GU32 info (fixes and bugs add in here)

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Shonshazzitt, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    [p]Just something to be aware of here, this change will enable me to turn a T6 rare in to a level 60 spell, and then transmute it for T7 components.[/p][p]I am sure some peope would have liked this kept quite, but as a sage I dont want even more people saying about how easy we have it... and I dont like unfair advantages, even if they are in my favour. [/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Priestbane wrote:
    Nah, tradeable is good in this case. No EoF loot has been tradeable at all so far, so this could be a nice change.
  3. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    I just don't see it working out well. From what I observe, any raid guild that can clear EH has a full compliment of resident crafters so, any trickle down benefit will be minimal at best. If the components are tradable then there might be some tangible benefit but, that assumes that the raid crafter does not want to market. I'm not a fan of a competitor controlling my finances.Without knowing the specifics yet however, there isn't much to say beyond general concerns. Maybe they have something worked out I can't see.
  4. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    [p]Yeah, can't really say till we see how it works. Assuming there is more than one thing to be made from a given component however, once guilds have nothing left to get from this new crafting, the components will be worth more uncrafted than they are crafted. The choice as to what you make with them is worth a lot. This does mean that there will be very few crafters that will be able to purchase these items in order to craft something to put on the broker, but the components will eventually trickle down to everyone else.[/p][p]Personally, I hope these items give me some EoF upgrades other than set gear, because wizard set gear is not really an upgrade for me. [/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Ilucide Guest

    And these recipes would be aimed at these folks, and characters who offer their services to these guilds. Though there will eventually be some trickle-down (as much as I loathe using that term), it won't be particularly high, especially not at the top end. -Ilu
  6. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Pretty much like the Secrets books were, it sounds like. Eventually anyone who wanted them were able to get their hands on them. The components were a bit tougher to get a hold of. But Tradeskillers, IMO, cannot expect to make Uber Fabled gear without risk. For non raiders, it means saving our coppers and waiting.
  7. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    I understood that from the start as I expected them to be much like the "Secrets..." books. My initial response was because this was the only recipe set you announced at the time and an admitted desire to see the loosening of recipe dependence on adventuring. That's another post though. I can't really argue about rewards for the raider/crafter as I always thought it was a good idea but, this is not the same environment that existed in T5 and it irks me a little from the independent crafter perspective. It's hard to explain without the old posts to draw on so, I'll just wait until it's posted that what's currently posted from the olds boards is all we're getting here. I don't want to start a new feedback/perspective thread only to have it end up looking like a spur form an older thread. Anyway, I like the general works and what I hear so far. Keep it up!
  8. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    See, that's what bugs me. In t5 an independent crafter could have built a relationship with a raiding guild to do those things and sightings of the books were relatively common. After the KoS heritage thing though, it's going to be much harder and really, I can't see it doing much good for any non-raiding crafter. Even if the components come up on the broker, I'll have little shot at it over a competing raiding crafter. The risk vs. reward statements are skewing the argument. It's not about that, it's about accessibility and viability for the average crafter. While I see this as a step, more has to be done to make it possible for a non- raiding crafter to compete with a raiding one or we get market tiering.
  9. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    [hr][p] [/p][p]Well, there is always the hope that if these Fable Crafted Recipes do well .. that maybe they will also start allowing Group Dungeons/Instances drop "rare" recipes (better than MasterCrafted but not as good as FableCrafted .. LegendaryCrafted?).[/p][p]Or, (wishful thinking) they will actually give us (2) devs all for ourselves and allow them to build us a Quest System that allows the individual crafter to questcraft for a few of the individual Rare Recipes! .. [/p][p]*shakes head to clear it * Ok .. maybe I just have too much cold medicine floating around in my system .. [/p][p]*sigh* .. there are already dozens of pages of stuff on the broker that are out of my grasp .. what's a few more dozen? *shrug*:roll: [/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Ilucide Guest

    I don't know that I've ever said that I had a desire to lessen dependence on adventuring. If anything, I'd like to see the crafting system more closely work with adventuring, so that craftable items can compete in the marketplace. What I'd like to see ideally is a different topic, but in a nutshell, I'd like to see a base layer of stuff to level up on (handcrafted), combined with a much more properly flavored series of mastercrafted to fabled items that have recipes and drops from specific zones. I'd like to see tradeskills and adventuring support each other, rather than being completely separate entities. Examples include recipes that are specific to faction camps, or recipes for long-lost weapons recovered from dungeons, rather than mobs just dropping 'advanced books'. (Say, why does a bear know how to make tradeskill stuff anyway?) I tend to like how the Nest recipes (though I am a bit biased here, virtual cookies to anyone who can guess why) work on a general level in that they enhance zone lore, are valuable to adventurers and offer crafters a good choice of what to make. Plus, because they did require (to a certain extent) adventuring, the rewards were able to be very worthwhile for their era. But I'm totally off topic here, so I'll get back to working on other things. :twisted: -Ilu
  11. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    We completely agree. That's why I stopped where I did. As said, I'm waiting for someone to post that the thread restores are done before firing up a new thread that says a lot of what old ones did. Thanks for being so open and communicating so much with us so we can clear things like this up.
  12. ARCHIVED-Raston Guest

    [p]great more content for raiders while those of us who can't raid due to IRL get left behind. I guess I already get screwed as an adventurer, I might as well get screwed as a crafter to.[/p]
  13. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Did you notice he said for Provi's to look out in Unrest? Sounds like there is a more than whats been said. Thinking the EH note should have been left out of the patch notes though until more detail could have been given.
  14. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    [p]It seems to me that what is being added in here is not for 'the average crafter'.[/p][p]Its for crafters that are also in raid guilds, of that have friends in raid guilds. There will be a trickle down to average crafters, for sure, but not to the point where every crafter can expect to make everything they can.[/p][p]In order to add in crafting for the 'average crafter' they need to be careful that they dont make current crafted gear obsolete in the process. [/p]
  15. ARCHIVED-Raston Guest

    for the most part it is already... There are only a few pieces out there that are worth a darn and they aren't worth it for long.
  16. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    He's already said it's not for general crafters. As for making current crafted obsolete, I really don't see how making the recipes accessible changes the gearing dynamic when the component is still going to be in limited supply. If in this case the component is tradable, then non-raiding crafters lose out to raiding ones.That's the whole reason I started posting.
  17. ARCHIVED-Raston Guest

    [p]I for one am just getting a little sick that anything worth doing in this game is being reserved for a SINGLE play style.[/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-Deson Guest

    Meh, I see them doing a good job of spreading it around lately. Really, with the Unrest note made and the statement that he has something special for high end crafters, I think we should wait and see everything before making broad statements like that.
  19. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Raston wrote:
    [p]Nah, almost everything a provisioner makes has a use, all potions have their uses, wands, totems, strongboxes, they are all useful. Rare armor, of all types have uses, everyone has hex dolls, ammo is going to be more useful soon. Everyone gets adept 3s made at some point, imbued rings are still some of the best avalible for scouts.[/p][p]The only thing that really isn't much use from crafters atm is weapons. Everything else will sell, and has its place in itemization. You people need to stop being so negative. [/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-Raston Guest

    [p]it isn't like we don't have a historical precidence here or anything is it?[/p][p]No, Deson, I don't see them spreading it, I see them creating more and more tierings in the community. They are going to create a greater line between the haves and the have nots that eventually will not be crossable. They are pushing it to the point where the big raid guilds will have all the toys while the rest of us get nothing but cold and partially eaten leftovers.[/p][p]I'd really like to see it work and benefit the entire crafting community, but I have to say, I'm skeptical :([/p]