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Challenge Duo Zones

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Kander, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Kander Developer

    We wanted to wait for the people who got the first kills on Gen'ra Challenge to get some discos and have fun with the challenge duo zones first. All 3 zones have been defeated and discos have been had.

    That said, on Friday, June 21st we will be unlocking Antechamber of the Automaton, Furnace of Ages and Abyssal Aqueduct on all servers.

    Please post here or PM me if you have any questions.

    Please keep posts here constructive.
    Twyxx likes this.
  2. Lempo Well-Known Member

    This sounds reasonable. These zones really sound like they will be quite challenging looking forward to them.
    Please don't nerf them because of posts they are too hard though at least for a few weeks.

    Edit for clarity - I don't want them nerfed at all I agree with the poster below me. I don't expect to be able to clear these right off but I'd rather spend a few K plat dying over and over than to have them nerfed for the sake of placating the inevitable crowd that will be calling out for them to be nerfed.
  3. Allaz New Member

    Please don't nerf them at all. And this is coming from someone who can't clear the zones.
    Arielle Nightshade likes this.
  4. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    As long as they're not being nerfed, that's cool.
  5. Kander Developer

    There are no plans to change any of the current difficulty. None.
    Kinya, Twyxx, Quabi and 2 others like this.
  6. Dinwiz Active Member

    any coercers manged to do any of them yet?
  7. Ucala01 Member

    I would have to try it on my coercer eventually :p but I would have thought that Voxxom has run it once
  8. slippery Well-Known Member

    Can you comment on if some things are intended? If you get hit by adds once are you permanently intended to get hit by blazing weapon for the rest of the fight with no way to stop it? (Because this happens, nothing worse then getting hit by Blazing Weapon when adds aren't even up)

    Is there something players are missing in Aquaduct that would make the adds easier to deal with?

    When the det isn't on anyone are you intended to get hit by disharmony?
  9. Vipersx Member

    Can we get some locations plz.... they are unlocked on my server would like to check them out
  10. Zelox Active Member

    the named gets another blazing weapon buff on him when adds are too close but the buff actually does drop like 2 mins later, im not sure if its 2 mins exactly but yeah somewhere around there
  11. Lempo Well-Known Member

    Maergoth and Drums found them I think, they are there how about searching for hours on end like they did AFTER they are unlocked.
    I personally don't want to be told, first to find it should reap the rewards.

    I'm going to guess that the zone names may be some sort of tip offs to at least isolate where to look.
  12. Vipersx Member

    well not everyone has hours every day to spend looking for a zone in.... i dont see why people have to be so rude not to share
  13. slippery Well-Known Member

    There are like 3-4 zone in for each, and they move around.
  14. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    Abbyssal Aquaduct is in the water not far from Scarstone, where the ripper fish are. Utterly blanking on the name of the area, Hollow Grotto or something like that. I saw the entrance on my map Monday, and I run EQ2maps.
  15. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    What intrigues me very much is the new fix on Test, of how you must be grouped with your challenge duo partner inside the zone or bad things can happen.

    Yanno...that really makes me wonder just how huge was the loop hole that fix closed....
  16. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Not really huge. One unnamed berserker soloed AA in like 22 minutes with it.
  17. Lempo Well-Known Member

    It isn't 'rude' not to share, and word will filter down normally. as they are found by others and eventually mapped.
    You don't have to be spoon fed everything, if you don't have the time to search for the zone are you gonna have the time to spend hours trying to beat it? Or then will you come and ask SOE to quit being rude and nerf it so that you can?
  18. Vipersx Member

    thanks for the info on the zone locations... and to lempo if you cant see the difference between spending hours just looking for a zone in and spending hours trying to beat a zone.... i dont know what to tell you .... other then you need help :p
  19. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I would vote on the don't unlock the zones side. Let us work for the reward rather than trivializing it.

    Edit: eq2maps will have the zone locations marked soon enough if you don't want to run around hunting. From what slippery said the entrances sound a bit similar to the small scorpion zones in Zek.
  20. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    So, because someone ELSE spent hours looking for the zone in, you feel entitled to have them tell you where they found it...
    Lempo and Laiina like this.