Avatars being farmed by one guild

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ZUES, Dec 13, 2012.

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  1. Davngr Well-Known Member

    this, is the problem.

    that's why there needs to be some gating to avatar content because the loot is better than instance but not as hard.
  2. slippery Well-Known Member

    Bull. That isn't a problem, that's what makes them contested. If it takes us a full raid to kill it, how is a guild with less gear ever going to be able to kill it?

    Some of the most exhilirating memories people have in this game have been actually fighting over a contested. I fondly remember fighting over Pumpkinhead at 6 in the morning with 3 guilds on Najena. Broke as hell, pumkins spawning everywhere, guilds training it in to other guilds while wiping. Racing to pull when it reset. Killing it in front of those other guilds feels good. Real good. It's called competition. It's a concept people don't understand in the days where everyone is supposed to be equal, everyone gets a trophy, everyone gets an award.

    No. Competition breeds improvement. Without competition people don't get better. Taking away competition takes away motivation.
    endertank and Estred like this.
  3. Kenazeer New Member

    So let's get this straight...

    Playing the RL card for giggles... Man that's classy.

    You want SOE to abandon contested content?

    Or you want SOE to tailor contested content to the vagaries of different raid schedules?

    Man up or stay on the porch. It's called contested for a reason. I guess you would have us believe the guilds that can take the avatars consist of basement dwelling mooches? It is unfathomable to you that people who have good paying jobs and a family can actually devote time enough to their hobbies to effective at them?

    I think you need to look within for the source of you, and your guilds, problems and quit trying to project the failure onto external causes.
    Neiloch likes this.
  4. Onorem Active Member

    Shove your income and responsibilities. There is no reason for them to not offer a mob for people who want this type of "CONTESTED" content.
    They got rid of them the last time they gave into the whiners. How about instead of whining, you just ignore they exist and enjoy your raid zones until you find enough people that care to camp...
    Neiloch likes this.
  5. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Neiloch likes this.
  6. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    Honestly, instead of complaining how hard it is for other guilds to get avatar kills, maybe you should suggest they put in actual worthwhile difficult content into the game. Other than Plane of War, the 1-2 mobs in CoE, and the avatars ( which honestly, are somewhat easy) there is NO challenging content. Skyshrine x4, 2 easy zones where every guild that has 24 people that can mash their face on the keyboard can do. Sleepers Tomb, alot of people assumed it was going to be harder than SS because well, SS was a JOKE. ST turned out to be just as easy with minimal gear upgrades. Then, after what, 3-4 patches of EXTREMELY facerollable content, people figured CoE would be a challenge. Turns out they were wrong. CoE is the most /faceroll expansion out of any of the patches. The avatars + PoW were probably the only things that you couldn't PuG. With CoE, they added 3 more avatars so 6 avatars in total. Sorry but, I'd rather have some sort of competition and pull against another guild than to have them put those "FACEROLLDURKADURKA" zones in.

    Point is, instead of asking for them to make Avatars ( a CONTESTED mob) more available to other guilds, maybe you should ask for content that is actually worth doing. With the last few patches/xpac, these Avatars are a godsend. Way more fun than 1 grouping STx4. SoE, put in content that you can't do with 24 guardians in a single raid. The new raid zones are a JOKE. Just because SoE doesn't put challenging content in the game ( anymore that is) doesn't mean they should put the only content worth doing atm in an instance because some guilds want to have a "try" at it.

    Basically, CoE is a joke. SS= joke. ST=Joke. Put more difficult stuff in. Right now I can grab 24 random casual crafters off the street and do the new zones in 4 hours. Leave the contested mobs in. Just add more stuff to work with other than PoW.
    Estred likes this.
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    That's about the dumbest thing I have ever seen posted here. Of course you can. Whoever hits it first gets the pull. Let me refresh your memory of what the word "contested" means:

    contested, adj.

    Pronunciation: /kənˈtɛstɪd/
    Disputed, contended for or about, made an object of contention or competition.

    1672 Dryden Conquest Granada i. ii. i. 14 And from the French contested Milan take.

    You want an avatar, you get there, you do what you need to to get your guild on-board for the effort, If you don't get the first blow in, you sit there and watch the other raid and take notes. If they wipe, you take a swat.

    I haven't been in a raid that's killed an avatar, although I do raid. But one of the best experiences I have had in EQ2 was sitting in Thundering Steppes on the side of that crater waiting for the dragon to spawn at the start of KoS. While some guilds contested spawns in other zones (Feerrott was apparently a showcase of bad sportsmanship), where I was they let some of us lesser folk rotate in on a few pulls so we could feel what it was like. But I had just as much fun sitting on the rim and watching the battle.

    I have fought contested pulls for Hurricanus, and whatever the dragon was in Barren Sky with the cubes. Part of the adrenaline rush is nabbing it in the face of opposition.
    Neiloch likes this.
  8. Lempo Well-Known Member

    This is invalid, the avatars are on a spawn timer that puts them up at various times and various days, this gives people in different time zones a shot, you might not always have one, that depends on if you can muster up 21 people. What times do conventional raid times begin? I mean there are east coast guilds, west coast guilds, morning raiding guilds, weekend raid guilds. You arguments are beyond ridiculous, and your income and resposibilities attempt is laughable and pathtically so. You also intentionally left all the servers out that had more than 1 guild that had killed all of the avatars on guild progress, which btw the list was reset there with this expansion and there even more guilds across all servers that had had them all killed.
  9. Estred Well-Known Member

    Tbh the last "good worthwhile content" to me was Sentinels Fate when the dev change happened and a new guy made DoV it showed. Gear took on a WoW-Progress feeling, fights got easy. Sure some fights in DoV were good... Drunder was fun and hard.

    SS and ST and CoE are a JOKE. We just burned the Imp at 7.5 Million with NO DPS check because people whined they couldn't stop dealing damage and follow a script. If they designed the game everything would be a Turn-n-Burn.
    Neiloch likes this.
  10. Terein Active Member

    Different devs have done itemization pretty much every expansion.
  11. mouser Well-Known Member

    Man, I'd love to see what some of you guys would have done in a game like FF XI where EVERY mob was contested, down to the trash running around outside.

    As has been said, have your guild camp it yourselves - hell I've seen guilds get creative and keep just enough people on to stay alive long enough for the rest of the guild to show up. If you want to kill the avatars badly enough, you'll find a way. In a first-to-tag system (the best IMHO) any guild camping has an equal chance (assuming someone's not using some sort of hardware level intercept to auto-taunt).

    In short, suck it up. Contested content will always be contested. Removing that just kills one more piece of somewhat exciting content from the game.
    Neiloch likes this.
  12. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    Sorry Zues, but you're not convincing me with your argument.

    Contested spawns are a part of the culture of the Everquest franchise. They should be left as-is.

    Those who wish for a safe, uncontestable loot-piñata should stick to instances.
    Neiloch likes this.
  13. Darkon Well-Known Member

    My guild is not on Unrest. We are on your server, Crushbone. We're also recruiting. /t Darkonx

    We're just not recruiting you. I kicked you for being terrible. Sorry I just recognized your name after I read your post saying 'I have my ring on my coercer (raid main).'

    Have a good day.
    Wirewhisker and Neiloch like this.
  14. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Too bad this thread isn't on flames and now it's going to be locked soon. It would get good.
    Neiloch and Terein like this.
  15. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    oh my god Sullon is being camped while it's already being camped Norrath is going to explode
    Wirewhisker and Neiloch like this.
  16. Liav Well-Known Member

    Well that escalated fast.

    Still a pretty lulzy thread.
    Neiloch likes this.
  17. ZUES Well-Known Member

    1. Sorry Fatality, I was having issues with links and ended up deleting lines and adding. Yes Fatality is on Crushbone but I can't edit. My bad.
    2. Me disbanding three of my toons and you kicking the fourth doesn't qualify as you kicking me out of Fatality. But if it makes you feel better...
    3. I left because you promised me a dps spot and didn't deliver. You tried to keep me on a coercer (which I hate playing).
    4. You owe me 50 plat, I got the Fitzpizzle mount to drop before you did. Man up and pay as it was a gentlemans bet. ;)
  18. ZUES Well-Known Member

    It is on flames, it's called the Crushbone CoE Progression thread. Ya, the one with all equilbrium and 2 or 3 people from Crushbone posting in it. o_O
  19. Geothe Active Member

    Contested are fine as is.
    They are CONTESTED. If your guild wants to kill them... form up and get there before another guild. Its not difficult if you actually want to do it.
    If you cant get there fast enough, well then, you don't deserve the loot. And that loot isn't gating killing anything else in the game really at all either. There is no you MUST KILL AVATARS to do instance mob X.
  20. Finora Well-Known Member

    Since I know nothing of bots, I won't make much comment about that BUT as far as how contested work? Suck it up. It really sucks to watch someone else pull the mob your guild was massing for but that's how it works.

    Another guildie & myself back in EQ1 spent a solid WEEK tag teaming watching the Ragefire spawn in Skyfire so we could get our clerics their clicky rez sticks. We each had call lists & each of the people we called had people they were to call. One of our bards kited Gorenaire for a couple minutes around Dreadlands because one of our clerics crashes as we pulled. I sat on my rear in Karnor's Castle tracking for Venril Sathir for my epic with a call list of people who could be available to help get him. We had call lists for running to Ssra Temple to get the Emperor. Etc etc. Sometimes we worked with another guild who also needed the mob. That is how contested raiding works. Those who have a better system & more people with more time on their hands will be more successful.

    If you don't have time for that as a guild, then contsted raiding just isn't for you. It certainly isn't for me anymore, it was fun if occassionally frustrating back in the day but I don't even have time(or patience) for instanced raiding these days. There is absolutely nothing that drops from them that breaks the rest of my game if I don't have it so I just don't worry about it.

    If I see them up I actually make announcement in 1-9 =).
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