bigger female Ratonga breasts in frostbound cloth armor intentionally?

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Michirure, Jun 29, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Cubey wrote:
    I agree, and all the human like females are already rediculous enough.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Xada@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Well, speaking as a female player.. I like the new style of robes, on most of my characters anyway. (I also don't play a Ratonga, however.) The more options the better, in my book. ;)
  3. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    thankfuly, it dosent do this to iksar or sarnak.
    and more and more games actualy have a slider for this now. the robe thing is stupid.
  4. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    shadowscale wrote:
    I agree, if they did do this intentionally then they should at least be honest about it and not just randomly add it. Although the slider thing as far as I know wouldn't work in this game because of how the armor models are all designed to look a certain way for each race. So that would mean they would have to make like 1,000 versions of every armor chest piece.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    I'm pretty sure that's the problem, and why they have to add more options like this through the actual armor, rather than in character creation.
  6. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Sorako@Crushbone wrote:
    But if they do add more options in this way they should at least make it a choice, not a clandestine random thing.
  7. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    I understand what you're saying, but on the other hand it still is a choice right now, with apperance slots and all.. Perhaps in the future we'll see more options, as well.
  8. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    LOL, that's like saying it's ok if a black guy is racist to other black people.
  9. ARCHIVED-beladi Guest

    I'm more distressed by the idea that bigger breasted women are somehow 'immodest' or 'immoral' or '**** stars.
  10. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    beladi wrote:
    They aren't, they're just ugly.
    I think what woever said that was referring too is women who make themselves bigger breasted are "immodest" or "immoral" or "**** stars".
  11. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    Wow, this is just amazing. This seriously upsets people? Geeze, what has this society come to when something as innocuous as this can get people upset...
    First of all, as a guy, I do enjoy a bit of eye-candy occasionally. However, as fantasy games go, EQ2 is about the farthest from sexy as it can get. Most of the armor designs are more realistic and many are frankly ugly or boring. I have a heck of a time finding armor for my monk that doesn't look bulky, restrictive, or plain stupid (fortunately, gis tend to have interesting designs).
    The bust sizes in EQ2 may not be entirely realiztic, but they are hardly the hedonistic pornography some posters seem to make them out to be. I have found no clothing or armor in EQ2 that I would deem sexually exploitive, and as I mentioned above, most of it is really pretty frumpy.
    Also, let it be known that many women like to look sexy, just like many men like to look tough and rugged. This is a fantasy game, and these models are of fantasy heroes, not normal people. Fantastic figures tend to possess forms as extreme as their deeds. Look at sculptures of Greek gods and goddesses, these aren't run-of-the-mill people dipicted in those statues. They are paragons of the male and female form, with the distinguising features of those forms prominently displayed.
    Unless you feel that Michaelangelo or Leochares are pornographers, I suggest you take a deep breath and consider whether something as trivial as bust size is really worth getting upset over.
  12. ARCHIVED-beladi Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    The armor in this game is as far from sexy as possible. The only things on females that are even nominally 'sexy' are the city status looking dresses and the wench dress. Most of the rest of it - armor types looks covers all skin but the face and the robes are so bulky looking that the pilgrims could have worn them.
  13. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    beladi wrote:
    I happen to enjoy big breasts. Well, two big breasts anyway. The ones attached to my wife. :) She's neither immoral or a **** star.
  14. ARCHIVED-Kamimura Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    To be frank, either assumption is rather ignorant. (And just plain odd when you consider we're still talking of a robe that covers you pretty much head to toe..)
  15. ARCHIVED-Cubey Guest

    Naubitzi@Crushbone wrote:
    I would take that Ratonga hooker on temple street up on her offer, even though she is not the most good looking ratonga i have ever seen I would take what ever ratonga I could get.
    The ratonga hooker (hookers?) is stuff of legend.
    So it is far too late you have been exposed to the Corruption nf the internets.
    Do not look up any ratonga fan art or fan fiction ever you can not take it.

    (also do not look up any other of the follwing everquest fan art/fan fiction (ISKAR SARNAK KERRA,Froglock, dragon,troll,gnome,dwarf,ogre, spider, fae, wolf,rhino,horse,chicken,pig,wearbear,rat,cheese, barrel, beer, freeport, dungeon)

    Also example of there normal brest size.


    I so love that outfit all ratonga should wear those.
  16. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    I don't think anyone (reasonable) is really upset in the whole "OMG big brests = ****" thing. The only reason I care is that I pernoally do not want bigger breasts, that is all. And you're right about the ugly armor, that's one of the worst things about this game (visually).
  17. ARCHIVED-Naubeta Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    I don't see how those two make your case.
    Neither of them depicted men as body builder conan types.
    And their female statues (in the case of Michaelangelo) look like men with boobs stuck on...
  18. ARCHIVED-The_Cheeseman Guest

    Naubitzi@Crushbone wrote:
    Well, I must respectfully disagree with you on this matter, but it is of course entirely a matter of opinion, to which you are entitled.
    I agree that they aren't as extreme as some of the fantasy art we see from modern times (Boris Vallejo, etc.) but that wasn't my point, really. I don't think EQ2 looks anything like Boris Vallejo, either, and I was trying to avoid inserting any further hyperbole into the argument.
    Plus, Part of my point was that the sculptures were not of "average" people, but rather idealized forms. I'm fairly certain that the vast majority of Michaelangelo's contemporaries did not possess bodies like those he depicted.
  19. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    The_Cheeseman wrote:
    I still don't see what any of this has to do with the topic.
  20. ARCHIVED-Naubeta Guest

    I dunno.
    What could link renaissance painters and anthropomorphic rats?