DKP point revolution!

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Nynaeve, May 12, 2013.

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  1. guard Active Member

    out of interest what was your old guild
    Neiloch and Wirewhisker like this.
  2. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Not all guilds use DKP, and forcing every guild to do so is a terrible idea.
    Athenia, Alarra, Seiffil and 6 others like this.
  3. Elostirion Well-Known Member

    Every guild's DKP system is different. If Sony tried to one-size a DKP system, it would be unused.
  4. Tyndaleon Member

    Amen sister.
    Neiloch and Wirewhisker like this.
  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Every guild I've raid with that uses DKP does it differently. Some award points based on each kill, some based on time the raid lasts and others give a flat amount per raid.
    Some have min bids, some have min incriments, some have max bids.
    Some have 'one per person unless nobody else who wants it can use it' others are pure points based so the person with more points can take everything while other get nothing.
    Some make you specify an alt to bid on before the raid, some don't.
    Some have people bid on the item first, and if nobody wants the item, then the adornment is bid on. Others have people bidding on the item and those on the adornment bid on the item at the same time.

    There are far too many permutations for SoE to ever have any chance of even close to pleasing even half of the people.

    As far as making them 'transferable'... having a cohesive and consistent raid force is important to progression. Letting people jump from one raid to another all the while accumulating points doesn't make sense on any level.

    And, as others have noted, I've raided with guilds that do random 100 with rules about how many items people can get. Not everybody uses DKP,
    Athenia, Seiffil, Finora and 4 others like this.
  6. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Actually, EQ1 has a system that is fair to those that show up, but have terrible luck seeing their loot drop. I could see them doing the same thing here.

  7. Gardon New Member

    As a guild leader my recommendation is to change guilds. I myself wont take a piece of gear for my class until everyone else already has that piece or better and if it goes to an" any alt bid" I will not put a bid in at all.

    The gear does have classes that it would be better for , if folks don't know what the difference is then they need to learn more about their own class' strengths and weaknesses. Until then a raid leader does need to say what classes it is made for so we don't have inq's running around with pieces that should have gone to a mage but it had wis on it so they feel they have the right to wear it.

    The raid apprentices we had folks random 1000 for it if they hadn't gotten one in the past and they had a crafter currently able to use it . We never spend dkp on mounts , runes , apprentices etc... I want folks using dkp on gear not wasting it all on a raid apprentice then complaining when they have no dkp for gear.

    As far as toons coming in getting geared and leaving , you will always have those folks playing. We do have a tier system raider, member , recruit for gear with the only qualification being attendance. With that system in place if recruits are getting geared up quickly that just means as a raid you are progressing nicely and able to kill a lot so raiders already have the pieces anyway, recruits should get the gear over someone elses alt.

    There doesn't need to be a set design for raid gear , as every guild does things a little different , again my suggestion would be to find a guild that you agree with on the rules
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  8. Nynaeve Active Member

    That was not part of my main suggestion anyway. The guild-independant dkp points ist just an addon suggestion, not needed necessarily, and the guild leaders could allow it or not. but they can not mess with who gets loot anymore.

    well, you would have no choice because the right to loot items would be directly controlled by the games DKP LOG, if your class is applicable to bid and you have the points and win, it's yours.

    I think naming and shaming guilds or people is against SOE forum policy, and it really doesn't matter which it was, because essentially most EVERY guild does the same thing.

    right, and that is insane and not needed. I know everybody thinks they're a director, but seriously you aren't.
  9. Nynaeve Active Member

    I formerly was in favor of a token system, but it takes away some of the excitement of bidding on items, so a game-internal DKP LOG would be the way to keep that alive.
    This way it's more exciting to get a rare drop instead of buying it off a merchant with tokens, but keeping the DKP in-game with no way of a raid-leader to mess with loot-rights is the way to go.

    OK, I do not insist in keeping DKP across guilds. I think THIS should be allowed to disable or enable by guild leaders, i.e. you can take your DKP with you when you leave, but the new guild has to approve if you keep it or if you get reset. Some may like it (because they might just get the best tank etc. on the server join them...), some may not (and have to deal with all the aspects of it, like good players joining another guild instead of yours).

    Good players and good guilds will be rewarded by this, so if you don't like it, you might not be a good player after all, and just afraid of the competition.
  10. Nynaeve Active Member

    well, ALL my "horrible" ideas turned out to be huge successes despite the usual old-school flamewar against me.
    1.) make all servers F2P - huge success
    2.) make Obol drop raidwide - success
    3.) SKs and Palys need casting on the move - success
    4.) make DKP+loot rights mandatory managed by game - WILL BE the next success!!! you better believe it!
  11. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Why feel the need to insult those who disagree? There are far too many variations on DKP rules and execution. My guild doesn't do DKP, but I've been in several that have since the days of EQ1, and each and every one was different. You can't boil it down to something that EVERYONE will like, and the dev's aren't stupid enough to mess with loot distribution within a group of players. That will always lay in the hands of the players to decide how loot is assigned.
    Wirewhisker, Seiffil and Neiloch like this.
  12. Mohee Active Member

    If you don't like how your guild does loot, then leave it. This isn't rocket science...
    Find a guild that does things that seem fair to you.

    Raiding is a team effort, and everyone in the team should be looking out for what is best for the team as a whole. Not themselves individually.

    In reply to your troubles with the raid researcher... When our guild was killing Dozekar for the first time, the only people allowed to roll/loot the tradeskill quest item, was those who had been in the guild a long time, are on often, and level 92 crafting. This was to ensure that the person winning the item wasn't going to bail on us. So dedicating the first bunch that dropped to long standing, loyal members that have proven their dedication to the guild, gets first dibs. After 5-6 it became open to anyone with a 92 crafter to roll on it (and yes, we just did /ran 100 for the researcher item and not bids). Most raid guilds have certain rules the way they do about DKP gains, rolling, and looting the way it is to for 1: make things fair, and 2: prevent people from abusing your guild by gearing up and leaving it (ye ol' loot n' scoot).

    Requesting SoE to force a looting system that isn't customizable onto every raider in the game is a very, very bad idea.
    People have very different opinions on the way loot should be handled in raids, and the way DKP should be handled.
    Most importantly, if you dont agree with your guilds loot/dkp policies, LEAVE THE GUILD.

    Point system/looting is just fine the way it is. Your guilds you join is what sounds like the problem...

    On a side note... taking credit and saying F2P, group/raidwide currency, and Crusader casting on the move was your idea, is laughable.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  13. Primaeval Active Member

    Let me get this straight, you're tired of "directors" forcing their DKP rules upon you, but instead, you want to force your DKP preference on everyone else? Interesting.

    Look, I think an in-game DKP system would be fine and allowing guilds to choose to use it and advertise as such would be fine, but forcing a single system on every guild. raid alliance and the like seems... bad.
    Wirewhisker, Athenia, Seiffil and 2 others like this.
  14. Geothe Active Member

    There is no "wisdom" present in any of your thoughts,
    just innane ramblings by someone lashing out against a guild they stick around in while not liking how loot is distributed there.

    News flash.
    Guilds do loot in a wide variety of ways, and 99% of the members of those guilds like how loot is done by their guild.

    Trying to force your moronic thoughts on how loot should be done (and, it is truely moronic) upon the entire player base is laughable, to say the least.
    Wirewhisker, Seiffil and Neiloch like this.
  15. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    If you think those ideas were solely yours or even first to bring them up and propose them you live in a fantastical dreamland.
    DCUO uses a similar system. They have token rewards that are the same for ALL PvE content though. So in theory you could run group, duo or solo content to buy duo, group and raid equipment. Running group content for raid gear is EXTREMELY inefficient though, but possible.

    The proposed system is basically a token system but instead of just buying it off a vendor you use said tokens (DKP) to bid against fellow players. So its an awesome idea to make a token system worse. You might be able to do something like this for PUGs, but for pre-made groups and raids? Nuh-uh. No way. Taking away loot distribution rights and methods for player made communities could be one of the worst ideas in MMO history.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  16. Nynaeve Active Member

    it is not in the hand of the players now - but it will be with my system.
    "every guild does it different" - yes, and that is BAD, if you would leave human development to guilds we wouldn't even have invented the wheel yet.
  17. Neiloch Well-Known Member

    It isn't? Odd that guilds have different systems then. Were they randomly assigned by the game or devs? Or did leadership (PLAYERS) design and implement them?
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  18. Nynaeve Active Member

    guilds are essentially following communism right now - an oligarchy decides who gets what. Communisms always fails, my suggestion implements a Constitutional Republic and Free Market for Raid Loot vs a 5-year plan.
    It's the way to go. It's not "fair", it is essential for everybody's freedom.

    Don't worry, you can still decide who furnishes the guildhall, and who comes along in a raid.
  19. AricaJade Member

    so you got screwed out of loot with your old guild & you're trying to screw well-established guilds that have worked well the ways they have been operating for it! just sounds like a petty way to get revenge to me.
    Wirewhisker, Kuulei, Athenia and 3 others like this.
  20. Veeman Active Member

    No, the right to loot would still be controlled by the guild leader. No matter what was put in the game, you loot something you were not given the ok to loot and that would be your last piece of loot from that guild. You would be immediately looking for a new raid guild after getting kicked from our guild. Any kind of system that overwrites the guilds ability to control it's own looting rights is a deal buster for just about everyone I know. I'm am not going to let a ME ME ME person to get gear off the back of hard working guildies.

    If they do come up with any kind of system like what you want, I would also want the ability to see how many guilds a potential recruit has been in since starting EQ2. The last thing I would want with a new loot system is a "bouncer".
    Wirewhisker, Seiffil and Neiloch like this.
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