If you want to protest against the summoner nerf (see test update notes)

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-prince_sd, May 17, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Brawly Guest

    To bad only about 2% of the people saying they are quiting will actaully quit, soe wont lose much so they dont care enjoy your nerfs!
  2. ARCHIVED-Delandow Guest

    Heh do the math guys, 15 bucks a month + thousands of us - the skelliton crew they keep to make this game... work = HUGE profits. I would say atleast 60% of everyone playing... from all servers, would have to leave before the big wigs at SOEHQ start to take notice. And even then to just shut it down. The only way possible is to petition and give real information and not just personal opinion on these matters. I to played SWG... they didnt listen to us then... they listed to the opinionated people who screamed the loudest... now look at it. Do you want that to happen to us? Not me. So insted of just packing it in and makeing these usless threats of leaveing, be proactive and voice your facts, and dont freak out when you see something coming that you dont understand. Take a stand and see how the changes go. If they truly are bad for the game, say so with numbers and facts. Then if they dont listen, leave. I for one am interested to see what changes and to see how the game will be, its a bit easy now as it is. Im not saying easy is bad but it does get boring. Anyway thanks to those that made it this far in the post, GL with your gaming and I hope your with me if I find anything broken and decide to petition it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Puritain Guest

    smart players will still preform better than morons when a fight gets parced. Parcing a fight will only say so much, I mean, alot of the wizards and warlocks that I've grouped with are stupid [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]s that don't conserve or save power, which means, ofcourse the ***** are going to get out damaged.
  4. ARCHIVED-Zald Guest

    What's the difference between the opinionated people that scream the loudest and "us"? I think too many people don't realize that the only difference is that when you're wrong you become one of those loud opinionated people that ruin things. I hope if anything SoE learned from SWG is that customer make horrible game designers, no matter how "knowledgable" they say they are.
  5. ARCHIVED-Delandow Guest

    Good point Z. But thats why i say back it up with facts and numbers. You cant really argue againt that. Well not logicaly anyway.
  6. ARCHIVED-Zald Guest

    I could agrue which facts and numbers. Statistics get abused worse than red headed step children. Way too many people post 1 + 1 = 2, Therefore, the world is coming to an end. Ok, 1 + 1 does equal 2... If only people stuck to the simple facts, THEN I couldn't argue.
  7. ARCHIVED-Lukundo Guest

    Zald, you are such a joker. You have been on these boards for months yelling about the need to nerf the summoners. You are a moron, plain and simple. (Anyone who hasn't kept up with the boards, please run a search on him). You want a nerf of the class you play, and that is not going to make much sense to anyone.
    To all of you other fools that are saying a nerf is a good thing, then you too are just plain dumb. Nerfs, for any class, suck. SOE could care less if a few people quit the game, because not enough would actually quit to mean any real revenue loss and your protest will not make them change anything, but it will eliminate you having to deal with it. So if you quit the game, do it because you don't want to play because of the changes, not because you think it will change anything.
    I agree with those of you who has said we should try to look on the bright side and hoping it is not that bad; but to the rest of you, what kind of person sits around hoping their class gets smacked with the nerf bat? If you were making a lot more money than someone else would you be hoping that someone bashed you over the head and took your money so it would distribute the wealth in a more efficient manner?
  8. ARCHIVED-Allowen Guest

    People gets scared too much and they dont understand the whole thing....
    Before I think to maybe quit the game because LU24 I will first wait and see how thing will be because we necros came from weak but fun class before DoF and then with that expansion we became Gods in dps and multi use class and then soem other patch nerfed/fixed some thing but then we got stronger again or still stayed strong.
    Many of the changes they are doing on our class seems fair liek our scout/mage pet outdamaging uber equipated and hardcore wizards and warlocks and many other dps.....conjurors semi afk on raids and just sendign peot and a dumbfire pet or two every five mins still owning poor sorcerors and the rest of the dps people. Well this is nto fair for me and I am a necromancer !Our scout pet got a bit nerf on some patch not long time ago, pet was hitign for 3600 but now it hits for 2600 some tiems and iti s still owning other dps class.
    About fighter pet that ppl is [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn]ing the a lot about not beeing fair but it is ,well nerfing the dps of the pet but not the tank abbility /agro of it trough.
    There is other post talking about fighter pets on raids on how easy they outdamage sorcerors. LOL tank pets owning every one on parsing...... fruistrating.
    Also the +wis skill that prevents pets from getting hit by aoe, it works ok but I have owned conjurors using scout master pet with that buff just by usign fighter pet(that has a ton of hitpointsand so last the whole fight duration) on offensive buff because the conjuror had to resummon pet at least once on that fight.DO you think this is fair ? PPL bought that +wis skill to stil lget owned by a "lazy" summoner using a fighter pet?
    Well, I just gave a few exemples, I belive we will still spank the mobs good when other classes with the LU will have a hell more hard time tryign to solo or do dps on xpgroup/raids.
    Once again people., stop crying before the LU24 is live ,wait for the patch to come and play it for aroudn three days before you have a final opinion if you need to quit the game or not.
    I see this LU24 to change the game a lot, maybe more then the LU that came with DoF expansion .Oh and other thing to continue to be soloing ok and dont be too dependent of a pet, get more avoidance, use some mitigation item, we are necros, we have uber power regen so forget a bit abotu FT items and high Int/HP size and go get mit and avoidance indead, you will tank the mobs s for your pet .Necros are not like every other class in game that it is hard to just keep one stat up.
    It is easy for any mage to max int but only a few will bother with avoidance(defense and agil gear) but for us necros this is the key, I recommedn you to try to boost these stats,it is fun garanteed and you wil lsee you will be a lot less dependent of pets ,expecialy the warrior.
    necromancer of Mistmoore server
    Lords of the triple moons.
  9. ARCHIVED-Zald Guest

    Look, no one wants nerf... no one wants taxes either. But the consequence of not having either of those things is a reality that some people obviously don't bother considering. I'm not a necro in real life. I'm a 33 year old adult that spends his money one viable and fun game world. An unbalanced, unfair game platform won't stay viable for long. Some of you think you're all that matters, but ultimately, 2 years from now the people joining won't know how ubber necros were before the great LU24 nerf, they'll only know a world thats balanced and fun for them. For those playing now, yes, things change.

    I'm not a glutton for punishment, but nerf are a fact of life and are sometimes warranted. Your general assessment that nerfs are evil, nerfs are wrong, and anyone that wants nerfs is a moron, is just plain imature. Bad nerfs are bad. Needed changes are needed. The necromancer class is overpowered in some cases for some players.

    Suggestion. Quit the game. People like you get so humg up in your own personal saitisfaction that you ignore or don't care about the fact that SOE is and should be designing for "everyone else" regardless of how it affects "you". In other words, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If all you can see is your own shallow desire for power and ego food, then you'll alwasy be ticked off and mad at the world.

    BTW.... some goober in another thread accused me of being an LU13 tag along necro.... See people like that are just wrong at every walk of life... For the recod, I started my 1 and only EQ2 necro on June 13, 2005. By LU13, my char was L38 and dinged 40 like 2 days later. I enjoy the class and the game, but I care more about the game than the class. Some of you wouldn't mind if SoE implemented cheat codes, I would. Some of you are probably the kind of people that loved screwing over people with Diablo hacks... I hated you then and still do. In games like these its about everyone having a good time, and imbalance, cheats, and lack of developmental due diligence are the fastest way to kill a game. The necro imbalance was NOT that extreme, but neither is the fix. Go play on test, its really not that bad at all.
    Message Edited by Zald on 05-26-2006 12:53 PM
  10. ARCHIVED-Krescendo Guest

    Don't quit just start a Monk or Zerker alt like EVERYBODY else! (and yes, you can actually find a Necro adept every now and then now)
    Dispisable, 36 Necro, Befallen
  11. ARCHIVED-Zald Guest

    Oh and BTW, Bill Gates is one of the biggest supporters of Estate Taxes. Does that mean he wants to give away his billions, does it mean he hates his children? No... Some people just like to see the game played fairly. Some of us recognize that there are more important things in this universe than ourselves.
  12. ARCHIVED-Xarovix Guest

    Puritain your comment about sorcerers being stupid an not conserving power IS THE STUPIDEST comment ive ever heard, do you raid ? Even with a master power feed, cani spell, manstone, clicky power back gloves, clicky power back range item, i cannot beat a necros ability to gain back power in a protracted raid fight... PERIOD ( image a necro with the same manastone, and clicky power back range item in which our guild necro has) uhhh yeah.....

    Summoners period will still have great raid dps, raid fights last pretty long ( esp named fights ) , over i think yall will be in good shape ( not quite the Gods anymore but still i good shape )
    Message Edited by Xarovix on 05-28-2006 03:04 PM
  13. ARCHIVED-Whazy Guest

    This adjustment to Summoners Pets' DPS is not as bad as some make out here. If you want to see for yourself how the changes to our classes will affect us, here's what you can do:
    - Log on to the test server.
    - Create a level 1 Conjuror/Summoner
    - Go immediately to the Bell on the Dock, next to the ship. This will transport you to the Fallen Dynasty Beta area.
    - Talk to the Guide to Fallen Dynasty who is right there on the dock as you arrive. (he may be up only during certain hours)
    - Have the guide buff you to level 70. He'll give you all Adept 3 spells. The gear you'll get is not very good, FYI.
    - Go test out the changes in zones where you know the mobs and see what the difference is.
    It's always better to test things out first hand before forming opinions about it. Everyone has a chance now to see the effects of the changes before they go live.
    Message Edited by Whazy on 05-30-2006 06:54 AM
    Message Edited by Whazy on 05-30-2006 06:57 AM
  14. ARCHIVED-Suraklin Guest

    Do what Whazy said. If ya don't like the changes then do us all a favor and hit cancel instead of whining. I played Necro before LU 13 I'll play Necro after LU 13. They really can't make us as bad as before LU 13 again I hope. I feel more sorry for the Troubies this LU than any class.
  15. ARCHIVED-Payne3 Guest

    They don't care about the consumers or even if they are satisfied with their product just as long as the addicts keep paying their dues. The devs will not be satisfied till they nerf EQ2 into another crappy watered down mmorpg like they did with EQ1 pretty soon we will be all sitting around LFG because we won't be able to solo anymore or be able to afford to buy anything in game. I really do think that they forgot that this is a game for us (the consumer) and not just a job for them and that we are in fact supposed to be having fun. I know you can't please everyone but lets see an effort that includes all of us and not just a few. I think they would be really surprised if some third party consumer group (ie Consumer Reports or J.D. Power) did a consumer satisfaction survey and the real voice of the consumer was heard. They need to treat every server like it was a test server and listen to the majority of the players and not the minority on test.
  16. ARCHIVED-Cecil_Strife Guest

    Thank you miss Cleo for that wonderful reading

    Can you tell me the lottery numbers now?
  17. ARCHIVED-LiquidFlex Guest

    May I protest against the protests? :smileywink:

    I'd just like to say that will all games, and especially this type, there will always be some group of people claiming "nerf" while the others claim "thank god for that nerf".
    It's all a FOTM factor anyway.

    I remember over a year ago when I first created my necro, there wasn't hardly any other necros around. I was soloing like crazy up to lvl 25, then I took a year off from the game. I came back, and the entire server was flooded with necros.
    While I'm glad to see so many people playing the necro class, It's also a testament to how the devs will always change everything on every class line to ensure it is either A) Fair to other classes, or B) Actually being used by the people.

    You cannot deny the amount of certain classes that flood all the servers. I personally find it very difficult to find a coercer. I have found more master spells for the coercer class, but can never sell them because none are ever around. I have actually only ever met about 5 or 6 on the MM server. It is such a rare class, yet a nice class to have in a group. However it seems that everyone else wants to be like everyone else and be able to be uber with their scout, or tank, or healer, or necro.

    I just think that it should be looked at with a more open-minded outlook. It's more of a challenge this way. I personally will always play my necro, and never really care about the "nerfs" or "beefs" that are put forth. If you persist on focusing on 1 little aspect of a change, you will force yourself to nolonger see the positive aspects of the class.
    And besides, it's just a game. And like I said, ALL classes have or WILL have been "nerfed" at some point. I'm sure the devs know what they are doing, and if they do make an honest mistake, they will correct it as they have with a few of the ones in the past.

    Just my humble input.

    Lirel (66Necro/Mistmoore/Exiles of the Sun)
  18. ARCHIVED-Badly Browned Guest

    I played my Paly pre-Lu13 and I still do, does that make me a man? :D Everyone gets nerfed, this time its just the Necro's turn. Besides, I think we should at least wait to play LU24 before we complain and whine and want to quit. I just started a necro myself on Venekor and I think that it is great, but then again, ussually everyone complains about raids and such.
    Message Edited by Badly Browned on 06-05-2006 07:32 AM
  19. ARCHIVED-Zald Guest

    Ahh yeah I forgot about that moronic post, hehe

    I started my Necro June 05, By the time LU 13 came around it was L39 and I dinged 41 like 2 days later.

    It's impressive how some people are just plain wrong about any and everything that they say.

    And for anyone that's against LU24 changes without having actually TESTED them. Ignorance is no excuse for ignorance. Go play on test and THEN complain with something other than 4 year old aingst. The changes ARE NOT EVEN NOTICABLE for soloers. In many ways the scout pet is even more solo friendly, the faster heals really do help. The mage pet is just as good as it always has been, and the tank pet still holds the same agro...

    The most noticable change is the pack DF's recharge time.

    I'm VERY much looking forward to LU24, not just so people like Prince SD will completely loose credibility, but becasue its a good set of changes overall.
  20. ARCHIVED-Fleet Guest

    What makes me angry though is all this crap about us being number one dps.
    Try killing a zerker , even lvl or a few lvls higher and watch as you get killed in under 5 seconds flat without being able to dent them.