Firona Vie Statue

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-Anestacia, May 29, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    I'm going to whine a bit here so bare with me. The item that will be given away at Fan Faire this year is something I have wanted since this game has launched. A statue of Firiona Vie! I get that Fan Faire atendees get something nice, but seriously? You know, I would even pay for the fan faire ticket to get that item its just that I cant physically make it to Fan Faire this year cause I am simply too far away and cant afford the crazy airline tickets for me and my boyfriend to make it to Vegas. I plead and beg to allow us to buy the Fan Faire ticket and get this item even if we cant make it there to register.
  2. ARCHIVED-Temprah Guest

    I feel your pain!!!! If I could just buy the FF ticket and get this, I'd do it too.
  3. ARCHIVED-irish Guest

    If its like any other year you should be able too.Just won't get any of the physical stuff.
  4. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    i thought you had to actually physically register in Las Vegas to get the item. If thats not the case can we please have a confirmation on this?
  5. ARCHIVED-Tigerlord001 Guest

    There was a post a while back on this forum concerning a 10-year anniversary painting of Venekor that was on the test server for a while, and it was mentioned that a painting of Firiona would be more appropriate. Afterwards, one of the devs stated that they had a tribute to Firiona planned in the future, and I really, really, really, hope this isn't it, because only the smallest portion of the player base will ever have this item. :(

    Can a dev please confirm if this is or isn't the stated "tribute" that was hinted at?
  6. ARCHIVED-Mary the Prophetess Guest

    I too would like a confirmation about this. I am unable to attend this year because of family commitments, but I would be willing to buy a ticket over the web to receive this. Perhaps it could be made availabe through Station Cash?
  7. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    You don't actually have to be on site to get the item.
    If you really want it and are willing to register to have your account flagged for it, then you can do that
    Unfortunately, I can't promise that you can get any of the physical swag. Just the in-game items.
  8. ARCHIVED-Tinrae Guest

    If I'm reading the registration area right, that's $39.00 for a ticket for this statue if you decide to do this.
    I'll pass. Very nice statue though.
  9. ARCHIVED-Guildie Guest

    I'd pay for this statue. So let me understand, you register and buy the ticket and you get any and all in-game items, correct? Do you get one for each toon or is it one per account?
  10. ARCHIVED-Avee Guest


    If only I could afford a ticket :(. I even live in Nevada! I could drive the 10 hours down to Vegas if I wanted to! But I am so broke right now :(. What a bummer!!

    That is one nice statue too. I hope whoever is going has a blast this year!
  11. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    Casta@Everfrost wrote:
    I hope thats how it works because I just registered after she confirmed that you could get them and not physically attend FF in Vegas. Some might think its nuts to pay 40 bucks for that but really, to me, its worth it. I try to keep EQ my main form of entertainment so I save alot of money on other things such as going out to the movies, concerts etc and when something that wonderful comes along its hard to pass up.

    I would like to know if its one per account or per toon, also. For that amount money I would hope that it is per toon. Not to mention past FF items have been per toon so I hope that it remains.
  12. ARCHIVED-ajadams Guest

    When is the cut off limit for registering?
  13. ARCHIVED-irish Guest

    If like before registration should be cutting off sometime in the next two weeks give or take a few days. Something to remember too; no guarantees and no way to know till the faire itself ,last year we also got the EQ1 and EQ2 expansions. So if they decide to do that again a one day pass just amounts to actually preordering the expansion. Also you will get any betas they offer.
  14. ARCHIVED-Powers Guest

    Anestacia wrote:
    But they're not selling you Firiona Vie statues; they're selling you a ticket to Fan Faire that you're not going to use. The statue is free, so the price point is not based on how many characters on one account can get the statue. =)

    Powers &8^]
  15. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    Powers wrote:
    your right lol :) Just speaking from my point of view is all. Im still bitter that I couldnt make it out there this year. :p
  16. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    I *would* buy the statue at a pricepoint of $5 to $10 from Station Cash, but I just can't justify nearly $40 for it /sigh.
  17. ARCHIVED-SilverMoth Guest

    why must everything be on the west coast?! -_-' i would so go if it was in florida (coincidently where i live..) even if i had to take a bus!
    that is one spiffy statue but i cannot afford even 40.00 right now
  18. ARCHIVED-Tinrae Guest

    Sigrdrifa@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Yeah, should add this to SC as an anniversary collector's item or something so non-attenders have an option of buying it seperately at a more reasonable price. It's not that I don't have the $40 to spend, it's that I just don't feel the statue is worth that much to me.
  19. ARCHIVED-PsiaMeese Guest

    I recall that last years in-game incentive, the Cloak of the Gathering, was later offered more widely. I think it was about six-months later? I recalled being disgruntled my status as a Fanfaire attendee sort of lost a bit of its luster. But it's nice to have bragging rights if just for a while.
    While I can't speak for SOE, I suspect one of the above suggestions may come to pass. Hopefully not while I am in Vegas.
  20. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    It was a mess up that gave the cloak. it was not intended but since it was so widely done they just let everyone keep it. I seriously doubt they will make the same mistake twice.