Bear mounts not scaling

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Hirofortis, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-doomalot Guest

    yea is what bugs me about the new mounts is that when im riding the mount with my characters it looks like im about a foot off the ground when standing still with specificly with my dark elf but with my fae its like a freakin ankle biter im so low to the ground, its kinda sad.
  2. ARCHIVED-foxspirit Guest

    Instead of scaling the mount, why not scale the character! lol tiny ogre.
  3. ARCHIVED-wesleyarts Guest

    He is my idea about mounts. NPCs should sell saddles not whistles.
    There should be saddles that gives stats and speed. You pay for the saddle and go capture your own mount. Do not let the mounts scale in size,
    is unrealistic see a tiny warg with a fae riding it or a giant horse for a Ogre.
    Select a few animals that could be captured and used as a mount.
    Ogres and other big races could capture big animals like elephants and rhinos, of if they want to look funny
    they could capture a regular horse that wont scale. If a heavy race makes mounts slow down for the weight, any arasai mount should run a little faster
    because the lack of weight. But Bigger animals like rhinos and elephants gives more strengh and best defensive stats. I think you guys got the idea.
    If we are tired of the mount we can always release it but will have a cost of plats to reuse the saddle again. That way everybody wins. Make chariots,
    let us buy a roman-kind war carriage that could only allows 1 person riding it. The ones with 2 horses should be more fast.
    So there is a lot of good things that could be done to make the game realistic and fun for all kind of players.
  4. ARCHIVED-KagomeShikon Guest

    Full_Metal_Mage wrote:
    I so agree. One of my alts (warden) has a run speed of +46% (AA in SoW and the speed option in Shadows). He RUNS faster than his mount is if I don't use SoW; why would I even bother? He has a carpet which I also never use. I find it amusing when he's running along and outrunning people on various mounts and carpets, who are higher level than he is.
    The poster who says they should have better scaling per level, I agree. They don't really scale up appropriately to level as much as SOE seems to think.
  5. ARCHIVED-x82nd77 Guest

    I love that today they fixed the racials working with the bears and added the whole RTM station cash thing but my ogre is still ridding a baby bear.
  6. ARCHIVED-x82nd77 Guest

  7. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    Judeau@Crushbone wrote:
    Hehehe. My arasai look like little fleas on their mounts, but my human dwarfs her mount. One the one hand, the little butterfly-winged fleas on the giant bears are funny, and I like that they don't scale. However, on the other hand, my wonderfully tall human gal looks like she's attempting to ride a German Shepherd. Were she an ogre or a barbarian, I could see the comedic value in this. However, she's a human. It just looks... Well, it looks wrong.
    I'm glad to see a fix is in the works for this, but at the same time, I'm sad for all my arasai.
  8. ARCHIVED-x82nd77 Guest

    Could we get any information if this is going in for GU 51? As someone who has 6 ogres (what can I say... I like being large) I hate having to buy a mount or use eyes to change into medium sized races just so I don't feel like I am riding a Chihuahua.