Cute Kick from Discord

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Priority, Jan 12, 2021.

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  1. Hartay Keeper of the Server Hamsters

    Lets all hold hands and sing sea shanties.
    Almee likes this.
  2. gilliax Member

    I mean I guess it is there channel and they can do what they want, but in my humble opinion you ban people for being abusive to other members. Not because they voiced an opinion that does not show your game in a shinny light. Like you can kick paying members right and left but this does nothing but assuage your ego. I mean when people post they are not happy you should listen cause the next step is they post nothing because they have taken there money elsewhere.
    Argosunited likes this.
  3. Almee Well-Known Member

    I think it is really sad that another player is leaving the game. I understand their position and sympathize with their complaints.

    I don't know why the various investors, of EQ2, haven't made more of an effort to make the devs more responsive to player requests and complaints. The franchise has gone through several investment companies and none of them seems to care about customer satisfaction so I doubt the new investor will be any different. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Faced with the fact that things weren't going to change I had to decide whether to continue supporting the game or quit. I ended up cancelling all but two subs, and one of them occasionally gets cancelled when I know I won't have much time to play.

    I also only bought the basic xpac which I believe is a first for me after all these years. I don't enjoy the new content that much so there is little reason to pay extra for items I don't need.

    I still have buff baubles from previous xpacs I haven't used because it is more fun to roll new characters and play them than buff new characters to 100, 110, or 120. The old game, so many of us loved, is still there and we don't have to play on temporary servers to enjoy that content.

    You don't have to use any of the enhancements that came with various xpacs. I can play without mercs, reforging, flying, or whatever else some people have found distasteful. With f2p you can have more than one account so you don't have to depend on other people to group with at lower levels.

    I understand that a lot of people like the competitive nature of end-game content. I've been there and done that. But it simply isn't worth the frustration that comes with it. It is frustrating enough that they keep messing with the older parts of the game because of the TLE servers or something conflicts with new coding.

    I'm only saying this because I hate to see people get so frustrated they quit the game. With the thousands of quests available, there is always something a person hasn't done in the old areas that can still be interesting and challenging.

    I donate my money each month to keep the servers running. I don't reward DP for poor performance and money-grabbing programming. It's walking a fine line but it allows me to keep playing in case a new company buys the franchise and really works to get the game back on track.

    I know it won't work for everyone but it is a way to play the game we love without causing a stroke. For those of you who need the competition of end game, I'll keep you in my prayers "and may the odds be ever in your favor."
  4. Gelenor Well-Known Member

    This is why "some people"l will post stuff on forums and not discord. As they realise that discord does not have the same rules and conditions and the mods can do as they wish. Discord will survive as long as forums as they have complete control on discord
  5. Jrox Well-Known Member

    It is a well known fact. we do not respond to that guys stupid antics. Just ignore him. He's not worth the effort and 9:10 he's not even on topic like his post here...
  6. Jrox Well-Known Member

    6 pages deep and this guy is still derailing. Absolutely fanatical in his desire to derail every thread he can get into. I so wish they would ban him from these threads. This had some good feedback without hate spewing until he took over. Unbelievable, or is it. /smdh

    Absolute 10000% garbage...
    Ashandra likes this.
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