50 million broker limit

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Chikkin, May 24, 2022.

  1. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I would say more like 50, just because you don’t get a lot of your abilities until the original level cap. And even then you still get more later on. I don’t mind if like you said a 125 character does it secondary and on. If you’ve been playing 20 years it’s one thing. But new players shouldn’t be allowed to. It’s not just EQ2 either. I was guilty of doing this in FF14 when I first started. Tried raiding with a group and it was SO EMBARRASSING. I had no clue what I was doing, because the classes were so different. You can’t go into it expecting it to be exactly the same as another game because it’s just not.
  2. Melkior Well-Known Member

    Sadly no. The time limit only applies to new items posted to the broekr. Anything old, never delists. Don't ask me why they grandfathered in things that people can't buy but started delisting items starting this this year. /boggle.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  3. Twyla Well-Known Member

    Good point. IMHO any level after 20 would work.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Celestia Well-Known Member

    It might, the only problem with it would probably be that levels on the live servers go faster than the speed of light. If I wanted I could probably be 90 in a day. So would it give people enough time to adjust to the class? Maybe or maybe they could slow levels down a tad for lower players? Just thinking out loud mostly.
  5. Twyla Well-Known Member

    Yeah, they started 'rushing' everyone through the early game. Excitement about the latest expansion, I get it. But then they slow us down by taking away stuff and frustrating the heck out of us (me). The last three characters I made outleveled the zones before I even got a chance to do half of the stuff in them. I don't know the answer, but right now it's crazy and very hard to keep new people.
  6. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I honestly think that they need to bridge the gap between players by making all dungeons have currency that can be used for any level. I’ve (and others) have said this before. That way everyone could get a group at any level. They also need to do another expansion that covers more than just the top tier players. Remember EoF when they added a bunch of dungeons for EVERYONE? Yeah that would be nice, even if it was from say, 80 and higher. They would be covering more ground than they are now.
    Twyla and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I'm not entirely sure it's entirely the "fault" of the devs or the writers or whichever staffers, but perhaps the new players coming in, who are bound and determined to "WIN!111!!!1!!1! :mad::p:cool:" a role-playing game, who obviously don't know how such things work. To paraphrase the Tolkien Cinematic Universe version of Boromir, "One does not simply win a role-playing game." This is not Snakes 'n' Ladders, this isn't Monopoly, or any other HasBRO! sort of thing where whoever dies last with the most wins (though I know any number of veteran player Broker speculators I might remind of that ...). X-P

    In an RPG, one gets one's rewards the old-fashioned way: by earning them, by at least going through the motions and getting the satisfaction that your character, your baby, your other self, has accomplished amazing things, over the passage of time. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I don't like the drag of the TLE servers, nor the sllooowwww rate of XP gain there, nor the missing zones and features; for me, the usual servers are just fine, thanks, and I love any new rules that make things easier and simpler for us to accomplish. Not so much that we blister through everything, but that we don't need an advanced degree in flippin' math to be able to figure them out. X-P

    I think things here were at a good balance before PoP ... or maybe before the advent of, "Buy your first ever character now, at max. cap level! Buy-buy-buy-buy-buy-buy-buy! We need a sudden influx of cash!" (Level 85 cap? Whenever that was?)

    On the other hand, if you're blasting through the recent expacs as a veteran player, Twyla, yeah, I agree something might be amiss ... but how to fix it is definitely the trick. :-/

    Twyla likes this.
  8. Celestia Well-Known Member

    They really need to do away with the boosting. I don’t care about anything else, hell keep the tradeskill boost , but take the adventure one away.
    Twyla and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Not a bad idea, yeah! :)

    But didn't EoF also introduce a ton of new zones? Where would a ton be coming from these days? :-/

    We've gotten back to Luclin; maybe go up to Drinal? :) After all, that moon's in one piece... ;->

    Would just need some Gnomish tech to get and survive there to set up colonies. :)

  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    They did just exactly the opposite with the new expansion: the Adventure token is, I believe, available even on the Standard Edition, but you can only get a Tradeskill boost token on the "Friends & Family & Business Associates & Next-Door Neighbors & Anyone But You Can Use These" plan. X-P

    Geroblue likes this.
  11. Celestia Well-Known Member


    Seriously? That’s messed up (the token thing not the lore one.)

    As far as lore goes, introduce some thing new, do we need all the original EQ zones? I’m genuinely curious, because they keep rehashing old areas at this point.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Luclin (in one piece) was an old EQ1 zone, but Drinal? The other planets in the system? That would be new... :)

    who was dismayed at the look of the "new map" in EQ3: basically, the old map for EQ1, as if EQ2 had been a mistake that should never have happened and was to never be referred to again (and that I much prefer over EQ1) :-/
    Geroblue likes this.
  13. Taled Well-Known Member

    EQ1 and EQ2 are different timelines. They don't exist in the same 'universe', any map that a new EQ had would have to pick between the two games, or an entirely new map based on EQ1 and changes from it.

    As for 'do we need all the EQ1 zones? cant we get new content?!' - Do you not understand the entire premise of EQ2?
    Twyla and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  14. Celestia Well-Known Member

    LOL Somehow I knew that would be said. Yes, I get the premise of EQ2, but if you really want to keep to the story - they have broken their own canon before. It wouldn’t be new to do it. And from what I understand, there are plenty of places in EQ that they haven’t covered here.

    I get that we have a lot of lore buffs here, but doing something different wouldn’t kill anyone. And, as you pointed out, there are two different timelines - get creative with it I say.
    Geroblue and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  15. Dude Well-Known Member

    I:m chuckling so much at this. I don't know if you meant this ironically, but Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast and ... wait for it ... D&D!

    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Twyla like this.
  16. Twyla Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I don't understand the P2W people. Where is the sense of accomplishment? Rather than actually winning by doing what was needed I bought such and so and one shotted it...now I'm bored. I wish I had a solution to offer, short of winning the lottery and donating the money to EQ2 so they can hire staff and give us content like they did up to PoP.
  17. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Yep, I will say that as much of a pain it has been to try and get those horses to drop in the elemental zones, I like the challenge of not knowing whether I will get it from an exquisite or not. (Though as I said in the other thread it's a grumble for me at this point, lol) I mean, I know they exist now! So it gives me some kind of challenge since in all honesty I hated this expansion.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Twyla like this.
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ohh, yes, trust me, I know (collectively, our gaming group has like 200+ years experience in table-top gaming, if you add up all our decades). X-P

    Which is why DnD 3.x pretty much sucked in many ways, especially compared to ADnD 2nd Ed., but in all DnD's history, especially working with well-written modules (hey, they did exist) or GMs who knew what they were doing (ditto), generally we'd get a nice Bell Curve sort of progression: some encounters were easy-peasy, some were near-killers, but most were things we could handle; some we had to be more savvy about, especially if our resources were running low, but that's to be expected. It makes for smart, creative gamers.

    Enter in the people who brought us collectible card gaming in the first place to try to destroy table-top gaming. Then they get bought out by a stupid board game company, who had NO idea (and still doesn't, but at least 5.0 isn't completely terrible, from what I hear) what the hell a book-based table-top game is supposed to be. DnD 3.x consisted of either utter cakewalk encounters, which probably didn't please the GM, or total party kill encounters, which didn't please the players at all, especially if, like our gaming groups, one actually spends, oh, what's the word I'm looking for...ah, yes: TIME in developing their characters. Surprisingly enough, a typical table-top game does not involve insta-rez systems the way that computer games do (whose advent probably hadn't helped the TT game companies survive), so I guess the main character design ideas these days is just min-max the number crunching, and don't give a tinker's damn about what happens to a bunch of alphanumeric characters on a paper sheet. X-P

    We don't talk about DnD 4.0...

    For my gaming group in our area, we're firmly convinced that Paizo's Pathfinder 1.0 was the true inheritor to DnD; even though its first rules were based on 3.5, they fairly quickly (like, within 3-4 "Adventure Paths," a series of 6 modules per campaign) got their own rules nailed down, into something we could all be happy with. So happy, in fact, that since Paizo felt they had to kick up to 2.0 (to compete with DnD 5.0), we kept with 1.0 anyway, since after checking out that "latest and greatest! new and improved! for the sake of -- newness! :D" we went right back to what worked for us and we liked.

    Apparently, 5.0 doesn't stink nearly as much as 4.0 did ("DnD 5.0 -- The Apology! :D"), but we have no desire to go to it. But even there, one does not "win" in a role-playing game, until you get to level 20 (the level cap, last I knew; it goes up in a rather logarithmic fashion) with existing characters that are now rulers of countries, or something. ;->

    Dude and Geroblue like this.
  19. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    What I've hated in the expansions since at least 110 became the ultimate level cap (and possibly before then; still catching up with those ;->) was that apparently, your character tip-toeing through everything has to be a good ten levels higher than the actual zone in order to have a hope in hell of surviving. Remember the good old days when, theoretically, zones that were labeled as, say, 50-60, started out as 50 when you came in, and eventually got to 60 in the deeper areas, where you might expect such? :)

    In all innocence, I came in with a level 110 toon (which, yes, I'd Tokened up to that level [at least the Token was "free" with the Collector's Edition]... :oops: but at least I had an NPC merchant's chest worth of gear right off...) into a "level 110" area. I couldn't get outside of, say, 50 yards before being surrounded by things that were orange, aggro, various numbers of up-arrows, etc., etc., etc., and even right at the entrance, you're being danced around by a ton of orange-level critters, who at least aren't aggro (but who aren't white-level like they should have been, according to "the label on the tin," as it were). X-P But I had to have a level 120 toon (another Tokened-up one...sigh :oops:) of mine come in (same account, so one logged out while the other came in) and "clear the road" for my poor ickle baby toon (they were only green->blue to him), who should have been able to handle the critters. I finally finished what I'd set out to accomplish, then vowed to not return to that damned place until that toon as well were level 120, and that would take forever, given the ludicrous amount of levelling that would take. X-P

    who'll just have my level 110 stick with level 100 zones and below for now, as long as she can earn XP somehow ;->
    Dude and Geroblue like this.
  20. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Did you get the gear out of the box in the library? Or luclin? Or is the character wearing the gear they were given with the boost? Which, don’t even get me started on that. They give you a boost with worthless gear you can’t even use? Come on Daybreak.
    And yes, I remember even the days of say, Tears of Veeshan when the levels meant something, and I think it was like 90 or 100? I’ve ranted many times about resolve requirements and the fact that they would have a LOT MORE players if they didn’t lock content behind those stupid requirements. And yet…as many people have said and complained about it, they don’t care.

    As far as the horses are concerned, I have gotten a couple exquisite boxes in the earth zones in the last two days and you know what I got? Outdated crafter books that I am SURE made crafting a nightmare during the CD expansion. I am still bitter. I WANT MY HORSE.