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Avatar Spawn System Detailed

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Kander, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Kcool005 Active Member

    Can we fix these avatars, seriously - just drop it to just zek's spawning and call it a day:

    for starters we got rodcet twice in a row, before his 2 days off was done, and this past week everytime a avatar pops our GH crashes, and we get massive i mean MASSIVE lag, it's seriously screwing the server hardware.. can we fix this please?
  2. Rockefeller New Member

    100% confirmed Rodcet is bugged to hell. This has occurred on two occasions now for our guild this xpac: our guild zoned over Antonica to kill him, zone crashed before we pulled kicking everyone from game .... POOF Rodcet vanishes. Oh and we killed him the day before so he should not have been up to begin with.
  3. Ucala Well-Known Member

    Rodcet is just too good for you all
  4. LogosZanta Member

    actually, it's pretty hilarious how quickly the zone crashes when you have Rodcet up and the guild zones in.

    Boom goes the dynamite.
  5. Annabea Member

    Yea Rodcet seems to have some serious issues. On Unrest he hass now vanished twice in a couple of weeks without even anyone pulling it, and both times we have had no additional pops the rest of the week. One being this current week, that had Health and Ro on day 1 and then nothing (so 5 empty days now)...
  6. Darkon Well-Known Member

    We've managed to kill it with special zoning tactics the last 3 times. Lol.
  7. Kander Developer

    We have code going onto beta this week to hopefully fix the issues with crashing , it would awesome if we could get lots of people to log onto beta tomorrow and zone around, see if its still happening. We are looking at Rodcet Nife, not sure why he in particular is having issues.
    Le Clown likes this.
  8. Avithax Well-Known Member

    I logged into Beta, no one seemed to know what was going on. Waited a cpl hrs and left.

    BTW: Sullon spawned and despawned on Guk again.
  9. Kcool005 Active Member

    The mobs locking up inside his stupid beam, and healing himself to full. - EVEN THE MOB IS LOCKED UP.
  10. Kander Developer

    We'll look at it today.
  11. Kaladz Active Member

    Rodcet was crashing the Arena of Gods instance today. 3 times in a row, crashed the zone on pull.
  12. Kander Developer

    Can you give us more info? Was it crashing at the same time into the fight each time? Crashing when adds were spawning? We have been completely unable to track this down. We need as much info as you can give us. If you have logs or act or anything, please PM them to me.
  13. Kaladz Active Member

    For us, it crashed on pull every time. Didn't even show as aggro to some people. We could likely recreate by pulling again if you wanted to jump in our raid.
  14. Endymion Developer

    We found the issue with Rodcet and will have a fix in soon.
  15. Maynards New Member

    Something is wrong with Splitpaw Avatar timings. Can anyone confirm for me please that they are as described in the original post? Thanks.
  16. scousetroub Active Member

    I hear Luminii can spawn any Avatard you want if you ask him nicely...<3
  17. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I feel something is wrong with Guk on avatars. sometimes we go 5-6 days (in 1 cycle) without seeing an avatar. even if we weren't killing them we would see someone else pulling/killing them.
    unless I have the cycle days messed up
  18. Maynards New Member

    I heard he spawns them in your guild hall as well :p
  19. Ebofu Active Member

  20. Balbasur Active Member

    Why do you think you're entitled to Rodcet? YOU are not entitled to any avatars spawnings it's all RNG, give it some time.