"Destiny of Velious" Release Date Change!

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by ARCHIVED-SmokeJumper, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-juggalo0385 Guest

    Mathafern@Mistmoore wrote:
    well see you later can I have your gears and monies
  2. ARCHIVED-Zin`Carla Guest

    Mathafern@Mistmoore wrote:
  3. ARCHIVED-Wasuna Guest

    Maybe they can use this extended beta period to try and balance some of the classes out a bit. A 275% variance in the fighter population is just shameful for the SoE developers.
  4. ARCHIVED-d1anaw Guest

    juggalo0385 wrote:
    It does boggle the mind, doesn't it? It harkens back to a few years ago when someone called an expansion delay "soul destorying". Can we say perspective here?
  5. ARCHIVED-KClayton Guest

    d1anaw wrote:

    It's not so much a matter of perspective as of timing- by going head-to-head with the release date SOE is forcing a choice, whereas before they were not. If I were still into solo gameplay that might not matter- but since most of the raidforce is going to Rift, I'd be pretty lonely hanging around Velious.
  6. ARCHIVED-Brigh Guest

    Mathafern@Mistmoore wrote:
    Please inform the class how EQ2 is like an arcade console combo game?
    You do not build up 'powers', hit a key then another key to get a special power, etc.
  7. ARCHIVED-melanie66 Guest

    I think if EQ2 loses any players permanently to Rift, it'll be the players that started off with WoW as their first MMO.
    JMO, of course.
  8. ARCHIVED-Greatscate Guest

    No. But you debuff before hitting a large attack I'm sure. Same concept really.
  9. ARCHIVED-KClayton Guest

    Brigh wrote:
    As an SK, I can siphon strength (boosts my melee), boost my melee speed, debuff mitigation from the mob- and THEN hit it much harder/faster than I would have if I did that in reverse order. Or debuff nox resist then throw in all the nox spells.
    Bards, in putting together a really good VC, require even more combination of things cast at the right time- from everyone around them (time warp, roa, peace of mind, etc)- and everyone else gets their best hits in when that VC is active.
    Every class has a little bit of this sort of thing. Yeah, you don't have to cast in the right order- but you will be more effective if you do.
  10. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Enica@Everfrost wrote:
    Rift is less like WoW and more like WAR. However, you can customise controls closer to that of EQ2 than you can WoW. With assist through attacks/heals, Queueing abilities.. yeah the game seems more of a Hybrid WAR/EQ2 than WoW.
    I think just anyone looking for a change but wants something familiar will goto RIFT. It isn't anything new, but it sure does feel comfortable, like we have known each other for a long time. I dislike WoW but enjoyed RIFT Beta so far. /shrug
    I was planning to play both side by side, having nearly a month of EQ2 velious before RIFT but now /shrug. I already Preordered rift through trion and payed in full so at I will most likely miss the first few months of Velious. Not to say I will not be getting it, just not as soon as I had planned.
  11. ARCHIVED-Teshra Guest

    Wasuna wrote:
    lol, if you think that's what the extra 2 weeks will be used for, I just want to use this oppurtunity to prep you for disappointment. I donot believe your blind faith will be rewarded sorry to say.
  12. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    Or... Maybe they did it for the LoLz from all the nerd rage?
  13. ARCHIVED-desinence Guest

    I love how people keep talking about the polish, not sure I've seen SOE release a single game or expac that wasn't still BETA quality, hell, Vanguard was released in Alpha Quality, which was a shame, the game would of been great... I was in on the Rift BETA, and I'm not breaking the NDA with details, but wow, by SOE standards, it should of been released months ago. Sadly, SOE will bank on everyone waiting for TOR, as going to Rift for the few months in between releases is a wasted effort. Partly, some of us are prepared to buy Velious just to see for our selves how big a flop it becomes. I think most will agree as I've heard everyone I've talked to agree on it, this expansion will make or break this Title... SF was frankly quite dull, partially due to the furthered Void storyline that i think most burnt out on in TSO, but mostly due to what seemed like a lack of effort... When it comes down to it, a lot has become gear based ie. HM's take 6 pulls max to earn a first kill, you just have to have everyone mostly in T2... hell, the HM for the most part is lets make this fight last annoyingly long and see if you can manage not to screw it up as your hands start to cramp up. So yes, SOE will still bank on DoV, the question is, how many subs will they lose before the year is out?
  14. ARCHIVED-Eugam Guest

    The same procedure as every year ? Yes James, the same procedure as every year.


    Will us non US citizens be able to pre-order digital download AND get the codes for the items ? :D
  15. ARCHIVED-momzplay2 Guest

    desinence wrote:
    If SOE does not feel the expansion is ready for release, then kudos to them for not releasing it. That said,
    Desinence, subs don't appear to be the focus of SOE's business model. Of course, this is my perception and isn't based on anything except the direction of the company since the launch of the Extended model, which, according to Smokejumper is doing very well. Perhaps they are counting on these Extended players to willingly purchase the expansion with little or no information.
  16. ARCHIVED-Zaldor Guest

    Anyone remember when everyone was going to leave EQ2 to go to Vanguard?

    What was that other one even earlier that everyone was going to leave EQ2 for? Is it even around anymore? There have been several so my brain is probably getting them all mixed up.

    Looking forward to next year and seeing what game "half my guild is leaving for"
  17. ARCHIVED-Greatscate Guest

    I really don't know how I feel about this. I don't plan on buying Velious anyways but I find it hard to believe that the extra 2 weeks are going to used for "polish" but rather finishing. Even so, I don't think anyone can or should complain about a company wanting to work on their product more, and for that, I appluade SoE. That's rare for me to do so, yeah.
    However, having said that, I can't shake this feeling that this is a terrible move for Sony. Those people who were on the fence about giving Velious a shot before going to RIFT may just now choose to wait the extra week or enter RIFT via pre-order headstart. Now, I know this goes against everything I have ever said about releasing an unfinished product, but I really do think they should've stayed with their original release date and given people a little taste of what Velious has to offer. That is given, only if Velious is finished and/or close to finished at the time.
    On the other hand, if the expansion is being delayed because content is unfinished, I would hope they would delay it until about a month after RIFT and hope that most people come back if RIFT fails. If not, then at least they will have a well made product here for its remaining customers. In turn for giving a good product, hopefully word will get out and people will return eventually.
    There is a lot to be said about the longevity about a well-made, expansion with quality content. If Sony rushes this, it may be nice for initial sales, but bad for future business. However, waiting essentially opens the door for RIFT to take customers away from them... This is one giant pickle SoE has gotten themselves into.
  18. ARCHIVED-Loxosceles Reclusa Guest

    desinence wrote:
    Not to de-raid the thread or defend SOE but,
    Vanguard failed because of Brad Mcquaid's piss-poor management skills of his company. SOE had nothing to do with it. SOE only got involved when they bailed Brad (as a favor for his work on EQ) out by buying Vanguard for a song and a dance. They released it only to recoup some of the revenue back because they didn't have the staff, nor were they prepared for the game to be in as bad of shape as it was. The only reason they did release it when they did was to help offset the costs of hiring a staff to finish it, which wasn't handled all that great either, but the game was just dumped in their lap.
  19. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Mentin wrote:
    It's over here: Pssst...Advertising for the game! :)
  20. ARCHIVED-maphrodite Guest

    Good to hear that you are gonna polish it more and i was expecting the delay of the expac, mainly when the merges were announced seems only common sense that something like that is gonna happen.

    Please can you make sure that there is a pre-order for the box version in the uk please i want to get the special edition if there is one and am notordering from the US, but ther again this is probabaly to short of notice really even tho this should be sorted fromt he same problems we have every time we have an expac come out that the international people have to pay insane prices to get a box set. So please SOE can this be sorted this time