Conjs and Necros

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Lorilie, Mar 22, 2019.

  1. tbmroark Member

    My group ran into a conjy using invis to get around SH and farming the named before we could get there every time. The mobs were even-con/yellow-con to him. Was really disappointing and frustrating, especially considering all the work we were doing as a group to move around only to find every named dead before we had a chance. I think it's time to readjust summoners, or even better, readjust the content to make it more difficult so they can't do that.
    Toxify likes this.
  2. Zenji Well-Known Member

    I hate to break it to you, but summoners are not the only class that can do that. Also nothing is stopping your group from using invis and going around killing names too if you wanted.

    You may want to look up the definition of "contested" because most of Shattered Lands named mobs are contested. If you don't want to compete for named mobs and prefer to do instanced dungeons, come back in 3.5 months.

    I am all for making content more difficult, but mob adjustment / tuning is unlikely to happen in Shattered Lands.
    NurmYokai likes this.
  3. Earar Well-Known Member

    Because it will happen in dof release ? Kos release maybe ?
  4. Earar Well-Known Member

    Right now named drop gear is just as good as quest gear ... and for masters .. they sadly don’t sell much

    And they don’t give AA ... so named are fun but not that important. If u do SH, it’s for the xp.
    Now ... pet classes were OP soloers before and are still.

    Play the class u enjoy in the end
  5. Atan Well-Known Member

    While true, summoners pets are so stupid broken, the tank pet is hitting even con heroics for 25% of their health per hit. So, any brain dead summoner can solo heroic names by hitting /pet attack and making a sandwich.
  6. tbmroark Member

    I'm fully aware, contested content is fine, especially heroics, but I still don't think that should mean a class can solo that content without even thinking. Might as well put a slot machine in town that spits out loot for them with a button that can be pressed every couple of minutes. I don't think any class should be able to solo that type of heroic content, but I know that's a fight not worth having for a 15 year old game. It'd just be nice to see some actually challenging content and these mobs actually requiring a group effort, rather than a class setting their pet on a named and going afk.
    Toxify likes this.
  7. Atan Well-Known Member

    Soon as they fix summoner pet buff package, this will no longer be an issue.

    Someone just needs to find a way of making Caith aware of the issue without getting banned from Discord in doing so.
  8. Earar Well-Known Member

  9. Greene Active Member

    So who is more broken, conjurors or necros? Asking.....for a friend.
  10. Doyus New Member

    I must suck. I am a 50 necro with most of my spells at master, including my pets and I cannot solo mobs like described above.
  11. Atan Well-Known Member

    You must, as my 50 necro and 50 conj tear them up. Very soon I'll have a full group of 50 summoners to troll epics with.
  12. Atan Well-Known Member

    I'd say conj slightly, but thats just cause of some of their defensive oriented buffs make them even stronger.
  13. kitleez Member

    Yeah conjs are a little better, but necros have the never run out of mana and self heal which is nice. I do think their tank pets need to be buffed, it took 3 summoners to take down an x2.
  14. Hot_Rod Member

    'Back in the day' (about RoK release) Conjurors (my class) was horrible. You couldn't even get a group and your tank pet would get eaten by a green solo mob. Necro's have always had it easier with lifetaps, FD, etc, but I'm glad they are good enough to keep the solo players happy now.
    Siren likes this.
  15. Earar Well-Known Member

    yeah but couldn't they find a middle ground ?

    when a class is too OP .. u little by little lose diversity.
  16. Redlight Well-Known Member

    It is becoming annoying. Summoners are solo-ing everything that isn't supposed to be solo-able by pretty much any class at an extremely short killtime. It is ruining the broker economy and also the purpose of the game, becoming as good as you can get. This shouldn't include you to be required to roll a summoner. Fix this double scaling broken garbage already, it is ruining my gaming experience and I am not alone.
  17. Lorilie Member

    A conj or necro can solo 95 percent of all group heroic nameds, and a few summoners rotating pets can take down x2 content. Adjustments need to be made, as it is going to get harder and harder to find other classes for groups.
  18. Doyus New Member

    I call BS. They are not soling group content unless they are 10+ levels above it.
  19. Fistpower Well-Known Member

    My conjuror can solo everything in icy digs with the exception of Queen and the Drake x2. So yeah, we are. And its nice cuz I already "earned" a year worth of krono while leveling my real main on the side until they eventually nerf the summoner pets into the ground instead of doing like any responsable developer would, in small steps to not totally screw up the class like they did on FG where we had 2 raiding conjurors in TSO and SF.

    (503 INT, 11.4% Potency, 119 amod and 5.2 crit on the conjuror)

    No doubt in my mind that summoner pets are extremely broken atm and thats speaking as someone who intended to main a conjuror on this server, but at its current state its just not fun.
    Toxify, Redlight and Earar like this.
  20. Lorilie Member

    Ive seen 50 conjs kill 53 and 54 triple up heroic nameds like nothing in sol eye. Also mobs like asphyxia, the chieftain in EF, pretty much every named that your suppose to have a full group for, they solo it and fast too.