Are conjurers really too easy?

Discussion in 'Mages' started by Prismatica, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Lare Active Member

    which is increment management right!. and yeah Caustic, Cat apox, PB void of damnation are bigger hitters over rift and blast. You really need to look at the break down of facerollers parse in requested parses thread to get the idea.
  2. Veta Well-Known Member

    Actually its completely true. There is a reason I did not include aqueous swarm and roaring flames, because I know those do proc it; however, communion does not proc planar wrack. I know how the "hostile action proc" mechanic works, I do not need an explanation :). I also know that communion is an encounter, aqueous is single target, and roaring is a blue that only applies to a single target. Yes, I know that they tend to run around between linked encounters. I saw it on Baz, the constructs in stygian, etc, etc.

    I would like for you to go to a training dummy and cast nothing but communion on it, let me know how many procs you get. Not sure why you doubt my knowledge of these class mechanics :/.
    Beee likes this.
  3. Veta Well-Known Member

    Yes. Drums can also keep track of sorc prestige increments, any buffs, including clickies/procs. The only thing the Drum's spell timer window will not register is other people's temps, like VC. You can use it for time warp. In the spell timer window make sure it is reading for Time Warp Preparation, which is the pre-time warp temp. Then you can also make it display time warp, by adding Time Warp to it.
  4. Veta Well-Known Member


    Because you called me out and did not provide any data, I figured I would take the time to prove you wrong,

    Method: Because ACT will break after not being updated by some sort of combat hit, I had a partner just auto attacking the dummy so it would keep it refreshing. The only thing I did was cast Communion every 1minute. Towards the end of the fight I hit the dummy with an auto attack to get combat triggered hits off like Seed of Fire which is only proc'd from stuff such as auto attacks.

    Results: Communion did not proc any abilities.

    Discussion: As you can see from the chart the only thing that triggered was inferno and seed of fire, which do not trigger off of communion either. I am wearing 2 Early Advantage procs, the Lacerator and the Wand of the Greybeard Guard. If communion proc'd stuff it would have had a great opportunity to proc Early Advantage, Planar Wrack, or even Planar Detonation.
  5. Anunnaki Active Member

    Fair enough Veta, Communion does not. So Communion and Unda, thats it. Everything else attributed to the Conjuror procs stuffs. Just another thing about Communion that is broken af, as it *should* just like the other 2 dumbfires.

    Also: I'm not necessarily doubting your knowledge on the class, just not sure why you felt it necessary to call out one spell as not procing stuff, which is why I assumed you meant all dumbfires. My bad.
  6. Belton Member

    ^ Main difference between these two school girls arguing over something is annun battles for change while veta OPENLY shows a broken mechanic but still says nothing because he's "Complacent"

  7. Veta Well-Known Member

    Actually, I have. I made a post about it during the AoM Feedback thread, which Aniathor did talk to me about before he quit. It is also not a broken mechanic. It should proc, in my opinion; however, the way the ability is registered, which is not an offensive base skill type compared to all the other swarms, is why it does not trigger. Therefore, it is NOT broken, it just needs to be changed so that it can be registered to do so.

    Aniathor I am sure tried for this change since the swarm pet fixes back in CoE. I still have his contact info, I am sure I can easily figure out if he did so or not. I am not sure why Aniathor would need to be here for the Devs to change it, it is completely up to the devs to do so or not. They know how it works.
  8. Anunnaki Active Member

    Do they?

    I get what you are saying. But it's the way that the spell is classified that causes it to be *completely broken*. Simply changing it to a red offensive skill (like the other 2) would solve all of the problems I see from it. Its an ordination mastery skill for some reason, which makes no sense to me.
  9. Veta Well-Known Member

    Which is why it does not work. Because ordination is not considered offensive.
  10. Mrmacky Active Member

    Belton start a gofundme to make a Vh1 where are they now for aniathor
  11. Labeleth Member

    lol, no, it's been very clear as the years have progressed that they (the devs) know very little about how the summoner classes are supposed to work. I wish I knew which dev they fired that was responsible for them originally and why they continued with classes that seemed to give them so many headaches. The best thing they ever did (which was this xpac) was nothing lol
  12. Lare Active Member

    Swallowed a bitter pill their young labs :). Sadly there are more things that need fixing than they have hours in the day!
  13. Labeleth Member