The New Ethereals

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ZUES, Jun 6, 2015.

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  1. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    That is incorrect, although there were in ToV 6 chests per day, but only once per day per character and player.


    As I said the RNG is no longer functioning properly.

    There is also as already suggested other solutions such as pure luck. The effort required the people's got to be worth something right? Created as a dealer as proposed or give it to the "Far Seas" dealer of the distillery. So you take the people to discontent and frustration zone by zone to go empty.

    Continue to fall at the moment with us in the group neither ethereal nor mythic items. When the amount of instances that need to be done daily drop much more mythical items and there are currently no reports of anyone Server has looted something.

    Now 13 days every day in the week about 7h instances and on weekends up to 19h daily instances and so far I have not seen an ethereal or a mythical weapon.
  2. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    Is this changing the drop rate of the ethereals (regardless of how low it might be)? Or, is there a set amount of ethereals out there that will be diminished every time a botter loots one? I'm pretty sure the answer is "no" in both cases. So, if the ethereals are dropping for others (botters or notherwise) it does not directly influence your chances of getting one in any way, shape or form. Thus, no competition. And, it has zero effect on my gameplay. We can extrapolate to a scenario where they are putting them on the broker for a lower price than a non-botter which would be a form of competition, but that's neither here nor there in this discussion.

    Botting is bad. We've arrived at that conclusion well before this thread ever existed. SoE/DGC has dealt with it or not dealt with it. The fact remains that what we are now talking about has no bearing on all of the moaning about ethereal drop rates and rewarding merit instead of luck, etc... It's a total wild goose chase.
    Shesaz likes this.
  3. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Probably I should correct my statement a little.

    At times there were ToV random quest rewards. In the open high Keep there was once a day 6 boxes in one run per character. And there was, of course, for each instance once a day per character.

    Now you theoretically have the opportunity a lot more opportunities, at least if one only plays a character like me, if it was because work correctly.

    Unfortunately it does not work precisely and because the problem occurs as massive in all people and that the mythical weapons is striking now even more rare than usual are, is to start from a mistake.

    I mean in my group alone we are talking of about 132h instances runs without something ethereal or mythical seen to have. I think a few more days then are the last people burned to make the groups to obtain an ethereal which.

    I do not understand why this is not simply checked by Daybreak times, or is thinking about a satisfactory solution for all after so many people turn here in the forum to the developers.

    A feedback from the developer to the situation could already help a lot.
  4. Shesaz Active Member

    Can't wait to see the look on everyone's faces when they realize that the items they spent 200,000p on are going to be replaced by a basic starter quest in the next campaign. That, or tradeskill handcrafted.


    .... I mean, it could happen.
  5. Hammdaddy Active Member

    All of these items need to be nerfed anyway, their too good
  6. Dreadtalon Active Member

    I could care less about botters. I care even less about Ethereals. I do care about BIS items gated by RNG, as a few voices of reason have added to this insane chatter.

    Items like these should only be available by killing dragons, demons, gods, or by epic-like heritage quests - not available via the goody box at the end of every finished heroic dungeon in the newest and shiniest expansion.

    Want more people playing the game and subbing and buying DBC? Put in Mythical and Ethereal Weapon/Armor Quests. Hell, make it so you have to sub to even get the quest for all I care.

    Point is, this discussion/thread wouldn't be happening if BIS items weren't being distributed in this matter. We'd instead be having a discussion on why this class or that classes quest is easier/ or more difficult. I'd rather be reading that discussion than this one...

    Dreadtalon, a Freetard of Freeport

    P.S - And you all know Shesaz is correct, yes? These items are absolutely testing for new mechanics. If you don't see that, I just don't know what else to say.
  7. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    @ Hammdaddy
    I think you overestimate the effects of the new ethereal weapons.

    The primary visual description is only an indication of the rough operation.

    Each of these weapons has only one proc for a few seconds, which can only be triggered once every 30 seconds. The one sees but only if you wear the weapon and the buffed effect examined.

    Of course, the effects will have a correspondingly major impact and that's just as well, otherwise it would also not be an upgrade.

    But I think that this is now not our real problem is at the moment. No weapons except for a select few lucky children also means no effects. :)

    With the current drop rate, there are maybe at the end of the 1st wave, 25 lucky people worldwide on all servers together.
  8. Dreadtalon Active Member

    Long post. No, no, really, I know - but maybe worth a read:

    Others have said it multiple times so I'll not quote them. The problem isn't the drop rate. The problem is that BIS items are dropping from a chest in the first place.

    The frustration, the countless *wasted* hours running zones and seeing nothing because of RNG is the main complaint here. This is Everquest2, let people Quest for items of this stature.

    I realize DB is short on manpower, but this is an MMORPG and the RPG aspect, whether people play that way or not, is required for the game to continue. There needs to be lore and there need to be items that come from that lore. Characters need to progress logically within that lore frame-work. Mythicals, Ethereals, and Artifacts all should have their place, and that place needs to come from the lore of Everquest2 - not randomly from a chest that is going to be needed on by nearly every person in the group, whether they can use it or not.

    In nearly every thread on the subject of which expansion is the best, there is a common theme that no one talks about really - the best expansions had the best quests - and the best quests led to the best, most fun, most sought after items. That is no longer the case and nearly ALL MMORPGs suffer from this sickness.

    A return to basic formatting of the genre can help to revitalize the game and make the entire experience of "grinding" into actual progression of character within the storied content.

    What we have now is truly an aimless loot pinata, and it's driving people batty. It's driving people bonkers. It's driving people to drink, or in my case, to posting at nearly 3:00 A.M. - I'm passionate about this game, what can I say.

    RNG is not necessarily broken, it's the system relying almost exclusively on RNG that is broken. RNG should absolutely exist, it's an RPG, there needs to be a roll of the dice - but the dice being rolled should not necessarily contain within them the chance of winning the lottery each time.

    RNG should be used to perform a skill, or accomplish a task; you know, like role playing games do - by questing. By having countless adventures because of the quests and the reward at the end of the rainbow - if you can reach the end. The pot of gold is always the same - we always want the gold - but the journey to get the gold has become tedious because of the system.

    Don't try and fix RNG - fix the system that employs it simply as a method of loot distribution.

    RNG is being wasted in today's MMORPG environment, period.

    Dreadtalon, a Freetard of Freeport
    Neiloch likes this.
  9. Wards Member

    it just pisses me off that no ******* skill is required to get the most op healer weapon ingame
  10. Wards Member

    and even moar since no employee of dbg shows to clearify things ... u suck
  11. ZUES Well-Known Member

    Guys it looks like we're SOL. The devs threw us this bone as a bonus distraction thingy. They won't change anything except the waves. Start saving your platz for dose broker pricez.
  12. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    You do not really believe that will end only one of the current ethereal in Broker for this all too rarely.

    The Daybreak now change their system is not in the short term to create a quest line, should also be understood, because that requires a lot more time and also turn tests etc.


    I see it more as a little motivation in the summer to bring a few more people to play and to reduce the silly season by motivation.

    Only this is unfortunately also predicted that there is a real chance to get something addressed, otherwise you get frustrated people to motivate more than this and therefore has the opposite effect.
  13. Gillymann Abusive Relationships Aren't Healthy. J S.

    I'm probably wrong, but my perception is that on some topics, the Developers are very active in the discussion because they have a genuine personal interest in creating a solution to problem or want that we have. In these cases, they are very active with us.

    In other cases, like this one, where they are mostly silent, it's because they have very little interest in what we have to say. The decision has been made, this problem is not a priority, it is what it is, deal with it.

    To say I am disappointed with the way things are currently playing out would be the understatement of the year. However, I'm going to trudge a long for a bit to see what happens through the end of the year. If it's more of the same, I'll likely take a break from this game for a while because i am getting completely burned out running a gazillion of the same zones and frustrated by my inability to have anything meaningful to show for that effort. I am not having much fun, the only that is keeping me in this thing is loyalty to the game and a stubborn streak that will not let me quit until I know i have done everything i can to achieve my goals within the game.

    Hopefully, my experience will change. But if not, well, there are other options for my money. Won't be any hard feelings if it doesn't work out, but spending money on something that is not achieving the goal I have for the experience is irrational.
  14. Rondo9 Active Member

    This!!!! I saw a healer with one and when I asked what spells it was reset they couldn't even answer me had no clue what I was talking about. Personally I think raid names should have a chance of dropping ethereals ( and at a higher rate) I dont see why the most powerful weapons in game cannot be obtained by ppl that only raid,
  15. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    The rarity of the items preclude any chance of this being a good promotion for customer retention or acquisition in the long term. If anything its more likely to push them away.

    Obviously, as everyone has freely admitted, it had spiked grouping significantly. Unfortunately as many have also stated they won't be keeping this up at all because it has gotten them exactly nothing.

    It got EQ2 a quick spike but additional weeks or waves will not revitalize it because people already know the drop rate is abysmal. The beginning of the next wave won't see anything close to this one, the only people trying will be those hoping maybe they 'stealth' increased the drop rate. I was falling over groups left and right Friday, yesterday I spent about 45 minutes with 2 other people trying to find more for the group while debating if we should try to trio an easier heroic with a pally and healer mercs.

    Usually when devs don't respond its because their best defense amounts to little more than 'because I said so' and most people don't respect decisions that can't be properly defended unless they drank the kool-aid. They also might not agree with it at all and their hands are tied by company loyalty/employment kind of like the 'if you can't say anything nice..' rule.
    Wintir and Crychtonn like this.
  16. Gillymann Abusive Relationships Aren't Healthy. J S.

    EQ2 has done a lot of really good things over the years. I mean, tons of things they have done have been great.

    IMO, If there is a weakness in the system, it has been an over reliance on internet hype with no real substantive investments marketing infrastructure. And by this, i don't necessarily mean advertising. I mean listening and hearing capabilities along with a philosophy of marketing to **individual** experience.

    I believe in any organization, it's easy to confuse the needs and wants of the organization against the needs and wants of its customers. This is usually a very damaging error.
  17. Wards Member

    just to let u know what i got told
    proc of healer weapon resets whole spellbook, if intended or not ... dunno
    description says 3. times a minute and it does 2 times ...

    im mean get 4 shammies with that weapon and ...
  18. Wards Member

    on ab
    were 3 for sale on broker 300k-800kplat
    scout weapon still is i guess
  19. Rondo9 Active Member

    It doesnt reset death save though so its not the whole book.
  20. Breta Well-Known Member

    that's seriously gamebreaking
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