Am I nuts? I'm 55 years old and love EQ2 as a newbie...should I grow up?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions' started by ARCHIVED-SentiumHoru, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Taemien Guest

    Denna@Venekor wrote:
    I sense a future signaler in this post

    Speaking of military, it just goes to show you are never too old for video games. Just the other day my section sergeant and couple of other guys I work with didn't have anything to do for work so we went to Game Stop. They bought a few Wii games and I got a few DS games (now to find a DS lol).
    The thought of grown men and women in uniform playing a Wii is hillarious, but its alot of fun too!
  2. ARCHIVED-Karrane1 Guest

    I will be 60 in a couple of months.. and I have played EQ since Kunark released, EQ2 since Beta and I still LOVE it!! And speaking of military =).. I have met many couples in EQ that both play.. usually the husband is away from home. By playing, both of them can spend time together that would of been lost.
  3. ARCHIVED-Billywallace Guest

    41 year old gamer here.
    I'd say go ahead and play it if you enjoy it. Just beware of it becoming "all consuming."
    If you find yourself putting off a lot of "Real Life" stuff, then it's probably time to quit playing for a month or two, and regain your perspective.
    It is your life and your time after all, choose how you want to spend it.
    I have learned after many years of hardcore gaming that the game will always be there, your friends and family won't.