turtle dragons, ice ships, giants and blue glowing runed armor yet not being Velious? Give me a break.
  9. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    Anestacia wrote:
    Yep, pretty much.
  10. ARCHIVED-ZexisStryfe Guest

    I found the void beast shaped tree interesting...
    I also liked the Roper pretending to be a tree.
    One thing I have to say to all the haters- This is an entire continent changed by a ritual of pure magic. There are so many posibilities here. On top of that, judging from the files I have seen, with creatures like classic mythological chimeras, cerberuses, catoblepases, ropers, etc., I think they could do some wonderful things here.
    PS- Yes Erudin is a dungeon now. Deal with it...
  11. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Yeah, stop complaining dudes...sure, it was misleading, but GET OVER IT, im sure you guys are much older than me, as im 17, and look how I'm taking it...

    Hehehe...done with the attack now...

    Anyways, cant wait to see what they do with Odus
  12. ARCHIVED-ZexisStryfe Guest

    Meaghan@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Um... did I not tell everyone the Turgan models were labelled Northern turtle dragons? Could have sworn I did...
  13. ARCHIVED-Morghus Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Yes, but all of those zones still held some fond memories and nostalgia. Odus holds none of those for some of us I would assume, as through my entire life in eqlive I never once willingly went there. I would trek across the continent from freeport to qeynos on a daily basis, I would also frequently travel to misty thicket, highpass, the karanas and the like.
    Odus was always at least when i played the most deserted of all the starting cities, and the most unappealing. It had none of the magic that the faydark or even the other zones held. Odus simply is of no interest to me in any way shape or form unless they somehow manage to "make it better".
  14. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I just like how everyone thought that just because a new element and faction was being introduced to the game a few weeks before the fan fair, everyone thought it had to be connected to the next expansion.
  15. ARCHIVED-Daenae Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    You're right - I didn't whine about any of those - because none of them were released as a stand alone expansion. At least with innothlue, we got all of the mission zones scattered throughout norrath with it. It doesn't matter if it can be "better" than eq1 - there's only so much they can do with an area of land that on the original eq1 map is about twice the size of Everfrost.
  16. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    Galithdor wrote:
    Isnt it your bed time already?
  17. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    You missed out on a lot of stuff if you never bothered to just walk through Stonebrunt Mountains and enjoy the sights.
    Sometimes I would just go to Erud's Crossing and get entranced by the tropical music there.

    For me, it's a complete nostalgia factor built up from how beautiful many of the zones were actually designed. Sure, I didn't think Toxxulia Forest was anything special, but the continent really amazed me.
  18. ARCHIVED-sheila717 Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    It made people think it was Velious, im not saying they were smart..
  19. ARCHIVED-Josgar Guest

    Calandriaa@Mistmoore wrote:
    Let's see. What if they go off the coast?
    Extra islands


    They will fit stuff in.
  20. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    Vulkoor@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Even if you did tell everyone...who are you exactly and why does what you say matter anymore than anyone elses conjecture? If you're name's not in red, no one has any reason to listen to you.