Wiz/Mage DPS Web App

Discussion in 'Casters' started by kizant, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. fransisco Augur

    A couple things I noticed when looking at this today:
    1. The primary weapon options do not include the Group t2 staff - Fathomless staff of warding
    2. (minor) when selected sleeves, it says "scale sleeves" instead of "scaled sleeves"
    3. I was on the mage side, and selected the following:
    a. Spells of servant, spear (acronite), spear (molten), chaotic
    b. selrachs sleeves, advisor guide weapon, no eye augment
    c. activated abilities: force of elements and fire orb
    d. debuffs - malo and tash (only gives option for malo rk3)
    e. auras - mana repetition and twincast
    f. syngergies - beguilers, gift of chromatic haze, conjuruers
    g. dps and focus AA unmodified
    Now if I remove "relevant type 3 augs) my dps increases, and if I put them back on, I lose dps, about 5.4%

    Does this happen for anyone else?
  2. Sancus Augur

    It's because, when you don't have the RS Type 3 aug (-1s recast), the spells cast in a different order that yields higher DPS for the variables/configuration that you've entered.

    Remember that RS is calculated like a DoT might be (meaning it does its damage over time), so RS pets cast towards the end of the default 120s duration don't do all of their damage. By default it has RS doing 420k per cast if they live their full duration, but using your settings (with Type 3 augs), you only get 3.215 million total pet damage. That's almost 1 million less than you would have with 10 RS casts if they had done the entirety of their damage (4.2 million).

    It's also worth noting that the default values for RS are based on the average damage in raids for Remorseless Servant. Pets were in flux so much late in beta and again changed in this past patch, so I really don't have a good new estimate yet. The default setting probably should be higher, but I just don't know a good estimate yet. That said, it's configurable for a reason, so you can increase it for a better estimate on Reckless Servant DPS.
    kizant likes this.
  3. kizant Augur

    All ranks of the new malo have the same 2% to 10% increased spell damage so the version isn't really important. In general, I'm trying to make things easy for myself and not have too many different versions of things.The spell rank drop down was mostly so you could compare different combinations of rank and focus AA to see if new Spear/Ethereal was better than the old one. I haven't really had a 'group' focus in mind for the app just yet.

    I'll add that weapon, it is a pretty interesting one. EQ resource doesn't list any others with the same ice proc and there's only the one raid weapon with a magic proc. I may need to get one of those!
  4. fransisco Augur

    Your awesome Kizant
  5. kizant Augur


    1. Added Fathomless Staff of Warding and some older DPS augs back since fire/cold specific stuff has a use again.
    2. Fixed some typos
  6. ptah Augur

    Ok so post patch drama and changes to FF.. I find myself back on mage a bit more than planned. Fellowship people are not logging in.. and I back to farming TS matz on mage again. Question I have is this.. Within my bind I do Chao RS Spear Spear and Volley.. I do have a bard with me 70% of the time. Active mash of all things pet wise.. should I be moving volley up? post RS.. then I think.. maybe I love RS.. and I'm old.. so old I'm a conj mage.. so should I bypass chao and lead with RS volley spear spear and chao at the end to attempt to proc gifts or twin into RS? This is within Goro content so I'm not killing all that fast.. Group gear.. atm 130k 120k hp and mana buffed.. just grinding my gnoma off.. when I drop merc and self heal with merc dps.. that is bard theory in me that bards mod merc more than any class.. its like merc 1.5 heh. they still suck.. but try hard.

    So within app is Data clear enough to show the ideal situation of what and whens.. or am I so outdated and old.. Part of me is saying I should switch to Evo.. but I just don't.. Conj for life.. and I do pet rune/Heal.. and I forget about merc.. and return at times to pure solo.. fun factor is high.. kill rates are lil lower.. and risk is bah.. so 2002.

    Have a nice day.
    Now seconday bard vs shaman.. I like both.. have access to either one of them as a box option. Bard wins out most of the time.. but modern shaman tools look so so so good.. if I can get others I do. But often I'm lone wolfing it up.. content is HS Goro etc..

    Tx for imput.
  7. Brohg Augur

    ~of Many should be kept on the spellbar for proccing the buff, but it's only a good nuke while Host of Elements is out fighting.

    Especially as you're out on your own, you should check out whether your bind should include Rain spells @ 3 hits at those times Heart of Flames isn't on.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  8. kizant Augur

    FYI - creating wizard links is broken atm. The URL has gotten too long for the google API to shorten. I'll see if I can cut some of the ID lengths to get around it for the time being. Until I can switch to my own or come up with something a little different. Old links should probably work for now though.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  9. IblisTheMage Augur

    Bard as you know can have 5 pets up 2/3 of the time, you can have 4, pushing Of Many just one pet short of being a nice fast nuke. So unless you can do something more, it is placed well at the end, I would say, as long as you can keep theft of essence up on swarm pets. I do RS -> many -> Chaotic -> spear, but in my group we usually have a lot more pets, easily 15. Our shaman some how produces _a_lot_, 2 mages, enchanter animationand doppleganger, wizard sword, bard lyricist.... mana can be an issue, which is also part of the motivation for that sequence.

    I came back maybe 3 years ago, stíll conj :at the time, did the shift -). I wpuld say you should go evo, if not for anything else, then for the mental excersice of moving into modern magedom :-D.
  10. fransisco Augur

    If you don't have alot of pets up at all times, what mage rotation do you recommend in a group then?
  11. Brohg Augur

    Relentless-Chaotic-Spear-Spear while Heart is on or AEs are undesirable. Mix in Rains for efficiency while discs aren't running
  12. fransisco Augur

    Wouldn't the 110 spear be better after chaotic? Otherwise the synergy is always effecting the smallest nuke in the lineup
  13. Brohg Augur

    Yes sorry, posted from work like a noober. Important point to me is that Chaotic should be in high rotation, some magicians don't grok how good it is, procing twins and resetting Servant & Gather.
  14. Sancus Augur

    Chaotic -> Reckless -> Spear -> Spear should achieve both purposes. It weaves in the order Chaotic -> Reckless -> Spear -> Chaotic -> Spear and repeats. I suppose an argument can be made that RS should get cast more often because it performs very well in group content, but that was the rotation I used in EoK and it's worked fairly well thus far in RoS.

    Rains are definitely also viable. If you're only hitting one mob you won't see that large an increase from a standard weave, although it will help a lot with mana. With 2+ mobs, rains start pulling ahead significantly outside of First Spire/Heart of Flames. That said, managing aggro tanking 2+ mobs with a pet is somewhat precarious, and if you do pull aggro you lose a lot of time. In groups or with a tank, though, you should be fighting multiples and rains should perform very well outside of Heart/First.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  15. kizant Augur

    I just changed a bunch of IDs to get the URLs shorter for the web app's link thing. So, all the old URLs are going to be broken. If anyone was using it you'll have to make new ones sorry. I'm hoping this works good enough so I don't have to do a more serious fix involving me providing a back-end to the app.
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  16. IblisTheMage Augur

    I realize that it may be quite arbitrary approach that I have:

    I set combat duration to 18 sec (assuming trash), in which case RS - Many - Chaotic - Spear breaks even-ish with Chaotic -> Reckless -> Spear -> Spear with as few as 6 pets (sorry, cannot link to Kizant simulator, I am on an ipad). Aslo, I get 2 RS casts instead of one, 5 nukes in both cases. I am looking at total damage done.

    In the 120 frame, w. 6 pets, total dam is very similar, w. 1 more RS, and 2 more nukes.

    Is there something faulty in my thinking here?

    6 pets is not a lot in a group setting...
  17. Sancus Augur

    No I agree - of Many becomes viable with 6+ pets. I think the number of scenarios in which there are not at least 6 pets on every mob is fairly high though, depending on how and with whom you play.

    If you play with a consistent group, especially a group close to 6 players, it's very easy to make sure people are using their various swarm pets, swapping them to new mobs, etc. At that point, you're likely going to see 6+ pets consistently unless you're doing something fairly niche, in which case you'd use different spell sets anyways.

    If you're often grouped with random people or a random assortment of classes, or if you play with less than a full group, consistently getting 6+ pets can be more difficult. A lot of people don't use their swarm pets because, for most classes, they're pretty terrible by themselves. And those who do often don't prioritize swapping them to new targets because, again, they contribute very little, making doing so a low priority. You could direct them to use and swap their swarm pets, but at least in my experience you'll see mixed success with that in a random group.

    There are also plenty classes that can't consistently generate a large number of pets, so if you're only grouped with a couple other people it's entirely possible that they won't be of much help.

    Finally, at a basic level, you need the pets fighting (or at least on the hatelist of), the particular mob you're fighting. Ideally, unless it was an AE group or something (which is a completely different situation), people will follow assist, but again that is dependent on the players in your group.

    So, ideally, yes you can keep using of Many and rely on your group members to keep 6+ pets on the mob. That said, when looking at reality, I hesitate to assume that that's actually the case. That's why I generally suggest Chaotic -> Reckless -> Spear -> Spear, since it's a safe bet and can consistently put out very high damage independent of the particular situation for the most part. It's still competitive until you get to 10 pets, although it will definitely use more mana. If you can swing it I'd definitely swap to Reckless -> Volley -> Chaotic -> Spear, it just does put you at the mercy of the rest of your group so YMMV.
    Brohg and IblisTheMage like this.
  18. IblisTheMage Augur


    Thanks for explanation.

    When I solo-box, ench (1 + Doppleganger on refresh), brd (2/3 time x 5 lyricist). Wizard (cast sword on pull) plus mage (pet, rs, host on refresh), should on average keep me well over the 6 pet limit, when I duo-box (buddy), it is +1 mage, and he mains his shaman, and procs/casts pets like crazy to support Many. We broke 740dps the other day on 5 105 toons + 1 106, which for us filthy casuals is a win :). Wiz is brand new, so we will get there.

    Point besides geeking out is that our play style is very focused on generating swarm pets, to support Many, for dps reasons, for mana, and because it ks fun to see a horde of pets engulf the mob :). Gooooo petses! Errhh, ehm, nm.
    Sancus likes this.
  19. Brohg Augur

    See what you really need to do is figure out what mechanism bugged the Embodiment of Air spell when I dinged 106. Until I zoned, I was able to chain summon real pets without ever popping up a pet window. Couldn't heal them or buff them so they died lots - could barely get a spell in edgewise - but for an evening I had 50 or so at once, grouped with a bard...

    /pet attack...
    ' Droccus the Malformed in 21s, 8590k @409064 |
    #1 Ninink (Ninin) 6611k@(413183 in 16s)
    #4 Ninin 413k@(27534 in 15s)
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  20. kizant Augur

    Update: Finally got around to cleaning up the Copy Link UI a bit. Now you can see the URL and copy it with the mouse or click the copy button. And you'll know when it actually finishes plus I don't have to do a workaround for clipboard security. So, it's just better in a bunch of ways hopefully.
    IblisTheMage and Brohg like this.