Berserker changes in TSO (as per Oct 31)

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-Bremer, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    2k is not a small heal but when a mob is hitting you for 14k it sure seems like it. % based heal would have been better since it would also scale as time goes on, as long as the % was reasonable.
  2. ARCHIVED-GrandMasterUb Guest

    I have 0 raid gear and i can't afford all the adorns or masters or even Adpet3's. But i've made it through all of RE2 with our raid healers (and the main raid hasnt even cleared kor'sha). Its doable your group just has to know what they're doing. I put on a TS, make the illy give me IA and haste and /poke the swashy till he swarthys me. And yes I have similar stats to you 60ish% mit, 50ish% avoidance. maybe 53 with a tower... but anyway ya, point is doable.
    tbh i think its the templar that is key. Their stoneskin buff plus their shield ally thing is godly.
    PS none of us have mythicals.
  3. ARCHIVED-Nugash Guest

    Karsgaar@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Well , you said 1.2 / 1.9 hp heal isn't much , but if you compare with zerk hp regen's , it's greater for about 50% , even in master.And it's a direct heal , so it can save our life , we can't say that of our hp regen...
    However , i have 13 k hp , 64% mitig and 64% avoid in solo buff , i really think that tanks who don't want to avoid hits shouldn't MT , because it's MORE important to avoid hits than takes them...
    PS : i haven't any VP stuff or Mythical
  4. ARCHIVED-CrazyMoogle Guest

    Selura@Unrest wrote:
    Too bad you're on the wrong server. There are a LOT of times we end up looking for a tank to do an instance between 4:00 and 6:00 and there are none to be found.
    Why is it that any time someone on these forums is looking for people to do stuff with they are never on my server? lol