Forced Namechange due to unprofessional support

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Sliceberry, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. Levatino Active Member

    Political correctness to the max. H o m o isn't an English word it's latin. So how could it be offensive to an English speaking individual?
    I'm from Holland a comman surname is Dic k and a lastname that's been used is de Coc k ; so how would the US react to someone being named Dic k de Coc k? Would he be denied acces to the US?

    As a matter of fact, as a Dutchman I could react to Romanian names, some words have the ending lul which means dic k in Dutch; it would be totally unfair for me to report them cause it ain't an english word people may not even know it's offensive.

    I'm standing with Nho mo on this part, unban his name or ban everyone with a name that can be offensive in any language not just the English one..
    Sliceberry likes this.
  2. Levatino Active Member

    as a sidenote h omo also means human in latin, so if people get offended being called a human...

    and yes making fun of hom osexuality is a no go, but going this far with namechanging for a latin word then a lot more names need to be changed and no foreign user using a a word from their language is safe from having their name changed; cause it could be offensive in english..
    Sliceberry likes this.
  3. Sliceberry Member

    Could you use my actual character? He is unlocked on EQ2U. I am not looking like the average EoF sk.
  4. Sliceberry Member

    I am Dutch too. Sadly there are some crazy Americans who seem to be homophobic in this thread. Even if my name would stand for homosexual, what then? They are the ones calling it a bad thing.
    Badhealer likes this.
  5. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    heh and not everyone is american... but keep up with your generalities and offensive comments that aren't helping your case.

    the company is american based, you have to deal with american biases on words, which includes their naming policy. it has been explained repeatedly to you in the US and other countries it is a nasty slang word used to demean others, which is why it's unacceptable. you've been given several helpful suggestions on how to deal with it including a tongue-in-cheek but adorable sig, continuing with the insults and nasty comments will only make others more determined against you.

    just incase you still haven't gotten a clue, i'm not american, neither are several other posters. blanket accusations of homophobia so off the mark it's hilarious, you really might want to try a different argument there. making threats, of which you've made several, are more likely to make you suspended from the forums or drunder bound... maybe you can join the happy crew of exploiters! so either quit, man up, or please do keep up with the threats so we can be spared your rude obnoxious self.
    Xillean and Kilbane like this.
  6. rezumezu Member

    What i find interesting is Nhomo/Nhimo posted a thread about his name change and people attacked him for it. Now (lookin at you Ceyllyn) are saying to keep up with threats and taunts after yall poked him first. So lemme borrow yer phrase and man'up, if you gonna get into a mudslinging match you cant take the highroad after you already went low.
  7. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    might want to reread my first reply...but at this point, i don't really care, he gets that name back i will report it as i find it offensive.
    Xillean and Kilbane like this.
  8. Sliceberry Member

    Threats? Are you serious? I am only saying that I am questioning if you guys are homophobic or not. Daybreak is Russian btw, another weak argument of yours.
  9. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Sliceberry, it's time to let this drop and move on, Nothing your or I or anyone else says is going to change anything.

    But for what it's worth, "_homo_" only means equal or same when combined with another word and is capitalised to put into that context, as in "_Homo_sapiens" . You were called out because the word "_homo_" in your name was offensive to many people. I accept it wasn't necessarily your intent to be offensive, but whether something is offensive or not is determined by those who perceive it as being offensive. May be not everyone saw it as offensive, but enough people did and reported it as such. And those in DBG that made the decision to force a name change obliviously agreed that it was.

    Also DBG is not Russian, it's an American company based in San Diego, and owned by Columbus Nova, also an American company based in New York. Whilst it is true that CN is owned by a Russian investment company that's a long way off calling DBG a Russian company.
    Xillean, Kilbane, Spindle and 3 others like this.
  10. Berserkerkitten Well-Known Member

    Hoo boy. Sounds like you guys are way past that and maybe I'm just being naive, but for what it counts, I actually think Nhomo is a pretty cool, inoffensive name. And the internet gets too offended over absolutely anything these days. And forcing a change because it might be interpreted as a troll attempt or "no h0mo"... hm, seems a bit over the top for me.

    With all that said, the way you behave will always affect people's judgement. I don't play on your server, I don't know you and even then, I never play with general chat activated, because reading all the nonsense that happens in there makes me want to get violent. But reading through some of the comments here, including your own, it looks like you tend to act like a bag of d*cks on occasion. Perhaps this is part of the reason why the GM didn't give you the benefit of the doubt. I know, Captain Hindsight to the rescue.

    It's hard to convince people that you weren't trying to troll or offend anyone when you have a history of doing exactly that. With all that said, I hope they'll at least let you change your name to something you like.
  11. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    That's actually an old pic of Exclusive. He's a pretty darn good tank. I didn't want to spend too much time with the details because it was just a rough draft.
  12. Jumpity Member

    You just nailed it. Try going to a German based server and naming yourself Nhitler, or a Spanish based server and name yourself Ncaca... Watch what happens. What is fine in one part of the world may not be fine in others.

    Such is the case here, that I don't think he understands, Nhomo maybe fine on a German or Europe based server, but not here on US based servers. You should really pay some attention to that when picking a name.
    flameweaver and Ceyllynn like this.
  13. Cheallaigh Well-Known Member

    he's a troll and really has some issues... like being a lousy friend and before you feel sympathy for him

    i liked a post in general, only liked it, and didn't even reply in any way. (i did later, on topic since he called my attention back to it)

    you're borrowing an account to complain about a name change, and do actions like this? this is a lousy friend behavoir, being a troll and stalker on their account. yes, gee golly, you got reported again...
  14. Timur New Member

    Your name change occurred within 24 hours of the following events in the Auction Channel:

    (Copied directly from the log but cleaned up the clutter, removed other non-relevant chatter, and censored the curse words. Note: Cirvandal = Nhomo/Nhimo)

    Tryndal auctions, "Selling Silk Needles from Toxic - Start at 500p"
    Taktic auctions, "500p"
    Tryndal auctions, "Selling from Toxic - @500p Taktic"
    Cirvandal auctions, "1k needles"
    Tryndal auctions, "Selling Silk Needles - @1k Cirvan"
    Taktic auctions, "stop it nhomo"
    Taktic auctions, "2k"
    Cirvandal auctions, "2.5k"
    Tryndal auctions, "Selling Silk Needles - @2k Taktic"
    Taktic auctions, "3k"
    Tryndal auctions, Silk Needles from Toxic - @3k Taktic Going Once"
    Tryndal auctions, "Selling Silk Needles from Toxic - @3k Taktic Going Twice"
    Cirvandal auctions, "3.1k"
    Taktic auctions, "-_-"
    Tryndal auctions, "Selling Silk Needles from Toxic - @3k Taktic SOLD, i didn't see the .1 increment it's too small :)"
    Cirvandal auctions, "what?"
    Tryndal auctions, "your bid sucked"
    Cirvandal auctions, "so?"
    Tryndal auctions, "bid more next time"
    Cirvandal auctions, "you sold it before stating it"
    Cirvandal auctions, "apologize otherwise you will be permanently banned from all my groups"
    Tryndal auctions, "ban me"
    Cirvandal auctions, "and i will make sure half the server will hate you dumb f***"
    Cirvandal auctions, "little b**** doesnt know who the f*** he is f***ing with"

    Fact of the matter is that no side was right in the above exchange. The final part of the above exchange occurred this past Sunday at 2:34 p.m. EST. By this time you had stirred up the trolls with your provocative responses and you perpetuated the insults until approximately 3:02 p.m. EST.

    You're a common participant in the chat channels on all of your alts so maybe a troll reported your name in spite, maybe it was a complete unknown. Any which way it's a done deal and you're not getting the name back and you'll be lucky if customer support provides you a name change which, to be fair, I think you do deserve.

    The internet tough guy stuff just won't work. Suck it up and accept the name change and next time understand that there are consequences for your actions.
    Peachiz, Jess, Cempa and 2 others like this.
  15. Raff Well-Known Member

    Its unlikely a dev or customer support just up and changed your name on a whim. Most likely your name did offend someone or someones and they reported it. Maybe several times...which flagged customer support to look into it.

    Well, you can always purchase a name change potion and try something else.
    Ceyllynn likes this.
  16. Timur New Member

    Oh, I'll add this too (once again edited for profanity even though I apparently missed a word lol)

    The moment of realization


    It's unfortunate that you lost your name but that was one of the funniest things I've seen in the channel for a while
    Sliceberry and Cempa like this.
  17. Berserkerkitten Well-Known Member

    Why lube, though? Nhimo lube? If I were to come up with a brand name for lube, I'd use something awesome like Powerslide or Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift.
    Peachiz and Sigrdrifa like this.
  18. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    I dunno if posting logs or screenshots of that sort is going to solve or bring closure to anything (and is likely against forum rules, somewhere in the small print), but it does give a relatively decent picture of how OP conducts himself in chat channels. I'm no angel either, but I tend to not go completely on tilt. My theory is that Nhimo is going through some difficult times, in real life, and it's leaking into the game. Happens to a lot of people. His behaviour, as of late, has been more over the top more frequently than usual.

    I could be wrong. /shrug If I am, he's just looking for "suicide by GM" to find an excuse to leave the game.
    Jess likes this.
  19. WildBill New Member

    I knew I recognized that SK from somewhere
    Eles likes this.
  20. Ruckus Well-Known Member

    Or looking for a free transfer to Drunder, where all the cool kids are hanging out now with all their plats and kronos.
    claudia6913 likes this.
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