Exile from someone who actually knows

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Quantum Leap, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Punchie Member

    So, now we will not only have a server who's population is divided by 3, making it hard for newer players to find others to group with and show them the ropes, but we will probably have a 2nd server to divide that population as well. Should have left things as they were and just let all classes available to all sides on creation. yaay exile =(
    Darklilly, Damoke, Slice and 2 others like this.
  2. Faabio Active Member

    Where are you getting your information from exactly?

    Exile wasn't like that at all besides maybe a few select guilds.
    Thinwizzy likes this.
  3. Drew575 Active Member

    yeah....come on punchie...you have a cool name but no reasoning behind your statements.
    Thinwizzy and Nightmre like this.
  4. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    ladies and gentleman punchie the server population expert, a new addition to our growing team of armchair developers.
    Nightmre likes this.
  5. Tituli New Member

    great, exile is in. now, what about classes ?

    will all classes be available in Q and FP ? (pls)

    or can i at least betray as mentioned before ? like swashy Q goes exile and can chose swashy / brig when gained enough Q-faction

    or FP brig -> exile -> Q Brig without option for swashy
  6. Geeta New Member

    This is sad because it's probably true. At least we'll have a month to pvp before we all realize the servers are dead!
    Damoke likes this.
  7. Peak Nagafun

    No reason to expect the betrayal process to change, so, yes to the betrayal option.

    The majority of players will likely remain in a faction. How is that making it harder for newer players to find others to group with? The most likely reason new players will have trouble finding players to group with is because of server population in general, not because of two or three factions.

    Source: The history of Nagafen from 2006 to 2015.
    Siren likes this.
  8. Fetish Well-Known Member

    Math isn't really a strong point for you I guess...

    F=Freeport Q=Qeynos E=Exile

    Scenario 1: F is attackable by Q. Q is attackable by F.
    Scenario 2: F is attackable by Q and E. Q is attackable by F and E. E is attackable by F, Q, and E.

    Which scenario has more possible chances for PvP?
    Nightmre and Siren like this.
  9. Slice New Member

    Have yet to post, prob like most people and just watch what's being talked about and hope for the best. However, I can agree with this. With what is most likely going to be 500 or less players coming back for this, we've now split those players up and let's add another server to bring even lower numbers. We may as well add Guild Halls too, so that way new players will be totally on their own. You're simply ignorant if you think helping new people players out is VITAL to server longevity.


    Damoke likes this.
  10. Damoke New Member

    Think someone already posted about this. HISTORY actually proved that a third faction made things much more difficult for new players. Not only was there less activity on the two starting factions, but when they ventured out (unprepared for what was to come), they had to contend with 2 groups of players trying to pull ghank fests.
    With all the whining going on and people puffing their chests waiting to ghank under geared, inexperienced players, this whole idea, as good as it was, is going to fail, just like HISTORY has shown. (2006-2015) RIP: Venekor, Vox, Nagafen, Deathtoll
    Darklilly likes this.
  11. Damoke New Member

  12. Naroc Active Member

    Lol at people thinking Exile was the reason the PvP servers died.
  13. Fetish Well-Known Member

    If you were there...or of you had even been interested enough to read the archived forums, you would know that the death of red servers was a side effect of blue server game changes. The only thing that Exiles ever did to harm PvP on red servers was the /petition crap to avoid PvP on open world contested mobs. Exile increased PvP...the loss of open world PvP is why the red servers died.
    Siren and Nightmre like this.
  14. Thetmes Active Member

    So as others have asked will we have access to all class in Freep or Qey??

    If not then allowing exile just killed any chance other than the most stubborn people remaining in Qey or Freep since those 2 factions will not be able to complete all current content which will give those players in exile a gear advantage in PvP....... Which will lead to people leaving the new server and with less and less people to fight because the faction players leave the server more and more will leave the server until its the same as Naggy is right now with only a few guilds in Freep and Qey doing anything at all. The only diff will be the guilds left doing anything will be in exile so they can actually complete content.
  15. vernon New Member

    The population of Nagafen didn't necessarily decline because of changes to the game, I think the fact that a lot of us grew up, got jobs, had families and got lives was a huge contributor. Also we all always jumped en masse to the next big mmo which always let us down. I personally think we are all trying to get back what we had around KOS and EOF which was a fantastic community playing a great game. There was one thing that let us down though and that was that Freeport and Qeynos did not have access to all classes and that made the factions have a serious disadvantage when it came to raiding.

    Please devs don't make the same mistake when you have a chance to correct it, please if you are including exiles at launch make it so Qeynos and Freeport have access to all classes then at least we start on a level playing field. Im sure exile will sprint ahead due to the time and dedication that they have but at least they'll be no excuses this time and we can all doff our caps accordingly.
    Darklilly, Damoke and Tituli like this.
  16. Damoke New Member

    I don't think anyone, is saying Exile faction itself killed servers. And you have it completely wrong. Red servers die from the same reason Blue servers die. Lack of new players. So, what then is the reason for most new players leaving? They have a negative experience with the game. The game, even in this TL state is vast and overwhelming to a new player, without people to group with and enjoy it with, they will soon get bored and leave. PVP for many is a negative experience. Not because of having to fight another player, but because when trying to level (with low quest gear and apprentice spells), they're constantly being killed by the opposing faction. (or factions now)

    I'm not saying Exile isn't a good thing. The goal of this re-launch should be to not only bring back old players, but to bring in new players, AND KEEP THEM! This, IMO, a poor decision for this time. Should have just allowed FP/Q to create all classes regardless of faction. That would have addressed the inevitable raid issue.
  17. Darklilly New Member

    Most people only care about how many level 10's they can attack Damoke. They are the same one's that cry to each other later because there's no one else left to cry to. You can find all 30 of them still logging into Naggy wondering where everyone else is.
    Damoke likes this.
  18. Fetish Well-Known Member

    Creating a character on a PvP server requires choice. Staying on a PvP server requires another choice. If they don't like it, there are PvE servers... Saying that people quit playing on PvP servers because they were PvP'd is stupid. The people on those servers made a choice to make a character there, and to stay there. The same as any new players would. So the people that left the PvP servers quit not because of PvP happening, but because of PvP not happening...but again, if you were there you would know this. Welcome to the TL PvP server(s)...there will be plenty of people here who were here when PvP went live in EQ2 a decade ago. They will be able to help walk you through your misconceptions that you seem to be bringing with you...
  19. Darklilly New Member

    Punchie wasn't addressing the amount of people you can attack, he/she was addressing adding a third faction causes the server to be divided further. You would think someone that is attempting to boast their knowledge of mathematics would understand the use of the word
  20. Deadlyne New Member

    As part of Kanders master plan, tonight around 8pm he will post that they decided against adding exiles. And the tears will be delicious...