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Challenge Duo Zones

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Kander, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. xkrisx Well-Known Member

    So far the combinations I have seen successfully complete the Challenge Duos have been : Dirge & Defiler / Ranger & Inquisitor / Bruiser & Beast-lord / Fury & Ranger / Fury & Necro / Swash & Beast-lord / Bruiser & Monk / Bruiser & Mystic / Fury & Warden / Guardian & Dirge ....
    As you can see I have done these with multiple combinations and seen them ran with several other combinations. They can be done and they are not a time sink except for the time it takes to figure out what works for you. I think the hardest combo I have yet to work with was the stupid Fury & Ranger because of the focus damage that kept one shooting the fury. :(

    I enjoy these zones because they present a challenge to people. Its not a tank and spank and just because your fully raid geared doesn't mean the zone in trivialized.
  2. Ucala Well-Known Member

    So you didn't watch the video of the Conj/Wizzy duo doing Aqua?
  3. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    We blow through Antechamber on my alt dirge+ my buddies alt defiler. Debuffs or not, utility classes are veryyyy capable of doing these zones. Some pulls we get it to 50ish in 2ish min.
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    don't think anyone said utility wasn't, dirges and troubs both have it fairly easy as both have relative good defensive moves (bagpipes, stoneskins) plus a defiler and dirge combo is a butt load of debuffs :p. illies do not, coercers have a few defensive things but a coercer goes up in dps from other group members. utilities are fine, chanters have it the hardest
  5. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Its "kinda" rough for the chanters. I tank Antechamber on Tiger when I do it with an illy. At one point on a huge burn, we must have had 900k together but failed due to a ******** square move. 1 unlucky hit=fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Doing it lateee night after raids doesn't guarantee a first pull =(.

    Had shield bug out a couple of times too, it would just disappear just as he hits it to cure me. Very rare that it happens though.
  6. Enoa Member

    Thought I'd add mine to the collection. Monk/ inquis duo. Gimpy gear

  7. Aggy Active Member

    Coercer/Conjy for Aquaduct FTW! Just sayin
  8. Andreia Member

    Considering the patch notes, why don't you make the helm's components heirloom ? It's unfair that some people have their helms without clearing the duo zones, and people who have done them with an alt have to try to clean the duo zones with their main character in order to craft the helm. Something similar to the rings would be nice.
  9. Aggy Active Member

    Confused...who has helms that hasn't cleared the zones?
    Davito likes this.
  10. Andreia Member

    I was just gessing that some people did it when I read the patch notes. Should have wrote : it's unfair that some people could have their helms ;)
    Anyway I just hope that the components will be heirloom one day or another, I'm too lazy to do them with my main character :)
  11. dkpc1983 Member

    Furnace of Ages, Paladin & Templar combo with Blazing

  12. Widem Active Member

    At this point all of this is old hat, but I think what is most frustrating to me in a general sense about these zones is it exposes weakensses in indivudual classes depending on the way encounters are designed.

    For instance I spent about 4 hours Fury/Wiz in automaton and made moderate progress. I came back Fury/Monk and 1 pulled it for the following reasons. Tanks can just LOL hold everything. No having to do swaps and can cast and auto attack while moving.

    I think that the real difference between this and what has been created in raid balance is the expectation in the Duo zones that one is expected to DPS while on the move. This lends a huge advantage to any class that uses CA's or has high auto-attack damamge. Currently the best combos are 2 tanks tbh. They do great dps, can heal themselves for the minimal damamge they receive.

    I really think the challenge is in line, but its more of a balancing issue for this type of gameplay. You used to be able to have 1 ****** class in a group of six and it wasn't to bad, but you bring in one ****** class in a group of 2 and its much more difficult to over come.

    I wonder if simply making everything be able to be cast on the move in these zones would fix some of the imbalancing.
  13. Ucala Well-Known Member

    wizzies can cast an auto attack while moving too...wand doesn't get stopped
  14. Quabi Active Member

    I think it's mainly just that fighters (maybe besides Guardians) are overpowered compared to other archetypes. Priests are more powerful than mages/scouts too, but it's not really even near the level of fighters. Fighters (non-Guardians) have basically become mini-healers in addition to their normal great damage mitigation and threat generation (in some situations, they can heal themselves for MORE than a healer could heal them), and if they go Reckless, they're basically DPSers. Meanwhile, DPSers are still just DPSers.
    Venomizer likes this.
  15. Atan Well-Known Member

    It would have some impact for sure, but I believe Quabi's assessment is very much on target.
  16. Ashrah Member

    I would be pleased already if the resists would be gone , its annoying enough you cant cast on the run but getting resists on top of it is just terrible
  17. Hammdaddy Active Member

    The zones are perfectly fine
  18. Clevemo Active Member

    Gimpy gear aside ... you had the most OP class combo for those zones.
  19. Clevemo Active Member

    I agree. Brawlers, especially, carry non-fighter classes through antechamber and aquaduct. Threat management is huge in Furnace and brawlers manage well using FD, Evasion, mantis leap. The fighters becoming mini-healers is only true with certain specs and gear pieces. It is unfortunate if you play a utility scout .... *crickets*
  20. Clevemo Active Member

    The one thing I would change would be to allow peeps an unlimited usage on that water bucket in Furnace of Ages. I say this only to help those duos that don't have excellent threat management by nature. It would help those odd class combos deal with the stack debuff generation, add spawning and resists. Those red/yellow resistability runes are garbage.