GM Spells - Bugs

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Niami DenMother, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    that's; all but a handful of spells that will be "Ancient"
    all spells can be grandmastered
  2. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Approximately one dozen spells TOTAL will not be available as Grandmaster.
    ONLY 5-6 spells will be available PER CLASS as Ancient.

    Yes,I will post a FAQ. ;)
    Avahlynn, Ketu, Finora and 3 others like this.
  3. Canth Active Member

    I tried this in Antonica and still got the same result today.

    I also looked at Grandmaster spells and all 90-95 spells that have a craftable Expert, have a craftable GM in the archetype recipe volume X, except Conjuror.

    I really, really hope the migration to live server doesn't come from the current test build that we're working from today.
  4. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Well it wasn't my class then (warden) :p
    But the conjuror spells are really missing from book X.
    After checking, I see 3 spells for conjurors in the book: Vampire Bats VI Grandmaster (91)#, Aery Hunter VI Grandmaster (93) and Fiery Magician VII Grandmaster (95).
    Yet I see in Mage Grandmaster Recipes Volume X: #note the vampire bats is summoner and both necro and conj get it

    3 Conjuror Spells
    16 Necromancer spells
    14 Coercer Spells
    15 Illusionist Spells
    16 Warlock Spells
    17 Wizard Spells

    So is that the 1 dozen total? Most of the conjuror spells?:eek: I am sure its a bug.
  5. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    Okay, after checking some more i found even more "bugginess"

    Mage Grandmasters Volume IX 80-89 spells

    Necromancer: 29 spells
    Coercer: 26 spells
    Illusionist: 27 spells
    Warlock: 31 spells
    Wizard: 30 spells
    last and apparently least...
    Conjuror: 9 (nine) spells
  6. Twisty Well-Known Member

    lets try a week later
    >> so is it still Blackstar & Bubinga for spells?
  7. Canth Active Member

    Banyan root for Mage
    Bubinga lumber for Priest
    Metallic reptile hide for Scout
    Tungsten ore for Fighter

    Conjy has 3 90-95 spells today
  8. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

    Last night I decided to restart the tier-by-tier test, not only to be sure the right spellshards/foundations were in the right tiers, but to get a feel for harvest ratios on it. I'm now throwing in the towel, as I'm going to guess I'd need wayyy too many hours still before I could get sufficient info from the various tiers. It looks like, after a few tiers, the rarity gets nastier and nastier ... either that, or Bristlebane is having a good laugh. The data isn't complete, but here's what I have, and I am still cringing over the T10 results.

    I wanted "at least a couple" GM spell component harvests from each tier, because there isn't much that a single datapoint will show you. I gave that up in T6 after the second hour. (T10 was done the night before, until I decided to start with the easiest tier first when I resumed today)

    615 modified harvesting skill (475 base skill plus pack unicorn, overclocked harvesting tools, solstice earring and harvesting cloak), 6% rare harvest chance from AAs

    T1: 30 minutes spent
    26 rares before the first foundation
    650+ commons, 59 rares, 2 foundations, 1 spellshard

    Tier 2: 30 minutes spent
    14 rares before the first spellshard
    1038 commons, 43 rares, 2 spellshards, 1 foundation

    Tier 3: 30 minutes spent
    First foundation after first rare
    1046 commons, 24 rares, 4 foundations

    Tier 4: 35 minutes spent
    21 rares before first spellshard
    1209 commons, 43 rares, 1 spellshard, 1 foundation

    Tier 5: 35 minutes spent
    8 rares before the first foundation
    1301 commons, 38 rares, 1 spellshard, 1 foundation

    Tier 6: 2 hours spent
    (40 minutes and 26 rares for the first spellshard, gave up on hour 2 with no second shard/foundation)
    2687 commons, 80 rares, 1 spellshard

    Tier 10, 4 hours spent
    4000+ common harvests
    79 normal rares + 5 etherwood lumber, ZERO spellshards/foundations yet
    Avahlynn, Cisteros, Veysha and 2 others like this.
  9. LordTiras Well-Known Member

    Those harvest numbers are terrible. :O If they don't raise them, I can see those being priced beyond any reason (assuming they are tradeable on live).
    Loredena likes this.
  10. Cisteros Active Member

    So what?
    Look at it as an opportunity to make a metric ton of plat instead of whining about how it will cost an arm and a leg. Be a seller not a buyer. If anything folks who play a craft-centric playstyle will actually have a small advantage over all the evil price gouging adventurers in that they will have assembled all the items that can be purchased to give harvesting perks that many strictly adventure toons will be lacking
    duckster and Deveryn like this.
  11. Chikkin Well-Known Member

    trivial zones are much better than higher ones, had a decent run even through T6 ( Sinking) 3 GM rares in 20 minutes. Trying T7 now. Adding elixir of mara, crafter's earring and deckhand labor boots to up my skills
  12. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    To once again echo what Kander has said about Grandmaster Spells, it's supposed to be a process to get these made. I, for one, am happy to see another commodity that could actually be worth something to crafters. We finally have stuff to actually work on again.
  13. LordTiras Well-Known Member

    I plan on doing exactly that, but I also see this promoting a new level of mudflation as those "evil price gouging adventurers" you appear to despise will go grind out that metric ton of plat from dungeons, and put it into circulation by giving it to me when they buy these off me. Making these a little less rare will keep that down to some extent (though it's going to happen no matter what because raiders will want their GMs no matter the price).
  14. Filly67 Well-Known Member

    I wish they had this set up with all expert spells not just GM ones. It just makes so much more sense to me. I apologize in advance if this is the case on beta ( and boy would I be happy ) but I have just been scanning.
  15. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    Feldon, Karsa, Silzin and 1 other person like this.
  16. Canth Active Member

    There also are still only 2 conjuror spells in the Mage Grandmaster Recipes X book. The conjy spells in that book and Mage Grandmaster Recipes IX have moved in the last day, but haven't been fixed.
  17. Nixer Active Member

    server (Buterhblock), 530 harvesting skills, 5% rare harvest chance, 27% bountiful harvest.

    time spent harvesting T6 60m
    Harvested Commons 2,085 ==> refined to 1,569 LQ slag & 19 HQ slag.
    Rares 48
    Foundations 0

    btw, a minor typo in the first tier grandmaster recipe books. The mage book is listed as level 8 whereas the others are level 9. I stand corrected :)

    Oh, general question on availability of the GM foundation materials ... were they included with the recent live patches?
  18. Caith Developer

    That is not actually a bug, the recipe book displays the level of the highest recipe within it, since none of the level 9 mage spells can be upgraded, the highest recipe in that book is level 8.
  19. Mogrim Well-Known Member

    If this was answered before, my apologies - can one get the ultra rares from fishing nodes? I'd really hope they can.
  20. Finora Well-Known Member

    I did on test. I haven't had time to do serious harvesting since it went live though.