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Avatar Spawn System Detailed

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Kander, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Pixilicious Well-Known Member

    That made me giggle a little :)
  2. Awesomo New Member

    So 3 avatars spawned on Guk. Prexus, Mithaniel Marr and Tallon Zek. Sometime after that Prexus despawned before 6:00 am PST. Mithaniel Marr and Tallon Zek both despawned at 12:19 pm. So, in other words all 3 avatars despawned and they have 0 record of Prexus even spawning. They did notice there was a zone issue at 12:00 AM for Cobalt Scar but that is all they saw.

    4 avatars in the past 2 weeks that have despawned....
  3. Froggleg Member

    ^^We've had this happen numerous times on Guk. Are they meant to depop if not killed within the cycle? I'm pretty sure this is not the case as i know of guilds on other servers leaving them up until yhe next day when they spawn late night/early morning.
  4. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Guk is broken. What you aren't posting is that OFTEN you'd get more than 6 in your allotted 7 day window. I've had 3 people come from Sovin Nai (your guild) on Guk who think that it's normal to get 9 in a week because you'd get 3/3/3 in a 7 day window.

    It's something with the avatar coding that's different on guk than it is every other server. It's despawning your mobs while also allowing you to get more than 6/week.

    So it's broken both positively and negatively.
  5. Ucala Well-Known Member

    well first off, according to the code Kander put out.
    the highest you could obtain in a week is 8 (3-2-3). As he said that if 6 aren't up in the week cycle, it has the chance to spawning again (3-2 leaves 5, with a possible chance of more spawns, if lucky you could get 3 avatar spawns)
    there was no place where it was stated you get 6 a cycle. he just said it averages out to about 6 eventually :p
    also depending on when one cycle ends and one starts, you could get 9 in 7 days

    I mean he also stated that you can't get more then 6 on a server in a given cycle. but then again. how can it average out to be 6 eventually if you don't get more then 6 a few times and less then 6 a few times
  6. Froggleg Member

    We have never, ever, had 9 in a week. I'm not sure who told you we got 9, but they clearly can't count or have no idea what our window is. We've had 7 or 8 maybe twice? Where we'd get 3-2-2 or 3-2-3 or something like that, but again, it has happened once or twice, it is far from an every week thing and it has never been 9 in a week. Once we get 3-3 in a week we don't see anything more for the rest of the window. Check your sources and send them back to kindegarten because they can't count to 9 and/or identify which days fall in a 7 day window.
  7. Awesomo New Member

    I have heard that on Crushbone you don't even have to camp avatars because you know exactly when they spawn....should I take that word as fact as well?
  8. Darkon Well-Known Member

    This is wrong.

    The highest count you're supposed to obtain in a week is 6. Any more than that means your server is not working as intended.

    If you don't get 6 in a week, then true there's no way for them to average to be 6 because they will never spawn > 6 per 7 days, true. He meant that you're more likely to get 6 than not, at least that was my understanding.

    If you've EVER gotten >6 per 7 days, your server is broken. Period.
  9. Ucala Well-Known Member

    hmm, no.
    once you get 6 you can't get any more avatars in your cycle.
    but if you get 5, that means you have a chance to spawn another time within the cycle (since 6 haven't spawned).
    and on that last spawn attempt, you could get between 1-3 avatars (6-8)

    I know you quoted me saying you could get 9. so I will explain
    the whole "7 day" remark by people is simply explaining a cycle.
    lets say a cycle ends on tuesday and a new cycle starts on wednesday. it is physically possible to get say 3 avatars on tuesday (last day of cycle one) and then 6 avatars between wednesday and next tuesday (6 days of the new cycle) making 9 in 7 days. but 2 different cycles.
    so anyone that doesn't know the cycle systems would give midleading info on how many avatars you could get
  10. Darkon Well-Known Member

    Wrong again.

    'There can be no more than 6 avatars spawning on any given server in a 7 day period'

    Not 'per cycle'. 'Per 7 day period'. It means you're just wrong. I'm sorry.
  11. Ucala Well-Known Member

    I am just telling you what has happened many times, /shrugs
    not real recent though, this was ages ago, and even on Nagafen
  12. Froggleg Member

    It also says that it averages out to 6 per week which would mean you would have to get more than 6 in a week if you got less than 6 a week before.

    I'm not saying it isn't bugged in multiple ways...it wouldn't be SOE without multiple bugs. I am saying that we have lost way more due to despawn than we have got extras due to spawn bugs.
  13. Darkon Well-Known Member

    I'd totally believe that, but you DO get extras occasionally which shows it's broken in multiple ways.
  14. scousetroub Active Member

    It's an 8 day cycle not 7
  15. Voxom Member

    Idk how I didn't see this post until just now, but this line made me chuckle out loud at work. Dem sources.

    EDIT: Also if the devs could leave Guk broken that would be great. I've been enjoying only killing 2-3 avatars a week, I think in the last 2 months I've logged in outside of raid time for avatars like twice.