50 million broker limit

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Chikkin, May 24, 2022.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Dang straight! Some way to guarantee desired items would go a long way towards warmer customer feeling. :-/

    Are the crafter books like Heirloom or, worse, No-Trade? 'Cause as far as I'm concerned, that's another mark in the wrong direction. Not that I approve of Broker speculator greed, but at least that would be a "use" for them. :-/

    And from everything I've heard, from level 100 to 110, crafting was SUPPOSED to be a nightmare. And there were rage-quits over it, which just goes to show they don't know their audience terribly well. X-P

    Twyla likes this.
  2. Celestia Well-Known Member

    No they are tradable. But they are outdated so literally the only good ones would probably be the carpenter books, which I was lucky enough to get on the broker. I actually did sell one but it was for grandmasters recipes. The other one was for a jeweler, and I just ended up selling it to a vendor. I don’t care so much about the plat. But man I wish my horse would drop. :(
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  3. Blambil Active Member

    "Free Trade for All 2024" :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Uwk, I have the little beige books for d&d, 1e hard covers, 2e, Pathfinder 1.0, and 5e. I've read all of them. Talked to family and friends who run them. I have stuck with 1e ad&d. I've made thousands of maps for it to. And a few maps for Tunnels and Trolls, etc.

    Yeah, I have run into that 'the mobs tear up my toon' when I go to a zone they are supposed to be able to handle. I even have the chest items from the library and the newest zone. Still need to read up on the adornments though.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I will say it seems to me that it depends on what class you play as with the starter gear thing in the box. I wasn't sure why, because I was on my channeler the other day, used the gear in the box for Ren. of Ro expansion, and got attacked by a coyote and died. All I can figure is that Overloaded Interception wasn't on somehow - and I forgot to recast or thought it was on or something. Because I have never died to a single one arrow up mob before. (well, maybe when the game first came out and I had no concept of what MMO's involved.) I've been fine there before. So I had to have forgotten something.

    My SK went out for revenge (and to get the box gear) and killed a bunch of stuff.

    So in your case Uwk, I don't know. What class is he/she?

    (One shouldn't be dying to mobs like this, I realize.)
    Geroblue and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    The one I'm thinking of is my chief Carpy/Assassin on Halls of Fate, and she can't even kill that stupid book in the stupid Great Library's stupid outdoor patio to finish that stupid "get some loose pages for us" quest (she's working on the Scrivener's line now, and I mainly just wanted to get to like the second quest or so in that line to get access to alllllll those loverly, juicy recipes you can get once you finish helping out the library snail). X-P

    Every zone leading from Myrist seems to be chock-full of nothing but oranges on up for her at 110, from the minute she enters them. My 120 Illusionist boy, meanwhile, sees the same foes as blues and greens and doesn't care one whit about up-arrows, he and his twin just happily annihilate everything that comes their way; mostly him, though his twin has his back. ;->

    Hence my theory. X-P

    Geroblue likes this.
  7. Tindrial Member

    To be honest, my wizard had the exact same problem. The starter gear wasn't good enough for her to do the sig line or anything solo in VoV. I was lucky that someone was willing to drag me around to the overland bosses for gear and once i had that I could do some of the mobs but with difficulty. Another thing I found, you also had to have a "certain" loadout. Someone created for me a loadout and since then I've done much better but to me, having the "perfect" gear and the "perfect" loadout defeats the purpose of even playing a game. I'm not interested in having to "be" a raider and raid geared basically just to solo stuff that should normally be soloable. In Buried Takish'Hiz, I can do the trash and that's it unless I want to grind for the "raid" gear and I'm not so I don't. The thing is, you can grind all you want for the best gear and it's pretty much obsolete when the next xp comes out.

    I feel like the newer areas are just for raiders. Maybe that's incorrect but that is the impression I've gotten from listening to general (over 2-3 years) and also a conversation where I basically got yelled at by 1-2 ppl for not wanting to grind and be a raider. They obviously take raiding seriously and that's fine but raiding just isn't for me and never has been.

    Now, well, I'm mostly content to play alts in the old world and am considering not continuing my subscription mostly because I feel that the game isn't for people like me anyways, not anymore. The newer areas I've had likes and dislikes but on the whole they just don't have the heart of the older areas. I miss the language quests, the heritage quests, the L&L quests, the stuff that made you care about the areas you were in and the NPC's you were helping out. Obviously, the game's changed for sure, nothing wrong with that; I'll just stick with the parts I like and ignore the stuff I don't. Each to their own.
  8. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I would’ve happy to help you out, unfortunately I’m on Maj’Dul instead of Halls of Fate. I figured out my Channeler problem though! I had not summoned my familiar for some reason and once I did she wiped everything clean.

    I wonder why your assassin is having trouble though. I DO think that assassins have been kinda ignored by the devs in the past 4 to 5 expansions or so. I’ve only heard about them, but I think many people are upset because they don’t do the damage they should. At least in raiding from what I’ve read.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  9. Dude Well-Known Member

    If you have BoL, get the gear from the BoL box. You'll breeze through CD.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  10. Beee Well-Known Member

    In auction channel asked price of Krono went up to 3b ... wonder if Daybreak monitores the trades ;)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  11. Drona Well-Known Member

    Many governments around the world with much better resources try to control prices and they never work, you think puny Daybreak can do that? :D

    They should call it a day and remove the limits on broker...
    tasnee and Beee like this.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    My main problem is being surrounded and hunted by nothing but oranges (and probably reds, though I never stick around long enough in those areas...). :-/ I suppose turn about is fair play, since I'd be like blue or green to them, and I often deliberately go hunting in various actually-green-to-me areas for my daily objective tasks, but it doesn't stop me resenting it. ;->

    Nor does it stop me resenting the need for raid gear in an area that's supposed to be just at my level, starting out... >:-/

    Geroblue and Twyla like this.
  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Hmm; I've got level 110 box gear already...the sad thing is, I've focused so much on my Carpies, that my Armorers, Jewelers, Tailors, Weaponsmiths, Woodworkers, etc. are nowhere near being able to make -- apparently -- better gear for my folks in the 100s. :-/

    who's afraid to look it up on the Broker, getting this back on track again :D
    Geroblue likes this.
  14. Dude Well-Known Member

    The gear from Tishan's Box in CD is level 110. The gear from Tishan's Box in BoL is also level 110, but it is a TON better than the CD gear and it's free.
    Breanna, KauaiJim, Geroblue and 2 others like this.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ah! Okay, I'll check it out; thanks! :)

    Geroblue and Dude like this.
  16. Rotchi Active Member

    So you want the plat dupe exploit back? That is the only reason the limit was put in place, to stop the exploit.
  17. Dude Well-Known Member

    Or maybe they could fix the exploit?
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Nah; if they did that, there'd probably be a drop in Kronos sales. :-/

    Geroblue and Zediccus like this.
  19. Beee Well-Known Member

    Broker limit is at 50.000.000 platin.
    Krono Price is at platin via auction channel (= 140x broker limit)

    If you think everthing is correct with this behavior.. don't think about still existing platin exploids :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  20. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Meh, no, that behavior still sucks, but at least, we don't have to put up with it; just shut off the stupid Auction channel and don't be a customer there. ;->

    Eventually things should calm down... :-/

    who likes that Public Test, at least, doesn't have to worry about "only 30 days on the Broker" limits ;->