Changes to XP.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Lare, Nov 20, 2014.

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  1. Blambil Active Member

    Thank you SOE for making the first change in the right direction to the DM's.

    As I said in other threads, exploiting the DM level-scaling mechanics to allow up to 300 (in some cases) mobs to beat on you at once, and get exp 100x faster than progressing through zones is NOT what SOE intended, especially for their newest content, and the brutal truth is that it harms the rest of us too.

    Now if you'll just put the exp back to previous values for any level <95, we'll be in (almost) complete agreement on solving this problem... (I still think DM's should be level capped at 89, but that's just me)
    Gaealiege likes this.
  2. Phee Active Member

    I dont really mind DM..or the nerf really... but 97% nerf seems a bit overboard and now there is literally NOWHERE to get to 100 unless you quest and even that wont get you to 100..but i will not be forced to do something i do not want to do.. like grind quest.. this will NOT happen. ill grind DM for 3xp per kill before i will be forced into questing for xp.

    at least put in reasonable xp into the contested zones..the new ones especially, sure its hard to find a group unless youre in a guild with people.. but atleast its something.. i dont want to spend 2 weeks leveling from 95-100.. if i had my way i would just instant make myself 100... and no i will NOT be paying SC to do that.. lol so much greed, now so much nerf.. you cant have it both ways SoE.. pick one and keep some of your dwindling player base while its still here.
    Feldon likes this.
  3. Juraviel Active Member

    The only problem I have with these changes is that SOE seem to change their minds over and over again. Over the years it's been a roller coaster with the XP, the stats, procs and so on. I just wish they would have some sort of consistency and stop changing their minds on things.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  4. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Spoken like a true power leveler.
  5. Qixil Active Member

    I don't think it was just 95+. On my 91 SK, I got 1% for clearing an entire dungeon solo, which took me about 30 minutes to clear LOL.
  6. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Surely that's a bug. If it's not a bug, what exactly is the point of DM? I'd ticket it anyway.

    DM could of been so good but how it is now it's totally useless. No loot, no shinies, no xp. Well done SoE, well done.
    Naramsin and Cuelaen like this.
  7. Iren Active Member

    Soemod1 pls can you add links to these supposed main threads when you close others please

    Ok firstly please can you increase xp from mobs in overland zones again 95-100 is worse than the old hell lvls 70-80
    There isn't enough content in this expac for a solo player to get max lvl on a main plus alts by doing quests
    Regarding dm pling yes it was ott but did it need hit as hard as that ? Maybe cut it by 60% woulda done
    As it stands I paid real money for dungeon maker and it's useless no loot and no xp
    Again pls rethink the nerfs to xp you've made

    What difference does it make if people do the sig quest at 100 they're paying for it
  8. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    Like I said in the other thread, this change benefits no one. Not one single person. OK, I lied - the only people this really benefits are those who will charge others exorbitant amounts of plat to lock down the new contested zones. I already have multiple 100s, but I can't support a change that overall has a negative effect on the population. We're not boasting WoW level subs here, anything that causes someone to say "you know what...screw this" has an impact. Considering how often I see people posting server merge threads, you'd think the community would be pretty strongly against something that makes it more tedious to participate in end-game content. The net result of this change is that there will be less level 100 alts floating around, and in a couple months time, new folks will hit 95 and suddenly hit a brick wall. And what's the deal with deleting responses for not being "constructive feedback" - this is is a "General Discussion" forum last time I checked.

    Anyway, the change is already in and I doubt very much it will be reversed. Pretty much just have to deal and move on.
    Aurellie, Feldon, Naramsin and 2 others like this.
  9. Proxymis New Member

    I have not posted on the forums though I have been an all access member on multiple accounts since launch. For me it feels necessary to do so now as I may not be willing to play much longer and would like my voice heard before I go. I strongly feel SOE is moving in the wrong direction on this one. I don't really think they have placed themselves in the shoes of the large volume of players stranded on lonely servers without the resources to make things "fun". They have refused to offer server transfers in the hopes of bleeding a few more dollars out of those players stranded on dead servers who are unable to group for experience. I can't stand long quests and I have about 20 toons that I will have to level in a style that I don't enjoy. The solo experience is dreadfully slow, and now they have taken away the only viable way for many people to achieve THEIR (the player, the individual paying the bills) goal of reaching 100 before they turn to dust. Obviously not everyone will agree with this. I don't think that it matters that some people dislike the ability to level in the DM's, as the ability to level at an accelerated pace is NOT detracting from the game that they choose to play. Anyone who does not like the DM's can simply choose not to use them. This move is purely a misguided financial decision on the part of SOE. I have no control over how they choose to make us go forward in this game, I can only vote with my dollars (which I have worked very hard to earn) and have to decide whether to continue paying a monthly bill for a game in which I am no longer allowed to enjoy doing what I have in the past.
    Cuelaen, Charlice, Bekkr and 2 others like this.
  10. Ezoo Member

    You ought to give your customers the LIBERTY to PL if they choose.
    I have a friend who enjoys the journey over and over, so he will not PL.
    As for me, I do not enjoy the journey repeatedly.
    I suggest you don't make my friend PL, and don't make me repeat the
    journey over and over by taking away my PL options.

    -- a disappointed paying customer.
    Alenna and Naramsin like this.
  11. Trasor Active Member

    This is brutal...
  12. Trasor Active Member

    On a PvP server, got no one to group with, quest-line is taking way too long
  13. Veeman Active Member

    I think I'm going to go the way of the "Bug" report. When my tank can't find a quest mob as quickly as some scout can, I'm going to "Bug" report it. If I get beat down on a mage when my tank can take the damage... "Bug" it!
    Can't find that sprout because your toon isn't a 95 crafter?.. "Bug" it.
    Can't beat the last mob in the Castle with all your toons? .. "Bug" it.
    Can't get to 99 after completing the Sig Quest? ... "Bug" it
    You get the hint. Someone is going to be forced to see the Bug report.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  14. Mountbatten Well-Known Member

    Except you are one of the best players in the game, in a top guild, who can pretty much at a whim assemble a group of similarly skilled and geared people to completely dominate a zone. Of course this change doesn't bother you. It doesn't really bother me either - doesn't mean I support it.
    Dulcenia, CoLD MeTaL, Feldon and 2 others like this.
  15. Cuelaen Well-Known Member

    So my question is this-what exactly is the point of DM's now? Aren't they basically just large player houses , with "furniture" that can kill you? As Charlice said-No exp, no loot, no coin(other than the dm tokens, which can be used to buy the same old stale stuff you could buy with sc)-no reward whatsoever-why even bother having the feature?
    Kraeref, Tylia, Feldon and 1 other person like this.
  16. Regolas Well-Known Member

    Well, I assume as xp is still normal at level 95 (?) ie you can get normal xp at level 95 and it only sucks at 96+?

    If it is, you can do 1 DM run at 95 for 2+ million xp and get more or less to 97. Then the solo questlines might actually get you to 100!
  17. Deepsleep New Member

    For many folks the game is at 100 and gearing up multiple alts. Slowing people down and directing them into the same-same content to get there is boring in the same vein people try to justify the nerf to all other areas. People are going to do the new content, especially at the top. And honestly, overland and quest xp isn't great in the new expansion as it hasn't been for the last few, and the expansion could use alot more content than what's there. It's really the same tread mill each expansion, raise the level cap, make you get new currencies and rep, ugh.
  18. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Doesn't look like it. Unless the below is a bug.

  19. Gromz Member

    I got 440k (worth 3 AA's) at 94 with 100% to AA with a 100% exp potion running. That's what i was getting last night, but keeping in mind i was only doing, apparently, the "crappy" dungeons :(.
  20. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    As much as I was in favour of some kind of nerf to the DM experience, this nerf seems fairly drastic and poorly thought out. People whining about SOE lining their pockets, etc... are being overly dramatic. It still takes a few days with minimal XP pots (that are in almost every /claim reward we have) to hit 100. No one is making any coin on that.

    Anyway, the nerf seems to have gone way too far in the right direction. A couple orders of magnitude reduction in XP gain is a little extreme, imo.
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