Will there be T3 and 4 this expansion?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by d0p3y, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Vouivre Augur

    Ask group only players what they want.
    Mellifleur likes this.
  2. Nenton Augur

    Content that's sufficiently hard which takes gear progression to surmount. I think the current incarnation of VoA fits that bill after merc healers were fixed and a lot of the named effects were toned down some from the state it launched in. I initially struggled mightily in T3 VoA directly out of T4 HoT but after gearing up (and the aforementioned changes), T4 VoA was very doable.

    Compare that to RoF T2 where it was completely steamrollable right out the gate in VoA T4 gear. Except for getting my rogue his new weapons and targeting important focus slots for other chars, I have had no pressing desire to fully gear up. If T3 comes [soon], fine, I'll move on to that but I'm not wasting my time gearing for no reason right now.

    I feel like the delayed content concept would work a lot better if they actually disclosed it. I'm rapidly reaching the point of not caring and moving on if they aren't going to confirm or deny any of these speculations about if it's actually going to be included in the RoF expansion. Same as the AA's and spells. The whole thing reeks of an impending cash grab.
  3. CaptAmazing Augur

    What do we expect the mobs be like in the new tiers? How much harder are they going to hit? How many levels higher will they be? What's the gear going to be like?
  4. Noirfu Augur

    The trash mobs can't really be higher level than 103 because CC spells would no longer work. They have to be reasonably beatable in T2 ROF geared chars which have nearly the same stats as VOA T4-geared chars. Given what we've seen so far, I expect another meaningless few percent bump in overall stats. Except for key spell focus, group players can pretty much skip this expansion from a gearing standpoint and just get spells and AAs.
  5. Axxius Augur

    Currently in T2 zones you can meet a mix of blue, white and yellow con trash (which in itself is a clue that they are not endgame zones). Obviously in the new tier(s) everything will be yellow con (lv 101-103) with maybe a few white cons here and there.

    Currently the hardest hitting trash (that I saw) is in Xorbb - some minotaurs hitting for 15-18k a swing (on a silky class). While in other T2 zones the top hit seems to be 13k. Expect everything in T3 to be hitting as hard as Xorbb minotaurs.

    Named mobs in Xorbb are also noticeably harder hitters than in the rest of T2 zones. T3 ones should be even harder and should definitely require a tank (i.e. a wizard, even a raid geared one, should not be able to tank them with merc healing).

    Well, we won't see how it ends up getting tuned until March. But the above is not unrealistic to expect, IMO.
  6. Amor Augur

    The game is easier now. What makes your subscription more important than the other person? Same can be said in reverse. Screw the bad players. It goes both way Leerah.

    Pirlo likes this.
  7. Mellifleur Augur

    Amo your my bud, but your wrong here.

    A Group player is not a bad player. Nizzi in ES beats alot of Necros I have met in my travels, under the bridge and back again. Probably one of the more skilled players overall I have known.

    How much raiding a person does, does not signify their skill.

    PS: We're Back !
    Sinestra likes this.
  8. Falos Augur

    would be hilarious if the the upcoming content raises the level cap to 105 (i doubt it will but that wwould make me lol so hard.
    Mellifleur likes this.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'd welcome level 105 now with open arms, I have normal exp coming out my ears... AA exp on the other hand is a little harder to find. Normally I hate level increases but quest rewards are now so bias towards normal exp that it is wasted not having more levels.
  10. Mellifleur Augur

    Just random killing I am getting nearly 40% AA a kill in T2 zones, doing that old thing that players used to do a long time ago.... what was it called...

    Ah, yes.... Grouping..
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Try grouping doing missions your normally exp will be way more than AA exp.
  12. Mellifleur Augur

    I am Max Normal and AA, and I have zero complaints about the XP in this expansion. I find it odd others are upset about the Experience as I think it is way too easy to get experience in RoF.
  13. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    It is way too easy that is the issue....hence the wish for level 105 :p
    Mellifleur likes this.
  14. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Even getting 5 aa plus a night on raid trash$$
    BlankStare_001 and Pirlo like this.
  15. Ronak Augur

    Hopefully tuning is a lot more consistent in t3/t4 than it was in t1/t2. The only event that really felt properly tuned was Xorbb 3. I realize it was a big huge rush to get RoF out the door, and as a result tuning suffered a great deal. Here's hoping the schedule for T3/T4 allows for proper tuning prior to release.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I just hope it hurrys up and gets here, I'm running out of slayer achievements ! Less than 2 months in and I'm bored......
  17. FcsevenXIII Augur

    Shame on us caged mice not following the maze.
  18. Falos Augur

    I recall beating a named mob in xorbb with 2 cleric mercs, and 1 level 96 ranger and 1 level 96 mage. Xorbb intended to be played at level 85?
  19. 7thNecro Elder

    The first weeks it was open, there seemed to be over 100 people in shar's landing at any given time on Tunare, I don't think it was under used at all, the T2 zones were a bit slower to pick up but had quite a few people there after a few days when people started getting all the portals and such. It wasn't unusual to have 6-7 groups jsut in the forsaken village area, and it was pretty difficult to find a spot anywhere in the zone without a group right on top of you. That's all fine, and really expected on the release but I definatly don't see it as "none of you play in it right away".

    As to wether or not T3/4, I do see it moving that way, but still hoping it is included in the RoF package, but honestly if its paid, I would end up buying it eventually in order to keep up, in the sense of having all the content available for progressions.
  20. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Or if you designed the content to be played the way we do things we might find it a bit more challenging and interesting.

    That argument cuts both ways, Elidroth.
    Axxius likes this.