7-Year Veteran Reward: Mistmoore Crag Estate

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Amnerys, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cinyth Guest

    I was really hoping for something more like the Unrest estate or the haunted mansion look (without all the cobwebs)
    The castle is - well . . . at least I can say I'm not so disappointed now that I'm only just hitting six years.
    Guess I can only hope that they'll put the unrest/haunted type housing on SC sometime in the future.
    Never thought I'd say that.
  2. ARCHIVED-Senya Guest

    arieste wrote:
    The zone in is here if you are evil:

    Or here if you are good:
  3. ARCHIVED-Juravael Guest

    Very nice reward for those of us that have stuck it out over the years. I'm hoping there will be some other goodies for everyone though that way folks that do not use or care about player housing will feel that they got something worth while.
  4. ARCHIVED-Nindaene Guest

    For those of you that are upset with the house because of the fact that you already have a nicely decorated house and/or skiff and your alts already have a nicely decorated house and/or skiff and you don't want to move any of them...
    If you want the house that bad but don't want to give anything up, pay $10, buy a character slot and now you have a new toon that needs a house.
    (And please don't flame me for suggesting that you pay $10 to claim a free vet reward - its just a suggestion...)
  5. ARCHIVED-Nindaene Guest

    Amnerys - In case you didn't notice, your link to the Vet Reward page is now outdated with the updates to the potions (aside from the fact that the 7 yr isn't listed leaving people to wonder what else is coming). The potions still say they are 55% at max, instead of 110%.
  6. ARCHIVED-Anestacia Guest

    I can not beleive the backlash here. Ask yourself about rewards in the past. There have been nice rewards for adventurers as well as Tradeskillers. Last years adventure reward was GREAT (would be better if it worked all the time like it is supposed to) and the tradeskilling reward hit at a great time for the expansion. People that enjoy decorating (and there are a lot more of us than you care to think) have gotten nothing other than a weapon rack and a tombstone both of which are very lack luster. Simple fact is, this game caters to many different playstyles and this year (6 years later mind you) decoraters finally get something amazing. Hopefully they will add in a few side items but if not, there will still be many happy people along with the always unhappy ones.
  7. ARCHIVED-Toball Tokor Guest

    Anestacia wrote:
    Truth, you can't please all the peeps all the time I am happy for those who think it is a great reward. But that is not me, if I want to take the time to decorate I will do it on my RL home. I just hope that is not the ONLY reward. As I think the decorators are in the minority. Could be wrong though, I have been wrong before.
  8. ARCHIVED-Nindaene Guest

    Striikor@Nektulos wrote:
    True... decorators ARE in the minority in the big picture, however, decorating is much bigger than most people imagine.
    And yes, you can't please everyone all the time. This addition is in a big part due to two things... 1) all the people that have asked over the years for some big estate-like house (Unrest or similar), or something that could only be purchased by members of a level 90 guild, and 2) all the people that were upset that they couldn't get a skiff because they either couldn't afford to go to Fan Faire or if they could, they couldn't afford the Platinum package.
    While some people may feel like they are getting the shaft with this, its really just SOEs way of trying to be fair to all those that wanted more.
  9. ARCHIVED-Trinral Guest

    SOE adding a new fancy house based on the mistmoore theme in LP is nice. Good on them.
    SOE adding it as the 7 year veteran reward, is a poor decision.

    This is not an inspiring veteran reward to the community as a whole. The 6 year veteran reward is a good example of what an established veteran reward should be like. Something useful to a significant portion of the eligible players.

    The Mistmoore housing could stay as a veteran reward, but add something in that is actually useful to most players who will be get the reward. Or completely change the 7yr veteran reward and include the house into the game via a quest line, or the market place.

    Only a small minority of players squeal with glee at the concept of a "flashy" new house. The number of people who will care about it two weeks after they finish "decorating" the estate is even less. The amount of players who will spend any actual noteworthy time in their house once decorated is insignificant. Sure, there may be a mere few people who spend all day in their in-game home, but they are statistical anomalies, most people will rarely go near the new homes once completed.

    The reality is, overall, the current 7yr veteran reward will do little more than attract dust.

    I will make the point again, that I am not saying SOE should scrap the Mistmoore housing. They should put it in, as it clearly makes a few people out there happy. But this housing being used as the key component as a veteran reward? SOE should be ashamed of themselves. It is disgraceful at best.

    When SOE adds new, bigger, and better housing in the future, via market place, quest lines, or click-purchase availability, those of you who thought the mistmoore housing made a good 7yr reward will kick yourselves for being foolish, because the 7yr reward will be a joke.
  10. ARCHIVED-Senya Guest

    I sincerely hope that they do remove it as a vet reward and make it available in game via some other means. Alot of us who do want it can't get it, and a big portion of those who are getting it don't want it.
  11. ARCHIVED-MsChief Guest

    Don't get me wrong, I do love it and I do love to decorate but...
    It means I have to give up a sky skiff thus negating a reward
    Is it even remotely possible to have multiple dwellings or figure out same way to give us a reward without taking one away?
  12. ARCHIVED-Zehl_Ice-Fire Guest

    This is the first house in the game that I actually don't think is hideous, and not only that but I love it, it's actually suited to my character.. I'm moving my SK there as soon as she hits time which isn't too far off. I didn't go to FF but I'm not into the Skiff at all anyway. The FP houses are so shabby & run down, even the mansions.
    Maybe it's time to cut rent off of every house anyway? It's kind of pointless... I can see initial buying requirements and gold/plat/sp but upkeep is silly and just one more thing to make us frown and sigh and want to log out in frustration when the only person selling something very expensive hasn't paid rent and you can't catch them online or when we try to go to our house from the guild hall but oops missed paying rent a few days ago.
  13. ARCHIVED-Gennifer Guest

    I can't WAIT until I can have one!!!!
  14. ARCHIVED-Gladiolus Guest

    The house is beautiful and a fitting reward for those who've been loyal to SOE all these years. It's just a shame that it will be appreciated only by those who have decorating as their major activity and who spend their time in their own houses, rather than in a guild hall.
  15. ARCHIVED-trace42 Guest

    I reiterate; are there any plans for a new name suffix added to the 7 year reward? The house is definitely a special reward, but I think something as simple as a "suffix" goes a long way for those who are not so into housing. It's like crowning a General in the military. Think of it as something that dignifies you over the next person, like previous name suffixes. I don't think brainstorming a new flashy name suffix is too much to ask for, in addition to what is listed.
    (dev/designer replys only please)
  16. ARCHIVED-Azlana Guest

    Awesome! I want a floorplan :) .. um seriously... is there something on eqmaps or something that would be similar or has someone done a floor plan on test?
    I wish the housing scaled with the character. As a gnome I shrink down everything - Gnome -a- size.. and it takes a lot more to decorate.
  17. ARCHIVED-HaCkHaCkER Guest

    What sux is i just paid a decorator to decorate my mains new 5 room in new halas. oh well, rent there is only 2.5g a week anyway. but i tell you what, my alts are going to love this!!!
  18. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Azxira@Blackburrow wrote:
    To the best of my knowledge it wasn't available on Test before it was announced.
  19. ARCHIVED-Nakaru-Nitepaw Guest

    mysticalone wrote:
    I made a huge fish aquarium in one of my alt's houses and put all the headstones in there to make a large rock structure a tiny sarnak scooba diver is standing on. :p
  20. ARCHIVED-Iskandar Guest

    Looks great imho! I'm curious to know if it will be bumped up to 700 items to match the just-boosted item count on the other balconied homes, or if it is intended to stay at 600?