50 million broker limit

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Chikkin, May 24, 2022.

  1. Taled Well-Known Member

    You say that as if plat isn't also just 'pixels on a screen'
    Quiarrah, Beee and Priority like this.
  2. Beee Well-Known Member

    Today i saw a NoTrade C3 shiny (Fang of Yore) in auction channel gone for 5,5 billion platin

    Dear Devs:
    Why the hell this is possible and we still have 50 mio broker limit ?
    Why 20 Kronos can be sold for 50B ?
  3. Priority Well-Known Member

    Smashey likes this.
  4. Taled Well-Known Member

    Because there is no way to prevent that?

    If someone wants to trade a billion plat, how would you prevent it? Cap trades at 50 mil? They'll just trade 20 times. Cap the amount of plat in our inventory? Now there is no point in even buying krono or earning any items to sell.

    Edit: The broker limit was, I'd bet, part of the method to prevent the dupes on the broker. Overloading it was one of the dupe methods that initially caused that explosion of krono prices to 4+ bil.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Sweety D Well-Known Member

    My problem with the broker is having the items stop selling every couple weeks. I HATE this so much. It’s like I have a part time job just reposting all my broker items. So annoying. Especially because I’m not actually trying to make money, I sell everything for 1 copper.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Breanna like this.
  6. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    That is all in-game money is. Pixels on a screen. You can only spend it in the game.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I do think that limiting broker amounts slowed down the inflation quite a bit. Yes, people still charge outrageous prices, but the annoyance factor of having to meet and do the swap in person helps slow it down.
  8. Taled Well-Known Member

    .. yes, that would be my point.

    You complained that items in game (pixels on the screen) cost too much plat (also, pixels on the screen) - meaningless.
    Aggy likes this.
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. >:-|

    If I don't want to be charged outrageous prices for something, know what I do? TURN OFF THE DAMNED AUCTION CHANNEL (I do that anyway as a matter of course; it's annoying). If the speculators (the sort of people who ruin things in RL for everyone else without giving a damn) want to get Scrooge McDuck levels of filthy rich in their swimming pools o' plat, let them jump through the Auction hoops; I will still be looking for things available on the Broker, providing I can find them when I need to. :-/

    Having the stupid Broker "reset" every fortnight, month, whatever the limit is now pretty much guarantees I WON'T be able to find something I need, when I need it. It's so damn aggravating for the buyers as well as the sellers, Sweety D; I have every sympathy with you, seriously. :-/

    And I think whatever "issue" there was with the Broker servers :rolleyes: might've been due to runaway inflation/speculator greed; I think now that inflation has been reined in a bit, and the "whoever gets to Game Sunset with the most plat WINS!1!!11!!! :D" mob is mostly on the Auction channel, can we please take off the stupid time limit now, devs? :-/

    Please? :-/

    who doesn't see the time limit helping curb inflation if the only chance people can find what they need is by going into the Auction channel...
    Twyla, Geroblue and KauaiJim like this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    And as far as "it's only pixels" go, I'm with folks like Geroblue; RL is frustrating enough not to try to get some enjoyment out of a hobby.

    Being unable to obtain things that are needed/wanted due to the same rampant greed that's running roughshod throughout RL is not enjoyable.

    Twyla likes this.
  11. Quiarrah Well-Known Member

    Still trying to figure out how you TRADE a NO TRADE item . . . . .
  12. Arclite Well-Known Member

    The plat exploit is still active and people continue to exploit it thus creating more inflation. I was once selling 5 kronos for plat about two months ago and this dude sends me a tell saying that he will pay me 7 billion, I thought he was just joking so I said I want more and w/o even a pause he said ok 10 - this was before the current price of 2b per krono so I was happy. The same dude a day later was paying more plate for 5 more kronos. No chance people are making this much plat by selling no-trade shinnies this quickly. The frequency of buying kronos for insane amount of plat can only point to one thing.

    In any case, i think DPG are probably in a good state w.r.t this issue as folks who buy kronos to make plat and/or buying the contested updates (I mean the full helmet update went for 20 kronos at somepoint) are spending more. I see no reason why DPG would want to come in the way of it unless they are preparing the pay to win loot crates to make an appearance soon again.
    Breanna, Beee and Feara like this.
  13. Sweety D Well-Known Member

    For some this is not a positive thing. To me, it seems like there are just less items for sale. Finding adept or master spells on the broker was a lot easier up until the broker changes. Even if they were expensive, at least they were for sale.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Amen; my main gripe these days is the silly time limit, not so much the plat limit (which I heartily approve of).

    Geroblue likes this.
  15. Taled Well-Known Member

    I don't bother putting nearly anything on the broker any more at all. Between the price limit and the time limit, it isn't worth it. I will put items that I want to store extras of up on an alt for sale at exhorbitant prices and buy them from myself so I don't have to waste bag space carrying extras, and sometimes other folks buy them because noone else has them for sale - I don't really intend for them to sell, but it funds making more of them I spose. I don't care to harvest so I don't craft enough to actually supply the server with mass produced stuff, lol
  16. Sweety D Well-Known Member

    I just raised a Necro thread about this.

    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  17. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    But if I cannot buy what my character needs, then its too much plat.
  18. Melkior Well-Known Member

    Krono? It's simple. They are not NO TRADE. In fac,t they were introduced as Tradeable Currency from the very beginning.
  19. Taled Well-Known Member

    Nah. They are confused by SLRing the purple neck shinies. People consistently say 'But how do you sell <no trade item>?!' Because it never crosses their mind that someone can just.. come loot it.

    Why does how much plat *you* have dictate whether something is too expensive?

    I don't disagree that 'inflation' has been ridiculous in game, and everything is overpriced, but the only thing stopping you from earning plat is refusing to sell at those inflated prices because 'its just pixels'
    Melkior likes this.
  20. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I have never seen, and I doubt I ever will see, millions of plat on all of my characters, then it is too much.

    That is why I have extra accounts, with 120 craft level in weapons, armor, wood, cloth, carpenter, jewelry, etc.

    So if I get aggrivated enough, I'll just make my own for my own characters, and those players wanting millions of plat for something if I sell to the city merchant only gains a few silver pieces, the players wont get anything from me.