Server Outage Update?

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by MikeBob2023, Oct 27, 2023.

  1. Dante995 New Member

    I feel you.

    Hopefully it works out.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. DENSER Well-Known Member

    Communication broken in game / Limited communication from devs.

    Here is the problem .

    No doubt you take care of it and it probably drives you crazy, But just a quick word for the community, please. That's all we ask .
  3. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    I am happy having everything they can communicate at this point communicated. There isn't anything more at this point other than they are working on it and it's a server/database thing. I'm not sure what else you are expecting if there isn't anything else they know to say at this point. The forums are still communicating that they are working on it - what else are you looking for?
  4. Life Member

    We don't get updates because we aren't appreciated. The people who still play this game will keep playing it no matter how management treats them, myself included. Certainly it's not helping the people doing word gymnastics to turn suggestions into expectations and entitled demands. Some of those people just look like contrarians who have already flipped partially on communication expectations, but others I have no clue. You're not helping to improve things by defending antiquated and disrespectful community management.
    Dante995, Smashey, Nunja and 2 others like this.
  5. Roxtar Member

    I guess when the chats are down and the mail doesn't work the game is very isolating and boring so we all come here to socialize and play the forum game.
  6. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    As a long-time paying customer, most of it gladly, I'd like some sort of compensation for hanging in there when the game doesn't work as badly as it's not working right now.

    Appreciation would be nice, thank you items - even nicer, compensatory time for my already paid subscription would be perfect.
  7. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    I'm reminded of the old Indiana Jones movie (Lost Crusades)where the same question is asked of the government agents by Indy. "Who's working on it?" The response: "People. Important people." Cutaway to the box being stored in a huge warehouse among thousands of other boxes never to be found again, haha.
    Breanna, GrunEQ, Robynous and 2 others like this.
  8. dalponis Member

    Except the movie is called "Raiders of the Lost Ark" and what's said is: "We have Top Men working on it right now." "Who?" "Top Men."

    Robynous and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  9. jonnyandme New Member

    same VoV was a big let down for me and lots of others new one don't look promising either i think im done won't be subing ill miss ft thats about it
  10. Bhayar Well-Known Member

    You are correct. And all of that said, the point is still the same.
  11. Anguisette Member

    It was also in the MotD over the weekend, and was reposted there today. I know it's been noted a dozen times in Discord across the channels.

    Everyone wants it fixed, but wants those who are fixing it to stop fixing it to tell them they are still fixing it. How does that make sense? How about this instead? When there is an actual update to how the investigation is coming along, they update us with the information, and until that point, we all understand the status is the same as it was prior to that point instead of needing to be spoon-fed an update about nothing changing?

    For those unaware of what's going on, the BIG RED words on the main forum page tells you.
  12. Strings Well-Known Member

    I haven't read this whole thread but I just want to make sure everyone knows group chat works, so you can group your friends and talk. Also /say and /shout work. I'd also like to beg and plead for a NotD extension. It can't cost them much to do that, if anything. Also I want a sparkly pink fairy princess ball gown designed just for me with my dog Rosie's face embroidered on it. I'm willing to negotiate on that second one :p
  13. kaetlyn New Member

    Everyone wants it fixed, but wants those who are fixing it to stop fixing it to tell them they are still fixing it. How does that make sense? How about this instead? When there is an actual update to how the investigation is coming along, they update us with the information, and until that point, we all understand the status is the same as it was prior to that point instead of needing to be spoon-fed an update about nothing changing?

    Someone has never worked IT before.
    This is supposed to be a service/entertainment and it's not working as it should.
    We pay real money for it to work properly.

    Until there is an update, be quiet?

    Nah man, you do with your money what you will and I'll do with mine what I will.

    4+ days with server down? I'm sorry, that is asinine. Either a breakdown in their maintenance contract or a serious lack of planning.

    Either way they need to answer to the people that pay them...or lose those people. It's that simple.
    Dante995 likes this.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Extending the major holiday would be a wonderful reward. :)

    GrunEQ and Twyla like this.
  15. Taled Well-Known Member

    That sounds more like you don't work in IT, given the lack of understanding the issue or empathy to the people working it.

    The servers aren't down. They're trying to figure out why services aren't communicating properly without having to shut the game off completely to do so, which anyone who worked in IT on a level above a helpdesk or pulling cables would have some idea of the difficulty of.

    The folks who aren't working on the back end of the servers *could*, absolutely, take time to come hold hands, wipe noses, and pat bums - and make comments repeating that the issue is being worked constantly by the server techs and that when there is more information to be shared they will share it, but other than to swap the complaints of "You should be telling us more!" for the complaints of "Shut up and do something to fix it already!", what exactly would the point be?

    Do you honestly believe a company is sitting back watching you all piss and moan and.. what? Pointing and laughing, instead of working to fix the problem?

    Darkpaw and Daybreak have issues, but not giving updates when there is no change is hardly unreasonable.
  16. Celestia Well-Known Member

    We asked for an update and we DID get one with the big red letter post at the top. Taled is right.
    Anguisette and Angeliana like this.
  17. Evilary Well-Known Member

    Is the chat integrated into the servers or do they have their own server? Same with the mail. We don't know this for sure unless we are a Darkpaw/Daybreak employee. So the servers could be down still. Could have had a burn out and they are waiting on replacement servers. Could be anything.

    Is there a chance that a company who is fast approaching a launch deadline for an expansion might not be giving it their full attention due to the expansion? It is possible. That is why updates are nice. Even if they won't say any of the above, if they have their forum rep take the time to post it is still being worked on, it makes some people feel better about it than thinking it's being ignored due to expansion crunch.
    Dante995 and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  18. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Do we still actually have a forum rep/Community Manager any more? :(

    We had a lot of them tossed under the bus sequentially when the Pro7 debacle was going on. :-/

    Robynous likes this.
  19. Evilary Well-Known Member

    I thought that was what Angeliana was. "Angeliana Senior Community Manager"
    Robynous and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  20. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    AH! D'oh; teach me not to read the fine print. ;->

    Thanks! :)

    Robynous likes this.