50 million broker limit

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Chikkin, May 24, 2022.

  1. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    Then they take it to general.. then they take it to high level, then they take it to low level, then they take it LFG.. you want to shut down all the channels?? IT is what it is. DPG sells kronos... people with lots of plat, whether it was dupped or not, buy kronos. Don't know the people spending actual money to gain plat via that channel. Simply put, it's the economics of the game now.
  2. Tkia Well-Known Member

    No, just shutdown the morons that are spamming all the wrong channels. That's what ignore is for.
    Twyla and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Smashey Well-Known Member

    Seeing as krono is being sold for any where between 6 to 8 billion, the 50 mil cap makes even less sense today.

    Whatever they thought limiting the broker would do, it didnt. All it did was make the trading of the very few items players want more obnoxious. (Ability upgrades, Krono, shinies and p2w crate items)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Dude like this.
  4. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I just find it strange and a tiny bit amusing that the powers that be literally listen to some things from the player base and not others. Low level players talked about the ridiculous economic impact of the game, which at this point can’t really be helped, but instead of considering that and ignoring it, they ignored a LOT of other problems in the game and “fixed” something that really isn’t fixable. /sigh
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I must be very unique in that regard, then; I could care less about like 99% of that, though I do like finding shinies more conveniently. Although, I must admit to some advantages; there was a time I could plop $299.95 into the company's lap and become a "lifetime Member! :D" so I have no need for Kronos, and as for the rest, well, I'm doing just fine pure soloing, thanks. :)

    who's never really participated in a "real" raid, just the occasional dungeon run, with a max of like 3-4 others ;->
  6. Bentenn Well-Known Member

    I know what ignore is for.. they don't and said close the channel. I was simply saying what would happen next.
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    It could totally be helped. Strip everybody of all their in-game money. Yes, there would be wailing by the player base. But it would force an economic reset.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  8. Dude Well-Known Member

    It would definitely force an economic reset ... as people leave the game in droves. I can't think of a worse possible idea.
    Juraiya, Cyna, Breanna and 2 others like this.
  9. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Yeah technically, but just as Dude pointed out, everyone and their mother would leave, which is why I said it really can't.
  10. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I get that they wanted to kill the plat sellers off, but krono was kinda...not the best idea. Just because if they did do a reset and everyone left, they'd have no one to blame but themselves. When people spend real money on fake money...yeah something was bound to go wrong with that idea.
    Geroblue and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  11. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Amen; not to mention, plat duping and not bothering to catch that until it was entirely too late. It's not a "natural progression of a game economy," it was cheating, and not taking the right steps to nip runaway inflation in the bud. X-P

    Juraiya, Sigrdrifa and Geroblue like this.
  12. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Oddly enough, with all the plat duping in this game, I wonder why other games don't seem to have this problem. I mean they might, I know FF14 has problems with gil sellers, but I haven't heard anything about gil dupers.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  13. Tigerr Well-Known Member

    This is being done one way or another - Plat is becoming less and less useful. Realistically, it should only serve to buy mats and other things pre-50mil. Most economies in EQ2 mostly trade krono for the super rare tradeable items.
  14. Celestia Well-Known Member


    And now this sucks even more because I don’t want to spend 18 bucks every time something I would need comes up. I pay for a couple krono every month to two months, I don’t want to spend more for it, I’m sure there are non raiders that would agree with me.

    Edit to add: but then if I don’t raid I’m assuming I don’t need it? So possibly it works out oddly.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  15. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    Why? Corporate motivation. Particularly, is it in their financial benefit to care?

    There was a Krono dupe in EQ2.
    Once noted, they promptly fixed it.
    Any Krono confirmed to have been duped was reclaimed with no compensation (even if on-sold several times).
    An effective system was put in place to make future Krono dupes easy to detect and manage.

    As for plat dupes, time has proven they don't care, at all, in any way.
    If a plat dupe gets fixed, it can be months or years after the damage is done.
    And even then, most duped plat remains in the game.
    There are no effective detection systems in place to detect duping plat.

    Completely unrelated and in no way connected, plat inflation just happens to drive Krono sales. Nothing to see here.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  16. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I suppose plat duping really doesn’t matter at this point, just because of the way it is with the broker.so does that mean Gil (ff14 currency) could be getting duped or another game?

    I would think that other games are more popular that the punishments for duping would be severe For example this game doesn’t seem to take toxic players as seriously as other games. You can get banned in ff just for telling someone they don’t know how to play their class.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  17. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Meh, I wouldn't see that as "toxic," but on the other hand, the time I saw this berk deliberately destroying all the guards in Qeynos itself (presumably to loot the corpses of the extravagant amount of money in the pockets of...a city guard... X-P) and would've probably done the same to NPC merchants and quest givers if he could (I presume "he"; the toon was male, at least), I took many, many screenshots and plastered them all over the Support page in my ticket, back when I could still get in there and post something. X-P

    They came back with, "Oh, really...? When and where did this take place...? Character's name, etc.?" I gave them the info and they came back from that with, "We'll see to this. Thank you for your help." and that was it. Dunno if said berk got in trouble for it, but I didn't see such behavior there again. :)

    Celestia likes this.
  18. Avirodar Well-Known Member

    Dupes typically require bugs / exploits to be present, in order for the dupe to occur. If combined with lax detection and enforcement, the impact of a dupe can be significant.

    You will likely find that FFXIV has superior coding and QA testing, combined with detection systems in place to alert their team, allowing issues to be handled. For example:

    FINAL FANTASY XIV Hotfixes (Apr. 5, 2022)
    ■ Measures have been taken to prevent fraudulent Gil-related activities.

    All indications are the FFXIV team take gil duping seriously, and are in a much better position to mitigate/prevent dupes negatively impacting the market. Sure, no system is perfect, but at least they actually try.
  19. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I see. Yeah I guess it would be easier as far as the gil is concerned.

    Uwk - I didn't mean that the devs don't take ANY thing seriously, they seem to be good at getting rid of hate related stuff. Like, racism, prejudice, etc. And of course the plat stuff.

    I meant that they aren't as diligent at keeping the sarcasm and general...pompous attitude toward, say, new players. I see a lot of people come on this forum to complain about other players being rude to them. In a lot of other games, this is not tolerated. BUT like Avirodar said, they are in a much better position to do so.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  20. Thand Well-Known Member

    basicly the market place is just for consumables now. No one even sells masters of Grandmasters any more
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.