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Challenge Duo Zones

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Kander, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. Clevemo Active Member

    You used to be able to commission the helm using the crafter's components and not the person requesting the commission. The helm is heirloom.
  2. Coriel Active Member

    Think outside of the box and you can easily overcome this roadblock.
  3. sasy New Member

    These zones are incredibly hard for coercers.. any tips strats anyone can share would be appreciated.. thx
  4. Daray Well-Known Member

    On my coercer, I managed to do Aqueduct and Automaton with a mystic, but Furnace I had to actually take a high parsing priest (inquis) in with me.

    A high parsing priest is probably your best bet for all 3, but still expect the fights to be more drawn out than most other combinations - which means expect to have to execute the scripts perfectly for those longer durations.
  5. Ranga Active Member

    As an Inquis just beginning these zones, I would be interested to know what level of 'gimpy gear' you were in for Ab Aquaduch and what dps you were outputting each?

    My inquis is in a mix of Steward and EM gear and a couple of lower items and was putting out real low dps and about 8k HPS, nowhere near enough to kill this thing yet, happy to keep trying the challenge though
  6. Enoa Member

    i think i had about the same. several peices of stewart gear still on. Alot of the 190 stuff from clefts.. though that's pretty hard to get now. Some EM gear. no Hm gear. pretty similar to what i have on now on eq2u (permafrost.enoax)

    Aqueduct is definately the hardest. Never one pulled it to date. The others we do.

    As for DPS.. I can't remember. I think i had up mini-parser on my youtube video (enoax channel). The monk was in reckless and parsing 350k maybe. I was doing 150k with 10-12k hps.

    Biggest thing i found to help heal myself up during the KB's and eating the ranged innudates was using left side prestige heal fanatic's inspiriation. I used a double spec (taking parts of both prestige side). It's still in my eq2u aa specs (extrareactivepot spec).
  7. Karagon Active Member

    Hey, developers!
    As you told in new exp theese zones are supposed to drop new purple adorns and some other new stuff? We cleared one of it - didn't see any...
  8. Kander Developer

    Hey Karagon!

    Challenge Duo zones will now drop purple adornments instead of red adornments.

    Next hotfix
    Feldon likes this.
  9. Nebbeny Member

    I didn't see this in the update notes, did it go in?
    Neiloch likes this.
  10. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    I am also wondering this.
  11. Monstuhr Well-Known Member

    As of Thursday November 14, the Duos still dropped red addorns so it looks like the hot fix is not yet in.
  12. Pixi New Member

    Hey Enoa, there is an easy way to do Aqueduct, Laih and I find it by far the easiest to do and always one pull it.

    Any chance purple adorns are dropping yet?
  13. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    Ran it on Friday. They still drop the red runes, Kander, I'm assuming it will go in on Tuesday?
  14. Karagon Active Member

    Anyone got new purple square pattern rune drops after the update? We did 1 instance - but got only useless diamond shape one... If it drops only that one's - the update seems not the update really...
  15. Snapshot Active Member

  16. Karagon Active Member

    So what? Can we have these really good zones revamped a bit - increased hitpoints of the mob's x3-x5 and maybe it's damage also? And add new pattern drops to them?
    Or cr8 some new zone at least one... With patterns drops. Really farming advanced solo zones for runes and getting only 1 drop of 20 zones - and that one is the one i really don't need even on alts - is SOOO bad... These duo zones with their cool events were best for getting runes! Can we have this back?...
  17. Zelox Active Member

  18. Twisty Well-Known Member

    they're tearfully trivial as Duos; it's solo content now. Solo'd all 3 as Necro. bring Challenge Duos to their pre-xpac difficulty levels please and add war-rune patterns as high chance drop

    don't let this masterpiece of content go to waste after such a short lifespan! it used to be the lockout timer you kept track off while logged off type-of-stuff. you're even better positioned to breath life back into them now with virtually equal heroic/raid gear - pre-expac you had a significant edge in the Duos with HM raid gear. tune them to be super hard again for 3/3 Potent.
  19. Ucala Well-Known Member

    could think only some people can solo "pet classes being one" esp Auto since you need someone to take the curse instead of you "your pet"
  20. Twisty Well-Known Member

    of course you're correct, Ucala, but that's hardly the point. that they are so diluted with xpac power gains that they're soloable at all is the problem. a shame to let such outstanding content (probably best single gem EQ2 ever had) have such a short lifespan.

    it's a really low hanging fruit for "something to do" in game; just needs a balance pass and a carrot, warrunes on highish % being the perfectly suited one