GU32 info (fixes and bugs add in here)

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Shonshazzitt, Feb 13, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Meiox2 Guest

    So you probably started with the secondary school, without ever beeing in the primary one ? ;-)
  2. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    [p] I know a few people that hated crafting, but leveled up in whatever class they had in order to do 2 HQs (there are 2, not 1, that require crafting, Wurmslayer and Draco Mortuus vos Liberatio). once they got there, they realised they were able to make a bit of money with it, from buying rares and then selling finished products. As much as they hated leveling up, they actually enjoyed crafting for a profit. This leads me to believe that loke most crafters, they just hated spending time making what was essentially vendor fodder. When it came time to make something worthwhile, they enjoyed it.[/p][p]They hated leveling, and now that they have done it, they are adding to the supply end of the maket, and taking from the demand end.[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Meiox2 Guest

    And what is bad about having more people craft who likes to craft ? Are you afraid of competition ? That more people craft is the 'price we pay' for the changes they made since the begin. If you think its bad when more people craft you should vote for the crafting rules we had at the beginning. That way much less people would craft ;-) Actually I have not meet one crafter who likes to make vendor fodder.